Where is the Didact? Blue Team is full of Spartan-IIs? Where were they during Halo 1-3? Why is Cortana the antagonist? If the Domain "cured" her, how come she's still acting like her Rampancy got turned up to eleven? Why and how did her personality change so much? What was Locke's beef with Chief? He seems to hint at something with Buck but that didn't go anywhere. The commercials made it look like Locke had a personal vendetta against John. If there was no beef, why is Locke so important that we had to play as him for 65% of the game? What happened to Halsey's arm?
>What was Locke’s beef with Chief? It was retconned in in Halo 2 anniversary edition
Andrew Collins
>Where were they during Halo 1-3? Don't know but I do know where they're going after Halo 5.
Joshua Rivera
What was it originally? Why was it retconned and why did they do so in Halo 2 Anniversary? I assume you mean that they won't be showing up in Halo: Infinite, right?
Noah Scott
Would have been pretty cool if the Chief/Locke fight was actually exciting Chief would have destroyed Locke if it were an actually accurate fight though, Spartan II's are superior to the IV series in every way. It would have been hype if you play the first 3 missions as Locke and then you fight Chief in a boss battle, but then in the cutscene Chief kills Locke and you play rest of game as Chief
Jacob Evans
>I assume you mean that they won't be showing up in Halo: Infinite, right? Yup
Jayden Bennett
That scene really bothered me. Wouldn't a Spartan-II be way stronger and faster than what they portrayed? I know Spartan-IVs are essentially knockoff versions of the real thing, so there's no way Locke would be able to hold his own against John. Why did they portray that fight the way they did? You're probably right, unless that fake leak turns out to be true somehow. Stranger things have happened. But then, why introduce all these new characters for one game if you don't have any plans for them in future titles?
Benjamin Sanchez
They retconned their former strength, I guess.
Joseph Hughes
Fake leak fucks up with Cortana's creation date so it's fake and very stupid, reddit can't make fake leaks worth a shit.
Camden Nelson
Was it a retcon or did they just not know/forget about the capabilities of Spartan-IIs? Maybe they forgot about the capabilities (or lack thereof) of Spartan-IVs? I saw the original thread here and laughed at the absurdity of it. But now I'm starting to see some folks online run with it and it's starting to make me think, "What if?"