Zoomers will never know what pixel art was actually meant to look like since they were developed for CRT

zoomers will never know what pixel art was actually meant to look like since they were developed for CRT

Attached: 1588780959903.jpg (480x240, 31.43K)

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>crt shader

Adding the CRT noise makes the shape sharper, but it turns the colors into ugly blurry shit. Enh.

Granted I haven't seen it since I was a child but I'm fairly certain the game didn't look at shitty on CRT

Attached: 1588776624484.gif (1920x1440, 2.21M)

What they were meant to look like is on the left. Pixels with bitwise color assignments. The right is a result of shit technology.

What's a good CRT to get?

Which CRT filter you using?

Which is the best filter, other than the default CRT Filter, to use on a Classic SNES?

Attached: 81dKE5hBovL._AC_SL1500_ (1).jpg (1500x1150, 217.73K)

Zoomer here, i dont have a crt but i want one.

>Implying that gen z never had a crt
plasma screen became economically viable in the late '00/early '10s
I fucking hate those you guys that pass thread after thread jerking off to what you assume is your secret klub xDDD when was fucking common technology even for the gen Z
I own a crt and I still prefer sharp pixels

Attached: IMG_20200425_091410.jpg (462x623, 107.95K)

Games were never developed with CRT in mind because that was the only technology they had.

And unless you are an American throwing an iPhone every year for the shiny new thing you would get a plasma screen in around 2015

>that was the only technology they had.
Which is exactly why they were developed with them in mind, you moron.

Not how it works retard.
You think I breathe with oxygen in mind?
No I just breathe it, retarded mother fucker.

True bust most zoomers forgot. Im a zoomer and switched to at around age 9. At that age i could not tell the difference. I never paid attention to the crt vs lcd debate. The games looked fine to me so i never worried about it. Of course now after seeing comparison shots, its like night and day. FF7 on a crt with the dithering looks so much better than on the lcd, that banding is gross.

I know older zoomers wouldve notice the difference.

Maybe I'm more used to play with a crt monitor instad of a tv and they tend to have less imperfections
Or maybe because I always used the scary cable since I live in yrop

Exactly how it works, retard. they were looking at the sprites on a crt. So they had to design the sprites around that. They were not considering what the sprites would look like on a pixel perfect screen.

I actually typed this i apologize for all the spelling and grammar errors, im on mobile and cannot see half of what im writing

Any decent crt filters for the emulators?

this thread brought to you by retroarch

Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this shit.

Attached: DOUBLE DEUCE ACTION.png (1262x472, 358.56K)

I remember DKC blowing my mind
Now it looks like pixely shit

Define zoomers.

Because u see it in a new environment. It's like seeing fireworks in person vs on a tv at 240i but in reverse.

i’m seeing someone taking a knee squat and attempting the squeeze out either a hefty fart or turd, probably both

DKC is one of the games that are most affected, but also people have a lot of nostalgia goggles for that prerendered look so even on a CRT it looks way shittier than you probably remember.

Attached: crt_tricks.png (938x507, 428.8K)

>It's true that Samus has been described as a bounty hunter in all of the Metroid games until now, and we haven't really followed up with that in the storyline. A lot of that had to do with trying to present Samus with a cool bounty hunter background. Obviously if we tried to take that into another game, it would be an entirely different style of gameplay. If we were interested in doing something like that, we could potentially go in that direction. But just because she's described as a bounty hunter isn't generally the focus of what she does, and it's certainly not the defining characteristic of Samus Aran.

What did Sakamoto mean by this?

He meant he was out of touch and out of time.

Dear Samus, how do you type with an Arm Cannon on?

Yours truly,
Ridley 2 Didley

The right looks like a naked person wit a helmet on, fuck off.

One that works.

sony triniton. go no lower than something with s-video


I don't fucking care.