Why does Zig Forums hate Discord?

Why does Zig Forums hate Discord?

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For a service that prides itself as "Gamer chat" it sure does have a lot of animal sexual role-play servers

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Because it became a new hive of people in secret servers sharing protos, illegal shit, consoomers, and overall has the worst of the worst of people.
It's even worse that bunch of furries run this app. So much worse that it's barely even a gaming app anymore. It's just a app for people to talk about anything.

>play game with decent in game chat system
That's fucking why.

Retard userbase.

because people constantly shill it. it goes against everything Zig Forums is: being a namefag, voice chat, normalfags, fags orbiting gamer girls, normalfags.


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Zig Forums hates everything related to gaming...
I'm not even shitposting, it's just a fact.

Because it's filled with kids like (you)

You said normalfag twice.

Because my ex is on it and she won't unblock me. Fuck.

Butthurt incels.

it's full of the worst kind of people imaginable, not to mention most force you to use it to get any sort of news related things about a game.
theres nothing worse than someone saying to join a community discord for help on something with said game and they are all rude ass faggots

Ever since the pandemic it's distanced itself from the "gamer" moniker. It's trying to compete with Zoom.
The highlighted part was recently changed

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You literally just described Zig Forums

Even fucking discord is better than zoom, and that's saying much.

>muh sekrit klub
>muh lord of the flies

LMAO i noticed this too they even did a domain change. fuck gamers

Zig Forums hates anything popular


Have never personally tried to use it but recently I see anons talking about using it to share anime tiddies and posting what I assume are discord links or codes.
Is it worth it for anime tiddies? I kinda like anime tiddies.

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I don't but then I just use it as another VOIP in an ocean of them for just my friends

because as always Zig Forums is one person and you can choose whatever post you want, then decide that this post is what that one person Zig Forums thinks that way.

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I hate discords alot because the most self important douchebags there with their bloated egos rule them with iron dicks it's like online high school where if you step out of line you will be harassed and banned if you dare stick up for yourself. No free will or thought allowed, I didn't wanna waste time complaining about black people and just wanted to get back in the game, got banned, Oh, I didn't thank this dude for doing his fucking job and healing me, banned for rude behavior fuck DIscord it's nothing but another way for small dick big ego assholes to wave their power around, imagine going to small communities to be abused by even bigger jannies, that's what discords are.

Because it's just a circlejerk of an admin and his dicksucking mods.

Why does every discord server I join need a nsfw channel?

I remember a splatoon discord I went too where to get a match you had to subcribe to the mods and admin's youtube videos. Fuck that shit people are using these as ego trips and to corner an audience

I was thinking of making an account if anons will tease me with huge breasts

these people already existed, discord just made it easier to find out they existed and to infiltrate their evil cabals and take screenshots

I'm Zig Forums and I don't hate discord. Where else will I converse with my friends and watch anime/play videogames?

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>Zig Forums is one person with 1 opinion
the hardcore neckbeards here hate it because something to do with trannies or whatever. that's only because they go to public access discords with more than 10 people.

If you use discord how it's supposed to be used; ie: groups of 5-10 close friends who you always play vidya with, small guilds/clans etc then it's pretty based.

It's actually not bad for that at all. Though that's more a /trash/ thing I see people on Zig Forums do it occasionally. Just register yourself up in the browser version and give it a try. Then post your tag.

Don't join animal sexual role-play servers...
problem solved.

The only good things to come from discord are 4ch shit posting servers that ban furries/niggers/trannies & won't ban you for being based such as:

All other servers are furry lgbt dogshit

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It's the new IRC, only now all the pathetic losers are being monitored by the FBI

so you can chat/text with your 2-3 friends at work or at grandma's place and not run the risk of someone/boss walking past seeing tiddies.

>join the giant bomb discord
>think it might be alright because GB crew is generally cynical
>full of self-rightous slackjawed faggots with pronouns in their name, that got triggered when i said "dude, no" and banned me because my account name was a pornstar

I don't know how the fuck they're fans of giant bomb because if you repeat GBs opinions in the server they get triggered and start being passive aggressive niggers

Why do you need to see tiddies in a fucking cars server?

They should be, a pokemon discord I was apart of banned me for asking why the hell they were talking about real kids instead of trading shiny scorebunnies like they promised. Damn perverts

>a discord with a member count over 3 digits

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no, it's pretty shit.
shills are trying to make it the prime source for anime tiddies because they can lock good content behind subscriber/donator paywalls.

just go to /c/, /d/, /e/, /h/, /u/ etc like everyone else does.

if you wanna see what I mean, go to some of the more autistic threads on /d/.
people regularly chimp the fuck out like "WAIT that pic was a PRIVATE COMMISSION on XYZ's PATREON!!

first thing i saw was a tranny when i joined, instantly left.

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Eight against one

It has no hope. I don't fucking know how but zoom got instantly shilled into widespread use. My fucking local court is using zoom, my grandma has to use it for doctors checkups, the local uni is using it for classes, and the news and daytime television is constantly using and shilling it for video calls. I've never heard of this shit before the virus and it's spreading faster than the virus too.

its the people who join it and start fucking everything up

Zig Forums posters don't have friends to chat with.

>banned me because my account name was a pornstar
I don't know how anyone doing something more humiliating than posting comments on PornHub feels they have the right to talk shit about anybody.

Including you

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>cars server
we're talking about video games here mate.
discord is a chat program your group of 2~5 gamer mates you always play games with after work every night use.
>cars server
Ok think again about the kind of Coor's Light-chugging Ford truck facebook profile-pic fat rednecks that would hang out in a fucking server about cars.
It's a public server, it's 120% bound to be shit.

You want discord to be good?
Only use it with your 4~5 closest friends.
Stay away from public servers.

lmao you thought FBI couldn't monitor IRC?