What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

Where is the Didact?
Blue Team is full of Spartan-IIs? Where were they during Halo 1-3?
Why is Cortana the antagonist? If the Domain "cured" her, how come she's still acting like her Rampancy got turned up to eleven? Why and how did her personality change so much?
What was Locke's beef with Chief? He seems to hint at something with Buck but that didn't go anywhere. The commercials made it look like Locke had a personal vendetta against John. If there was no beef, why is Locke so important that we had to play as him for 65% of the game?
What happened to Halsey's arm?

Attached: halo_5.jpg (1000x1000, 101.23K)

>What was Locke’s beef with Chief?
It was retconned in in Halo 2 anniversary edition

>Where were they during Halo 1-3?
Don't know but I do know where they're going after Halo 5.

What was it originally? Why was it retconned and why did they do so in Halo 2 Anniversary?
I assume you mean that they won't be showing up in Halo: Infinite, right?

Would have been pretty cool if the Chief/Locke fight was actually exciting
Chief would have destroyed Locke if it were an actually accurate fight though, Spartan II's are superior to the IV series in every way. It would have been hype if you play the first 3 missions as Locke and then you fight Chief in a boss battle, but then in the cutscene Chief kills Locke and you play rest of game as Chief

>I assume you mean that they won't be showing up in Halo: Infinite, right?

That scene really bothered me. Wouldn't a Spartan-II be way stronger and faster than what they portrayed? I know Spartan-IVs are essentially knockoff versions of the real thing, so there's no way Locke would be able to hold his own against John. Why did they portray that fight the way they did?
You're probably right, unless that fake leak turns out to be true somehow. Stranger things have happened. But then, why introduce all these new characters for one game if you don't have any plans for them in future titles?

They retconned their former strength, I guess.

Fake leak fucks up with Cortana's creation date so it's fake and very stupid, reddit can't make fake leaks worth a shit.

Was it a retcon or did they just not know/forget about the capabilities of Spartan-IIs? Maybe they forgot about the capabilities (or lack thereof) of Spartan-IVs?
I saw the original thread here and laughed at the absurdity of it. But now I'm starting to see some folks online run with it and it's starting to make me think, "What if?"

I'm started to think that 343i hates Master Chief, and they were trying to get Locke to replace him or some weird shit

Glad MS and Bonnie stepped in.

It's been a long time since I saw the John/Locke scene, but it always looked to me like Chief wasn't really trying. The second they actually need to leave, he immediately armor locks Locke (haha).

God I hate the XBox

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Why would they hate them? John's a good guy, he's did nothing wrong. If they wanted to replace him with Locke, why didn't they have the balls to do so? Instead they have the two men partner up against Cortana.

If you ask me, they went for a bait-and-switch tactic with the marketing and the game itself. They probably thought it was super clever when in reality it's rather confounding. I think Locke is cool, at least from a visual standpoint. But I don't think he had enough going for him to warrant player control. I know some people didn't like playing as the Arbiter in Halo 2, but he had a lot more going for him from a character standpoint. Not only that, but seeing things through his eyes gave the player a completely different perspective on the war they were engaged in.

I think Bonnie means well, but I don't understand how she's let 343i mess things up as much as they have these past ten years. Are she and the team really that out of touch? Why work on an IP they don't understand?
Maybe. I always thought of John as a no nonsense guy when it came to combat. He always gave it his all in every confrontation. If he didn't, well, we wouldn't have got past Combat Evolved. I felt he was fighting for real during his scene with Locke, the problem is that 343i didn't portray John's strength and speed appropriately.

Looks like Xbox fans are pushing Sonyfags out.

>Where is the Didact?

Attached: 390px-HE10_Didact_burned.jpg (390x600, 94.81K)

I think as a boss she didn't want to get in their way but when she realized they were fucking up Halo's campaign she had no other choice but to step in. The ones that hated CE-3's campaign all left 343 and Bonnie put people that love those games' campaigns in charge.

>xbox fans
Nah. Microsoft paid Google for more likes.



He died? How? Who killed him? Why wasn't this in any of the games? Halo 4 was a bit hit and miss but I thought the Didact was pretty cool. Sick visual design if nothing else.
That actually speaks to her character really well. Women are more agreeable, meaning Bonnie is a pretty cool boss. A shame her studio took advantage of that.
>The ones that hated CE-3's campaign all left 343
What the fuck? If they hate the groundbreaking trilogy that is Halo 1, 2, and 3, why the fuck would any of those people want to work on Halo 4? Do us all a favor and don't fill out that job application.
>hour long presentation full of game reveals
>not an ounce of gameplay
What were they thinking?

They killed the didact off in a shitty coming because they wanted to turn Halo into the Avengers and Chief's storyline wasn't invited. That's why there's squads of 4 in Halo 5

Why didn't they plan that out from the beginning? Why bother writing a plot for Halo 4 if you're going to sweep it all away for the sequel? Now this "trilogy" is a mess and we haven't even gotten to the third game yet.

Halo 4 was a shot in the dark and was in development immediately after 343 acquired Halo. The specifically went out of their way to hire ex Infinity Ward developers to try and make the next killer app. That failed tremendously, and instead on taking it on the chin they retconned Halo 4 to try and siphon off the Avengers hype.

Honestly halo should just do a new storyline set during the covenant war. The fall of harvest maybe.
IMO they let us know too much. I find a lot of sci fi series have that problem. We shouldnt have been told what the flood origins, especially with how dumb they were. We shouldn’t be fighting forerunner remnants in some convoluted story.
Keep it simple and people will enjoy it. At its heart the originals were about defending humanity against largely mysterious alien threats and by telling us literally everything about them it has become a mess.
They ruined the lore by making it overly complex and stupid

Do you think they tried to pull a Halo 2? Halo 1 is a pretty simple story on its own. Then Halo 2 comes in and introduces all of these new story elements based on the events of the first game. There are a lot of parallels between Halo 2 and Halo 5, but the big difference is that Halo 5 largely ignores Halo 4. They should have had more respect for their own story and built on Halo 4's foundation. Keeping the Didact as the trilogy's antagonist alone would have improved things.

I'm actually a fan of complex lore and stories. But when you fill the audience in too much, you lose the grandiose mystique that makes your story that much more alluring. You're right, many sci fi/fantasy stories have this problem. It's typically what the writer resorts to when they're out of narrative ideas. The lore is only there to provide context for the story. The story shouldn't revolve around the lore.

Well 343 was filled with people that hated halo so its definitely possible.

>Where is the Didact?
Dead in the comics.
>What happened to Halsey's arm?
Shot by Palmer in an assassination attempt in 4's Spartan Ops and it needed to be amputated. Because ONI wants Halsey dead because the person in charge really fucking hates her guts over losing a good friend in their suicidal guilt over the SPARTAN-II project, and has vilified her as a result of all of it, and Palmer hates her really, really fucking hard because she bought into the propaganda and orders.

Because for some reason 343 and the modern writers decided to emphasize the repercussions of the SPARTAN-II project super hard and go in deep on how immoral and wrong it was and so forth, and Halsey is now space Mengele for doing it all.