Why is there no hype for Overwatch 2?

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Because Blizzard keeps shoving e-sport shit down everyone's throat while playing internet police instead of making fun games. Fuck them.

Because I haven't seen any new Sombra costumes.

It's just a story mode. Why would there be hype for a story mode?

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What're you talking about? There's TONS of hype for Overwatch 2

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Valorant is going to be apex legends 2.0. Screencap this.

>nigger character


>Installing chink rootkit
yea no

>Tons of hype for a chinese rootkit

>the girls are shit

Keep seething Chu.

>bought the game at release
>since then they release nothing but niggers and faggots as characters
They already tricked people into buying the first no way in hell I'm touching the second.

I also agree with the rootkit thing and probably won't ever play this but goddamn is that art pretty.

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>just the pve gamemode everyone's bored of from the events
I wonder why

if a dog shits on your lap the first time why would you be excited for it to shit on your lap again

True. Every "pro" in Valorant is already crying all game, complaining about ranked, bitching to their stream the whole game, giving up after losing pistol on T. Never seen as many salty shitters as Valorant. Night and day from CS:Go mentality.

Fuck off Chris. Your game is shit.

And just like Overwatch the only good thing about it will be the porn.

I'll be honest the pve events from the first were fun for about an hour. After that they become tedious or you have to crank up the difficulty to the point everything one shots you farting in your direction and it's just pointless.

It kind of feels like borderlands only with maps so small and designs so basic that it's a worse version.

Why would there be. Everyone hates OW, so why the fuck would anyone care about its sequel

reminder that we know more about what has been in soldier 76's ass than we know about the actual villains in this game and their motivations

Why would ANYBODY feel hype for Overwatch? Blizzard is determined to do everything fucking wrong. Also, painting a turd gold still makes it a turd, no matter how much you try to sell the myth that it's anything but.
nailed why. fpbp as always.
>inb4 blizzdrone faggots ask b-b-but how would YOU fix it?
By turning it into a purely PvE game since the Invasion events are the only thing anyone cares about. Turn it into a 4-person co-op game, two separate stories as Overwatch and Talon, but you can still break canon and use whatever comp you want.
Rebalance all of the weapons so that everything is tactile and has punch.

License out the IP to various SFM makers and start up a dedicated Blizzard channel on PornHub. Don't pander to any sexuality because we both know everything's going going to be futa anyway.

Sanction free addons from the Blizzard store with all kinds of optional lewd shit, slutty skins, voice lines, whatever else.

Afterwards, go back to playing TF2 because it's superior to Overwatch in every way aside from the old-ass engine.

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>apexfags and overcucks jumping to hero shooter CS after their games die
>CSchads that stayed faithful get a new playground to assert dominance in
I love it, shame about the chink shit though

I can't wait to play the same shitty 10 min campaigns over and over again. This is what we really wanted.

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same thread every day, not fun


>Afterwards, go back to playing TF2

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I want to fuck Viper

Because Overwatch 1 sucked.

This. Stay mad, OP.

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the final redpill

a set of software tools that enable an unauthorized user to gain control of a computer system without being detected.

Because Blizzard themselves doesn't know what the fuck is point of OW 2 besides it being a cashgrab.