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BTFO and BASED!!! Well wojak'd, my redpilled fren!!!

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heckin' wholesome comic

women are the antithesis of fun so should be removed

dam wojak be spittin fax doe


reminder that the whole "hate and kill women" mentality is a jewish psyop to turn straight men into faggots

>newfags can't blankpost

who said Zig Forums didn't love strong women?

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>game claims to be historically accurate
>fat, black, crippled, trans-women with rainbow hair fighting on the front lines of world war 2

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they actually patched out blankposting recently. Give it a try

>>fat, black, crippled, trans-women with rainbow hair fighting on the front lines of world war 2
which game?

>game doesn't claim to be historically accurate
>Zig Forums constantly claims it does because it takes place in the past and uses this as the crux for their argument

kys roastie

Would you?

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Based but true.


>61% of bisexual women experience intimate partner violence, more than gay or straight men and women. 37% of bi men face the issue as well, more than gay and straight men or straight women.
>The lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner is extremely high in the lesbian, gay and bisexual community with lesbian women (43.8%), gay men (26%), bisexual women (61.1%), and bisexual men (37.3%) reporting experiencing this violence, compared to heterosexual women (35%) and heterosexual men (29%).

>However, 40% of bisexual men and 42% of bisexual women were living below the poverty line. [Gay and lesbian people were slightly less likely than straight people to be in that income bracket – 25% of straight men and 30% of straight women were living in poverty, compared with 23% of gay men, and 25% of lesbian women.]

>The research, conducted at the University of British Columbia, also revealed that those who identified as bisexual were most likely to report suffering mood and anxiety disorders as well as heavy drinking.
>A study from the University of Missouri is suggesting that young adults who don't identify their sexual orientation as being either exclusively heterosexual or homosexual tend to misuse alcohol more frequently than people who have a firmly defined sexual orientation.

Pick a side.

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Except the same games that push for women fighters are the same games that have ugly women because that is more "realistic"

Sorry, jewbot. I can see you clear as day.

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name one game that has all that you described
and don't say battlefield it only had crippled, woman and black

So it's like some kind of power fantasy.
But for women.

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And? There's nothing wrong with an unrealistic setting still using realistic aesthetics as a choice.

Why does Zig Forums have the decency to delete every wojak and pepe thread because they're all shitposting garbage but Zig Forums doesn't?


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Zig Forums's mods actually give a fuck while Zig Forums's don't.

You can use the IRC and see the shit Zig Forums mods spend their time talking about and focusing on. It's not a hidden secret or anything.

>game is realistic therefore it does not make sense to have warrior women
>game isn't based on reality and played for fun, therefore it can have women fighting in skimpy clothes
Difference is I've never seen someone complain about a fantasy game having women in practical armour.

What is worse
>Playing as a female character because they are pretty and it is fun
>Playing as a male self-insert because your real life is pathetic and you need the escapism

>Pick a side.
but you can't, that's kind of the point

Meh, as long as it stays in the multiplayer I don't really care. I've already had to put up with years of MLGkids with their DUDE WEED skins and whatnot.

this is a containment board, we have like 1 mod and he is a lazy piece of shit

>Why does Zig Forums have the decency to delete every wojak and pepe thread because they're all shitposting garbage but Zig Forums doesn't?

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Nu-Zig Forums took the bait like the good goys that they are.

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The spoiler trick doesn't work, now you need to paste a forbidden character.

Ok but if you admit its unrealistic then don't expect me to take seriously your super important message about equality and minorities and capitalism and shit, dishonest faggot.

somewhat true, for example I have 0 issues with women pocs etc as protags or as exceptional characters of their time because well that is how you make interesting stories sometimes, what I don't like is forcing diversity as the "new normal" of that same timeline if the game is trying to be realistic and I've devoted time and money into it because of it's setting. lemme put it this way

>BFV: Nordic girl campaign was fun and interesting as it tells an exceptional story, even if she replaced an entire squad in history, still, its video games
>BFV: Adding these clowns to an otherwise historically accurate game is a no-no

bottomline; if game isn't wacky, it should stick to historical themes in its multiplayer as other players' characters are also adding or taking away from your immersion, singleplayer is of course about exceptional individuals who can be a woman or a crippled bisexual

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Then why doesn't he go work on a game which would accommodate his desire to make such characters?

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You can choose to only have sex with men or women.

Why the fuck is everything a Jewish conspiracy, god I’m so fucking sick of this shit. They couldn’t stop some schmuck from becoming a god, what makes you think that they can control everything going on in the world right now
Personally, I have the mindset that people of great power and influence to the point of matching some of these conspiracy theories do exist, and perhaps some of them may be Jewish, but that doesn’t mean that the entire thing is run by Jews, or that all Jewish people are in on it and must be exterminated.
It all comes down to money and power, and in that regard the Jews have been historically pretty damn good with money, so it’s logical to think that at least a few Jewish people are pulling the strings, but focusing the blame entirely on the Jews is the real fallacy, and is likely a blatant trap set by whatever jackasses are (at least trying to) pull the strings
On that note free Palestine, though they are jackasses as well.

Literally my grandfather fuck off bigot

>Gender Dysphoria
That's how you now this is tranny propaganda, only trannies believe in this shitty meme. Normal people would just call you weird or a faggot, never "dysphoric".

yes, I would perform an exorcism on the sodomites

I don't have anything to say I just wanna post a CHADjak

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Yes there is dyke

But what if you are fucking a woman in the vagina while a man fucks you in the ass?
What then, idiot?
