Post canon racists

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i'll bite: why is sindel a racist?

>anytime she talks to a Naknadan
>anytime she talks to Baraka
Kollector flat out calls her one to her face and she doesn't deny it. She's based.

-Cute as a button
-Acknowledges other races' inherent inferiority
She's perfect

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>Weeb trash

Keep telling yourself that retarded faggot

>only titties worth a damn left in MK besides cetrion
They can do it, but they fucking dont. What happened NRS? Why are boobs an incel only thing now?

Johnny KKKage
Erron Black
Frank West
Ash Williams
Booker DeWitt


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>they gave sindel a tan
>big veiny tits
>whore personality
did some other team made the dlcs?

Has to be, veiny boobs require UNF, effort, and this being the same people who made Jade is unreal.

Would marry

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Ugly Brie Larson looking bitch

boobs were always an incel only thing
modern adult males do not desire large breasts

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Modern adult males suck then.

t. incel

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She looks nothing like her lmao.

Jade has pretty big tits but they keep them covered in everything except her witch skin

I love large breasts my dude. They should also come with a nice large ass though. I've banged to many girls with no ass it really sucks

Is she supposed to look like one of these seasoned "brothel madam" characters mentoring younger prostitutes? Not even trying to just hate on it, unironically looks like what they were shooting for.

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>I love large breasts my dude. They should also come with a nice large ass though. I've banged to many girls with no ass it really sucks

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Yeah, unlike Brie this character can smile.

Which is insane really. Her line where she says dont stare too long. Theres nothing to stare at.

Dimitri from Fire Emblem

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