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Nice puss on that snake.

does a snekbussy make sense in this position?
sure, it looks like fused tights, but how do you fuck it?

She has to jutt it out a bit so you can stick it in. Made to dominate.

Obviously everyone here had best agent Torque on their squad at all times. But who else did you guys bring along?
I've mostly been using Verge, Cherub, and Axiom. Now that Verge and Cherub are max rank though I've started using Claymore and Shelter a bit.


XCom is like Overwatch
I dont play this games. I just appreciate the porn

Used my starting 4 of Zephyr, Torque, Shelter, Terminal almost exclusively for my first run, minus like 2 or 3 missions with Cherub when I needed to train Shelter. I can see why people say Zephyr and Shelter are overshadowed by other agents but even if they're the bottom of the list they're still pretty damn strong. Well on expert at least, dunno if team comp is more important on impossible though. That said regen weaves quickly made Terninal's healing less important and I wound up using her more for curing status effects and giving single actions more than anything else

heh, snek gf go hiss

Is the game really short? I’m almost done busting the third faction. Do I get the other squad members I’ve rejected or expand squad size?

Claymore, Blueblood, and Terminal
If she didn't have heals I would have ditched terminal asap

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You have to go back

It really is that short, especially if you prioritize/rush the investigation missions. And no squad size is limited to only 4, while total agents is always going to be 8 of the 11 agents + android. Though that said I feel like the game would be a cakewalk with higher squad sizes

what the fuck happened to x-com?

It's nigger-com now

you dont fight off invaders, you now work with them and realize that they are just like you and me and white males are the true enemies

The whole appeal of vipers was dangerous boobie snake enemy that could rape and crush you.

i like verge but hes been incapacitated like 3 times, too squishy

cherub didnt work for me until i figured out how his shielding works, now i wish there was an XCOM 2 class like him

axiom is axiom, just great


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Aw dang. I’m having fun with it. For sure worth the $10. Maybe they’ll add more dlc or maybe this is to tie us over for XCOM 3?

your squad size is 4 and your roster is maxed at 8 from a pool of 11 characters

the game is around 20 hours, so a decent time

20h journo time or real time?

wait but snakes don't lactate, why would snake need milkies?

They are your nakama now

>Maybe they’ll add more dlc or maybe this is to tie us over for XCOM 3?

i could get behind a character pack with some extra mission types, and a bit more balance

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poison storage

>wait but snakes don't lactate, why would snake need milkies?
For the corn snake flakes, m8. Duh.

>XCOM sigil is 'Vigilo Confido'
>Explanation: "Actually, what I was trying for was "I am vigilant, and I believe." The idea being that X-Com, as an organization, had a history. And at times in that history, vigilance and faith was required. (I suck at Latin as well, which is why it may not translate exactly right.) And yes, it was definitely meant to evoke the Special Forces badges with their awesome crests and mottos."

>Chimera squad sigil
>Diversis Viribus
>Strength through Diversity
When people complain about politics in games, they mean people hijacking existing franchises and remaking or expanding them while the teams primary objective is to project their politics.The goal isn't to make money, or to appeal to fans, the game exists as a cudgel to beat their audience with. It's so clear in this case, that within 5 years of the invasion war ending you take the role of fighting against 'racists' who don't want genocidal aliens in your society.

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>fucking human mermaid pussy on a snake monster
at least put it in the right spot
That art is shit.

>When people complain about politics in games, they mean people hijacking existing franchises and remaking or expanding them while the teams primary objective is to project their politics.
This. Not a single socjus game has ever stood on its own two feet

im 14 hours in and im not done my second faction

that being said, im close to maxing out most of my dudes, so i expect the home straight to be a cakewalk, like always in these games


It's fine, you fucking cloacautist

>It's so clear in this case, that within 5 years of the invasion war ending you take the role of fighting against 'racists' who don't want genocidal aliens in your society.

its so clear you havent played the game, literally every word you said is wrong

>before chimera squad
snek for the most part usually drawn on model
>after chimera squad
snek drawn like some horrific furry anthro monstrosity with no regard for proportions or anatomy


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Dont fug the sneks. Shoot them.

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>no ass
confirmed to have a cloaca
we won cloacachads

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I believe you meant to say X-com. Don't worry user, it's a simple mistake to make

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Oh god, ist it remnant aliens youre fighting or muh racists?


The insurgents you fight are people that left the Global Council once the decision was made to integrate aliens into the society. The enemies in this game are effectively stand-ins for the whites who were marched at gunpoint into desegregated schools.

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