Why haven't you bought a Stadia yet user?

Why haven't you bought a Stadia yet user?


Attached: Iroha.png (1020x570, 1002.46K)

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old thread
good content

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I refuse to pay fagdia but Iroha is so fucking cute

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I've been wanting to pick up SamSho for a while now, I'm a fighting game scrub. I like the de-emphasis on combos. This character has also pushed me to get it. Is it a good time to get into it? Or are we too far into it's life cycle?

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Because I have this game on PS4

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what does it say

The game isn't that popular, the few times I did go online I did pretty well and I am by no means good at fighters, so you're probably safe to give it a shot.

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that's a like, not a retweet, so it's just the user's bio

nigga it's never to late to start anything, samsho is as fresh as ever, iroha just launched

samsho is amazing because it rewards positioning above all else instead of autistic combo grinding and, if you ask me, there is nothing quite as satisfying as dancing with an equal opponent only to delete 80% of their healthbar

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>Epic shill still at it
I am not fucking installing Chinese spyware, chink

you are the first to talk about epic in the whole thread

Attached: cute crane hop.webm (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Switch Chinese spyware to Google Spyware and my point stands. Now stop being a pedantic twat and fuck off

How come her leg doesn't get tired

I'm getting switch next week and I'll get it there, shes so fucking hot

Crane Magic... 'Nuff Said...

still, What kind of spirit category would Iroha fall? Yuurei? Yokai? mutated birb from ancient japan nuclear sewage?

pretty sure OP was joking since the game is on everything and looks amazing on switch even

It's not on Steam

I still don't get what's the big deal about this, steam is just a shop like epic meme launcher, unless you are autistic enough to have built MUCH CHEEVOS and other useless community garbage over the years, ultimately you are playing the same game, isn't playing the entire point? who cares what boots up before the game? you are not changing system or anything

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idk man

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Epic directly reports all user data including credit card and other payment information to the chinese government, Tencent (who owns Epic) is required to do so.

Damn, these guys are based

>released early on Switch
>but only on EU and Oceania
Damn I could be playing Iroha right now. Oh well, a week more won't hurt

Her tits look like they're bolted on.
They unironically need more jiggle

she excercises a lot

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as someone with man tits, I'd say her jiggle is pretty spot on with the form they have

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Screw the tits, do you not see that ass? Magnificent...

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Molest crane

>SNK: they asked us to make shamsho exclusive to a specific platform on PC, we declined because we have faith in our product!
>also SNK: shamsho will release on stadia before PC lol
>also also SNK: shamsho will be Epic Games Exclusive please understand

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This seems like an extremely impractical way to kick.

again... Crane Magic.


She still talks to (You)

I love Iroha

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they needed a way to show off her ass so its fine

it's a crane user