Apologize Zig Forums!

Apologize Zig Forums!

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she's right

Nigga just play Furcadia with the rest of the alphabet people

Zig Forums - Literal Who Twitter Screencaps

Imagine if Twitter didn't exist.

i'll just not buy it

Fuck, im sorry literally who twitter user please forgive me.

>Aug 21, 2018
rent free

Wait is this game catering to furfags now? If so I'm pre-ordering


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Everytime I hear anything about Cyberpunk it sounds like it's a porn game

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can they prove that?

>alphabet people

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I literally can't think of one major cyberpunk story that even touches gender fluidity. Hell, does Reddit Player One even do it?

Fags are definitely pushing things hard enough for people to never fully accept them.

>explore gender fluidity and sexuality
what is so compelling about penis and coochies that are deemed "worthy to explore"

Its trannies conflating cybernetic augments with gender reassignment surgery.

Cyberpunk and punk in general is literally all about counterculture. Sexual counterculture is just one of many of those aspects. It was obvious the game would turn out like this. It's one of the reasons I don't like the "punk" part of the cyberpunk genre.

Twitter and reddit screencap fagging needs to be a banable offense.

Do trannies even play video games?

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What a delusional bitch. We just liked the aesthetic and hacking and shit. Fuck trannies.

no shit they do
if it weren't for discord, videogames and twitter we'd be looking at wayy higher numbers than just 40%

Do you newfags not have netflix?

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>tfw cousin is a tranny
>my sister now identifies as a boy

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CDPR has never made a good game and Cyberpunk certainly won't be the first.

Where did this revisionist history of gender stuff being a big focus and part of Cyberpunk media come from? LGBT+ topics are and never was the main focus of cyberpunk theme nor most dystopia themes. Even if they did show in some works, they're usually background mentions at best and often depicted "negatively". I always think it's very ridiculous that nowadays some people always associate cyberpunk with LGBT stuff, as if they're hard-coded together from the beginning. No, they're not.

I've dabbled at many cyberpunk and dystopian sci-fi works from 1980s ~ 2000s, almost none of them rampantly and positively "promote" LGBT topics like we've seen today in some works, not in blade runner, not in ghost in the shell, not in Deus Ex, not in AD police, not in neuromancer, not in most Japanese manga, not in Philip Dick and Asimov's books. This massive LGBT+ pandering stuff is a very new "trend" pushed by westerners(mostly American) globally during last 5+ years, before that, they're just a very very small, marginalized and despicable "nosie" upholded by about 5% of sexually deviant "activists".

They do, to an obsessive point because they are so mentally ill. I'm not even joking either, they become obsessed with certain characters or worlds, even more than coomers/waifufags.

You have no right calling anyone else a newfag if netflix is the first time you heard that term.

He literally invented that term in that show.

you just called me a newfag while using the most normie media service as a standard

nigga gtfo my Zig Forums

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>does Reddit Player One even do it?
The big hulking nigger character that's the protag's best friend is actually a girl IRL. That's the extent of it.

>uses normie instead of normalfag

normalfag detected

Because being able to modify your sex was an extension of modifying your body , they hate themselves and want to change it, but conflated that concept with just becoming a girl.

Something else would take its place.

>nitpicking words instead of countering the argument

i miss being 13


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Are you a fucking idiot? Even fucking Zig Forums was making fun of them calling them alphabet people for the past half decade. Though usually alphabet soup people refers to three letter agencies.

But you'll upset the advertisers

He didn't, it was around prior because of the YMCA, and even recently people used that prior. He popularized it.

you're a porn bitch

A lot of tumblrinos migrated to twitter after the porn ban

Sounds like revisionist history in order to steal black people accomplishments, you peanut butter eating asshole.

no they weren't, that's a nu-Zig Forums thing invented within the last year

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>washed up dave chapelle invented internet slang
Whew lad

I don't understand why seeing as they hate sex so much.

You can both literally search the archive right now and find dozens of results.Though I think b4k is one of the only ones that still archive Zig Forums

>Do you newfags not have netflix?


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Don't mind the Ls

No problems with the Gs

Not fussed about the Bs, bless em

Focken 'ate the Ts, lads

They just hate straight sexual stuff. All other non-straight stuff is okay.

I don't have much since lockdown started. Never watched TV. Canceled Prime and Netflix. Don't have Spotify.

I spend most of my day pissing around on Zig Forums and occasionally watching a YouTube video. Fuck I'm depressed bros.

Is sex between a cis bi woman and a cis bi man straight sex? What about sex between a transman and a transwoman?

There's apparently dildos as items, so there may be masturbation and sex mechanics in it. That being said it'll probably be the opposite of sexy due to janky face animations and having models rubbing on each other like action figures, like Mass Effect's sex scenes