Why do people hate Edelgard? She's in the right!

Why do people hate Edelgard? She's in the right!

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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

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This but unironically.

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She looks perfect even when defeated.

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Best lord, best route

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shes a dyke

You did marry her to Felix, right?

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I married her to Ferdinand.

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She's far-right

I'm not fond of Edelgard but I love Edeldoodle.

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At last, her true colors shine through.

Because she is stupid and incompetent. I don't even care that she is objectively the villain here, just that she is so fucking bad at it.

I don't get it. She is cute pre TS but post TS she's a 5/10 at BEST. How do people find someone so ugly and wrong "attractive"

Does this look like the face of incompetence?

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To be fair, you need to have a high IQ to really understand Edelgard. Her personality is extremely nuanced, and without a solid grasp on political ideologies most of her ambitions will go over a typical player's head. There's also Edelgard's reasons for starting the war, which are deftly woven into her characterisation and even more so explained in her heart-breaking backstory - her philosophy draws heavily from Rudyard Kipling's literature, for instance. The true gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of her character, to realise that it's not only black and white - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Edelgard truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the reference in Edelgard's existential phrase: "Must you continue to reconquer?," which itself is a cryptic callback to Maeda's Japanese epic Fates and Awakening. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those idiotic Dimitri stans hurting themselves in confusion as Yuki Ikeno's genius wit unfolds itself on their Switch screens. What idiots...

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She literally hired bandits to kill herself and would have died if byleth didn't have literal time travel powers

But her stocks are through the roof!

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*S-Supports you*

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I want to have tea with Marianne

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Dimitri deserved to die

She is a (((bisexual))) degenerate.

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Ribbit Ribbit

What did Edelgard mean by this?


She wants to reunite Fodlan and put an end to its conflicts, but all she manages to do is start a war that stagnates for half a decade and likely wouldn't end for at least another half decade if her beloved teacher didn't wake up and try to fuck her/try to kill her. I can get the appeal of wanting to side with the conqueror that wears red for once instead of killing them 2/3 of the way through the game, but people that talk about her route as the best one or spout "Edelgard did nothing wrong" either only played Crimson Flower and think it's sufficient to understand the whole plot of 3H or are so blinded by a moderately cute lord that they ignore the fact that Crimson Flower is mediocre and is the only route that had to have a playable unit actually patched in later to make it interesting. It was rushed, was an afterthought in development, and is honestly the weakest part of 3H.

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Have you seen that S support CG?

trans reich incoming

That's not edelgard that's mitsuru

ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒᵃʳ


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