Game is overrated outside of Zig Forums and underrated on Zig Forums

>game is overrated outside of Zig Forums and underrated on Zig Forums

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>game is sneed and feed outside of Zig Forums and fuck and suck on Zig Forums

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>actual Reddit meme

>Calling other people r*ddit
And stay there


many such cases

You first newfag

>associates everything with reddit
You have to go back.

it's fine, but not good or bad

Sneed and kino are reddit now fuck off back to watching jojo


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>brought greater exposure to rpgs
>source of many great memes
>has one of the greatest communities in gaming via modders
>rekindled interest in a great franchise (albeit, at the expense of quality)
>satisfying archery simulator
>gives player freedom to go anywhere they want as soon as the intro is over
>can be used as a rough template by all developers to improve upon game design in their own rpgs
>dragonborn dlc was good
>some of the lore in the game is very subtle and easily missed, but is good when found

>"rpg" - 99.9% of quests offer the same choices: do this thing now or later
>hack 'n' slash combat, extremely low barrier to enter-tier
>magic is the least viable combat option
>npcs have redundant dialogue and are uninteresting to talk to
>npcs do the same thing every day
>npcs are all voiced by the same 5-6 people, very few unique voices/speaking styles
>sometimes you can't tell the difference between what is supposed to be lore and what was cut content
>companions are bland and most of them yield diminishing returns as you continue to level up
>bartering system is incorrigibly bad
>weapons/armor is arbitrary - no unique benefits to using different pieces of equipment, outside of those which are enchanted; anything improved by smithing is technically endgame-viable
>dawnguard and hearthfire were terrible dlcs
>game playtime relies heavily on sending player across the world map in a continuous game of back and forth
>quest rewards are useless/have no meaningful impact on gameplay
>terrible stealth mechanics
>terrible AI mechanics
>arguably the worst speech "system" ever introduced in a game

Ultimately, Skyrim is a mile wide and a foot deep. It wanted to be so much more than what it is but was confined to its present state by an absence of time and the limitations of hardware at its point of release. Its design is both iconic and insultingly stupid. If not for mods, nobody would still be talking about it, and so its community remains its high point.

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Adding on to this, just as a clarification, I personally think Skyrim was met with the level of success it was because of the player realization that, as soon as they left Helgen and exited the cave to the open world, there was freedom. That moment alone alongside a crude character creation menu at the beginning was probably one of the greatest hooks in all of gaming history.
Even in F:NV you are actively deterred to go some places because of the critters roaming the wasteland. Skyrim poses no such barrier and its that accessibility that brought such tremendous appeal alongside the iconic release date Bethesda was fishing for in November of 2011. The game itself also saw, for the first two years, great support from the developer as they continually reworked and attempted to fix what was a mostly broken mess upon its initial release, which to many people meant that Bethesda cared. To others, it put them off and rightly so because shame on Bethesda for being permitted to release something that was incomplete and didn't work properly.
Overall, the title is marred with a storied past but its dedicated community has made it into something far greater than it had any right to be.

>99.9% of quests offer the same choices: do this thing now or later
this and the fact that you're the de facto guild leader for every guild in skyrim upon completing the worthless questlines associated with them was jarringly stupid. if we're ranking the main questlines in order from most tolerable to it's shit, here it is
>main quest
>dark brotherhood
>civil war
>any daedric quest
>thieves guild
>college of winterhold
and i won't even get into why. they are just so bad.

I bought Skyrim four times. Ps3, PC, PC SE, and PS4.

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SE was free on PC, what are you talking about

>SE was free
Was it for a limited time?

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>dark brotherhood above civil war
Only if you count wiping them out

Only if you owned all dlc.

I've never played Oblivion. Should I do it?

it's not like skyrim, if that's what you're really asking.

my only beef with Skyrim is the wasteland that is the open world. even for a 2011 game that shit was empty as fuck without mods

The last of us

I just like WRPGs of all types and genres.

oblivion is good, play it.

>and underrated on Zig Forums
It's not "underrated" at all. It's shit and recognised as such.

>satisfying archery simulator
I don't get why people praise Skyrim's archery. Granted, there are barely any first-person action-RPGs to compare it with, but every one I can think of has better feeling archery (e.g. Dark Messiah).

Do people only praise the archery (which is serviceable at best) because the melee combat and magic is so bad?

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>... melee combat and magic is so bad?

>Adding on to this, just as a clarification, I personally think Skyrim was met with the level of success it was because of the player realization that, as soon as they left Helgen and exited the cave to the open world, there was freedom. That moment alone alongside a crude character creation menu at the beginning was probably one of the greatest hooks in all of gaming history.
Morrowind did that nearly 20 years ago, except better, since you were free to go where you wanted within literally the first minutes of the game, without some terrible drawn out tutorial (seriously, Skyrim's intro sequence is awful).

yes, but skyrim did it with "improved graphics" in the midst of a gaming boom, which is why it is the more successful of the two.