How is the player supposed to know that Mario could jump?

How is the player supposed to know that Mario could jump?

Attached: mario90.png (1209x1067, 471.26K)

Pressing the button

How does the newborn kangaroo know where its mother's pouch is?

Attached: hollowbrains.png (250x145, 99.4K)

Ok but how was i supposed to know that?>

What if they pressed the wrong button?


They'd run faster into death.

Picture of him jumping on the box

The controls were in the instruction manual.

The manual says it, and there's two buttons on a NES controller.

Why does the player automatically assume that it's alright to take control over someone?

Sounds like frustrating game design. I'd probably put it down after that.

it's n the manual
ignoring the manual, the title screen demo shows the functionality and there's a tiny amount of buttons on the controller to test so anyone would find the right one within a few seconds


This kills the gamer

Attached: anger.gif (221x153, 1.89M)

you called nintendo to ask OP

Attached: nintendo-power-line-449x600.jpg (449x600, 59K)

Experimentation, not a huge leap of logic to assume a button does something.

Originally the player was supposed to simply try out all buttons and see what they do. This was easy and quick because the original NES controller only had four buttons and a D-pad on it.

Now when the standard controller has like 16 buttons, clickable thumbsticks, touchscreen, et cetera you pretty much need to list controls constantly on the screen or the player will forget them when he blinks.


how many of you ended the call when it was a girl on the other side

Imagine unironically defending having to read a book to enjoy a game. Imagine if you had to read a magazine in order to enjoy temple of doom or Pulp Fiction

>Powerlines to the Pros
>They just reading Nintendo Power and tell you what's in it instead of actually playing the games.

nothing happens.That pipe blocks your way, you only have a chance to die if can pass that pipe and to pass that pipe you need to jump

they're literally pros as they do that for a living

You mean because girls can't into games or just out of sheer spaghetti?

Hey so I've had this weird flakey, scaly dry spot on my dick since like December and it kind of hurts anyone know what's up with that?

Gamer cock. It's a pretty common problem from sitting awkwardly for too long while playing.

Try playing Wing Commander on SNES and figuring out all the commands without having a manual available.

because it's a girl and you are not ready to answer her questions or ask something yeah

>random ass kid in 1985
>mary o brothers? ok ill pop this sucker in.
>ok black screen i have 3 guys
>wow that sky is blue haha
>oh shit mushroom guy is gonna get me oh fuck
>ok i have two buttons what does this one do
>it does nothing oh fuck i died
>ok 2 guys left and lets see what a does
>ooooohhhhhh it makes you jump ok
>wow look at the flashing block can i hit it
>umm okay a mushroom is it good
>it made me bigger so i guess it is
>fucking mushroom guy hit me and now im small again but now i know what the mushroom does

this level was made to teach even the most drooling retards how to play the game and how it works.

I remember having to call them for the submarine code for StarTropics because it was hidden on an insert that came with the game that I didn't have. Rather than just answering the question they had to make it cryptic by bringing up bowling for some reason. I had to tell them to stop milking the call length out and just give me the code.

You do tho, movies sans cultural zeitgeist are meaningless

Fucking untrue. Try jumping on Bowser zoomie. The game was filled with shit not in 1-1. Game was loaded with dishonest game design

real answer: because the button the arcade cabinet says JUMP

Attached: mario cabinet.png (768x1024, 940.84K)