Skies of Arcadia

Just beat pic related 70 hours in.
Reached the highest rank, got the strongest weapon possible ( it's impossible to do some side quests without the VMU device), and only missed one crew member out of 22.
It was pretty fun, but it got too easy at the end (grinded too much), only have been defeated like 3 times in the game's beginning in the same boss battle. Then never again.
Been used to play Final Fantasy series I quite missed the Superboss fight, later I read about Elcian, he's not too strong but hard to fight, but I don't remember even a slight hint about him during the gameplay.
The story is pretty cool and the graphics are very good.

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Might save up some money for the gamecube version

This game needs a less encounter rate mod so you don't get so easily overleveled

You can always emulate bro.

I heard the Gamecube version has less random encounters tho..

>You can always emulate bro.

I know but recently got a job so want to buy all the games I have previously emulated and all the games I want to play that were given English releases

GCN version lowers the encounter rate and adds a few new side things, but the audio quality took a huge hit.

It sucks because if it wasn’t for the audio, it sounds like a complete no brained “this is the definitive version”. But then you hear the audio side by side and it sounds like complete ass. I wish there was a dolphin mod that allowed you to replace the audio with the dc audio or something

Surprised there has been no autismos who have done it by now.

I wish I never sold my GameCube and skies. It was a fun game even though I never beat it. I got to some point where you chase a kid pickpocket around on the roofs of some town and lost interest I guess.

>The story is pretty cool
It's sad that we never got the original story. The localization cunts admitted they literally made up the entire script in the english version.
Pure horse shit
>I heard the Gamecube version has less random encounters tho..
Yes but rebalanced experience so it evens out

I don’t think dolphin supports audio mod packs? I think it’s only textures

>Retropie can barely handle the original
>Wii runs the GameCube version but corrupted my save and the music sucks
I'd be better off just finding a physical copy at this point

I said that in general, because editing the ISO is possible.

God I want an HD remaster of this. No not a remake just leave everything the same

Wait what?

From what I read from the wikipedia page the only removed the weeabbos parties and Sega could veto anything and they didn't do it.
Also Vorlik Blade, Vyse's strongest weapons was renamed after Klayton Vorlick one of the responsibles for the localization job.

If your file is where I think it is that might be around the point where you get a new airship, and a few story beats after that the game opens up and lets you pretty much explore the whole map.

I've been thinking a lot about how well a remake of this could be. With full voice acting and improved combat system. Why does Sega kill their IPs so much?

Attached: skies.jpg (750x504, 136.41K)


>Why does Sega kill their IPs so much?
SEGA is just glad they didn't go completely bankrupt years ago, they will alwats play safe and coast everything they have on the more easy to market franchises, like Sonic, Yakuza and Total War, their other IPs will remain vanity projects, if they have some money to spare those can get a new game once in a while.

[spoilers] nah, that's the game's beginning where they travel to Valua to set free the Blue Rogue pirates' captured in the raid to Pirate Island and in order to install the harpoon on The Little Jack.
To fully explore the world you ned to get delphinus, and you have a long way to go.

damn, I was misremembering. In that case user didn't see ANY of the game.

>But then you hear the audio side by side and it sounds like complete ass
I legitimately could not hear the difference, the GCN version still has a great soundtrack and the added content adds more than enough to justify its status as the definitive version.

That's not even an 8th of the way through the game, you missed out.

Current Sega would fuck it up. Leave it unmolested.

I feel the combat system is fine but needs rebalancing. There's a balance hack for the gamecube version that drastically lowers the cost of magic and SP moves, makes magic attacks more useful, and lowers the effectiveness of magic items so they don't completely invalidate the spells they're based on. It also rebalances airship battles so you actually have a risk of losing.

GCN version's music is straight-up missing whole instruments and the voice clips(especially noticeable when casting spells) are very low quality. I still play Legends because of the bonus content and better encounter rate, but the sound does get to me.

Magic boxes are less powerful than equivalent spells used by the characters who should be using magic anyway.

Missing instruments or no (again, I haven't noticed and I was a band geek in middle school) it still sounds good. And I find it hard to justify complaining about the voice clips when the game isn't fully voiced.


Dreamcast and GC emulation is straight up dogshit.

the turn based combat aged pretty bad, it would be cool if it had a real time combat system like Tales.

missing instruments are most noticeable in the standard battle theme which plays all the time, and I would normally agree with you on the voice clips if it weren't for the face that you ALWAYS hear them in battles. Hearing "moons, give me strength" in static is grating as hell.

>With full voice acting
Fully voiced acted (anime) games are top cringe. If you want to watch a movie, watch a movie.
>I've been thinking a lot about how well a remake of this could be.
Let the dead rest in peace.

For everyone saying that it's too easy, or combat should be reworked, etc. JRPGs are designed for 10-12 year olds.

How can one user be so retarded? It’s like you want subhuman souls garbage where all you get is worthless flavor text about some item you don’t give a shit about.

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