Modern western games just shove political shit in your face...

>modern western games just shove political shit in your face, telling you who is wrong and who is right without any reasoning
>older games and eastern games don't do this shit

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>Satire game says it has some politics
>The entire game is just politics

It's social politics that's the issue. Nobody gives a fuck about you as a person.
Nobody gives a fuck about what gender, Sex, what you want to fuck, or what skin color you have.
But questioning shit like hedonism and the communist part is fine because it doesn't effect you as a person. Ideals are fine. Individuals are not.

what is Disco Elysium, Alex

What does a mustache man with sunglasses have to do with politics?

I only played this game once and it was a while ago. I remember liking the story a lot but I didn't get why Hitler was there, and I still have no idea why Hitler is there. Can an autist explain the meaning of this or were they just being edgy?


>goes on to complain about genital sliders in Cyberpunk 2077

Disco Elysium actually wasn't bad. As a commie-hating libertarian I enjoyed it greatly, but its criticisms of right-wing ideologies were pretty shallow and just boiled down to "racism bad" while they went in-depth on how shitty communism can be.

Fuhrer? Fuhrer who? Who is this man?

i dont remember well but it was part of the rumor mechanic, were rumors would turn real and one of those rumors was that hitler was hidding in antartica ir something

That's because the devs are ancom faggots and don't really know anything about the right wing.

Meme magic.
No seriously. Persona 2 is all about spreading rumors and them coming true, so someone came up with the rumor of Hitler not dying and secret nazi battalions with the power of the Spear of Destiny.
Of course, that shit becomes real and you have to deal with it.

>racism bad
you could beat the game entirely as a racist and the primary super racist is a huge jacked guy with three women literally begging to be fucked by him

I don't see how you can perceive that as a negative portrayal of race realists

Fuhrer? I barely even know 'er!

Not only that but the buff racist guy is on the "communist" side

But.. but why hitler?

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Nyarlahotep was back on his bullshit

Can't you just fucking deal with it like a normal person? Why the fuck is one fine but not the other? Why does it trigger you? You people bitch a lot about something "nobody gives a fuck about".

Why not? Also he's not actually Adolf Hitler but Nyarlatothep in a disguise.

It's not Hitler, it's Trump. Them's the rules now. Anything to do with Nazis = Trump.

>>older games and eastern games don't do this shit
They don't. Your example doesn't count because that was a situation in which the WESTERN localization team changed it

I remember it's Nyarly being an asshole, but if the point was just to show that rumors could manipulate reality and Nyarly was just fucking around with it, couldn't it have been basically anything extravagant and ridiculous? Why not a fire breathing dragon? Or Alexander the Great?

I just always wondered if there was some theme the game was playing towards, or if they just picked Hitler for fun.

>They don't.
They did and do.

>Persona game with gay romance option and lets you punch nazis is one of the worst selling in the west
Funny that.

Japanese games are full of political shit, it's just that japanese politics are vastly different than western politics.

Becouse hitler itself was sorrounded by a pletora of rumors and heresay, the spear of destiny was a real life rumor i think, there was a book about it, things about him or his cronies involved in black magic and whatever, to this day people still think he lives in argentina and he didn't shot himself in the bunker

It's kinda surreal, I can't imagine someone believing if I told them that in this games where you fight using demonic representations of the character's psyche you fight a spear wielding Hitler who talks about Nyarlathotep

Hitler is cool

>SS dealing in occultism
>Hitler actually seeking out the Lance of Longinus
Third Reich is prime material for supernatural setting.

What about Hitler wielding the spear of destiny is political?

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There is far more wrong with Cyberpunk 2077 than gender sliders. the fact it isn't going to remotely be what was advertised when it was announced is one of the big issues.

>Nobody gives a fuck about what gender, Sex, what you want to fuck, or what skin color you have.
Wrong, I care very deeply whether or not there are fags or trannies in my games, and I often refuse to buy or play games just because of it.

I am. By saying get your social bullshit out of my face because it's non of my fucking business.
Questioning and exploring an ideal is fine. Throwing your personal stance in someones face and saying "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY" is not.