Okay but why? why did he do it?

okay but why? why did he do it?

Attached: purpleguy.png (360x450, 24.54K)

Because it was fun

Something about soul juice to become immortal or some shit.

he wanted to find grape jam for the toast on his chest but in reality he was the jam all along

he gay lol


He loved killing children

He's father was a doctor assassinated by the protagonist in the previous game of the franchise

Wow that's pretty deep

He's australian

Sometimes you just need to mass murder kids

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Eternal auscunt

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He was an incel.

he had 3 kids, doofus

Yes, he was also an incel

"involuntarily celibate"
he voluntarily participated in sex at least 3 times


he loved the younger child in fnaf 4 more than michael, the older child and had child favoritism. michael then grew up without love and became spiteful of his brother and teased him constantly, eventually accidentally ending his life by shoving his head into fredbear's mouth, causing the bite of '83.

at this point william lost his shit and wanted to murder michael but knew he couldn't because he'd get caught, so instead he took his aggression out on the kids.

All three came from a different bull.






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He's actually this guy

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six nights at swanky's

He made robots, and one has tits.

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god thats creepy lookin

being an incel does not preclude having had sex at some point in the past. it's incidental that all the incels on Zig Forums are also virgins.

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Still would.

This, he’s a true blue Australian hero and an absolute mad lad.

that's the point

Purple people are naturally violent and stupid. Its racist I know but its true.

I don't know but he looks like he's having way too much fun doing it.
Look at how stoked he looks, damn.

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