Zig Forums discussion

Can leakerfags get instabanned? %99 percent of them are just complete bullshit, literal fanfiction being posted and mods don't care. For that matter, why is there porno ads on a blue board, and the softcore hentai threads reaches 300+ replies, but the moment a tit pops out, it's a 1-3 day ban? Or that guy the other day who literally posted a Zelda ass rape doujin, page by page in a thread, and nothing happened?
We have boards for hentai, you fucking coomers, and any """""""''leaks""""""""'' need to be either posted on Zig Forums or left on your fanfiction.net page.

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Leakerfags are based, fuck consoletards getting hyped for their latest AAA shitheap.

Just make Zig Forums a porn board

>%99 percent of them
>percent ninety nine percent of them

Is this about cookers or are we discussing the current state of Zig Forums?

If we are I just want to say fuck trannies and reditors. There all over the place and I makes me hate this board more and more everyday

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All the real leakers on resetera now

>%99 percent

ARe you fucking retarded? Meta threads aren't allowed anymore, youre supposed to go to QA

are you like a tranny shill upset your sony game got leaked? Who cares

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Mods keep deleting these threads for some reason.

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Hiro posted just 47 minutes ago that meta threads are fine, can't you read?




Why did hiro rangeban an entire country for no fucking reason

I am still waiting for a new board /vo/ - video game opinions.

This place would be MILES better if everthing opinion-related (twitter screenshot fags, reddit screenshot fags) would be moved to another board.


Which one?

M8, have you even seen /qa/?
Its nothing but wojaks and shit, nothing ever happens there.

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Hello Naughtydog

Make a nintendo board

Just make /incel/ for that and "internet celebs"

delete all current jannies and mods and add new ones who aren't a bunch of fucking lefty/pol/ trannies.


So then what would Zig Forums be? Ads? Statistics?


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And remove report for racism that shit is retarded

>assmad TLOU2 fan

Where the fuck did Hiro go anyway?

so theyll buy a Zig Forums pass

Fuck off cunt. Only plebbitos like you should be banned.

went back to china.

Probably Canada thanks to Barnyfag.

Quite a few finnish IP address ranges are banned

How bout you suck this dick nigga

Jannies should not be able to make any threads themselfs

That's the exact reason. He did the same shit with 2ch while he was with them.

finns should not be allowed to post threads