Which Smash is your favorite? I think it's pretty clear which ones mine are

Which Smash is your favorite? I think it's pretty clear which ones mine are.

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This should be a lot more compressed. Spongebob only briefly came out of the weeds for that period where the original creator was back.

shit taste on both spongebob and smash

>season 4

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True, it's fucking dreadful

Where do you disagree?

Melee>ultimate>Smash>3ds 4>wii u 4>brawl
Melee first because I have fond memories of it and it has a very large range of skill, enjoyed by casuals and masters alike.
Ultimate next because it feels like the vision nintendo was really going for, still very competitive and enjoyed by casuals and experts alike, but doesnt seem to have quite the skill ceiling of melee, yet anyway.
OG 3rd because it is pretty broken but still a blast especially given the era, lots of good memories playing with buddies as a kid.
3ds 4 because it's portable but doesnt really feel special otherwise, really great move for the series though.
Wii u 4 5th nothing special, not really awful or anything but really who even had a wii u?
Brawl last because it just feels wrong. Looked good but removes a lot of the skill from the game with forced stuns etc, generally pretty broken, and why play it when you can just shove melee into the wii and play that instead?

That being said, theyre all pretty fun and you'll never see me turn down a round of smash with some buddies and theyre all unique enough to warrant an existence.

This is a terrible analogy. 64 hasn't held up as well as the first season of Spongebob.

I like Brawl more because of the aesthetics/feel than because of the gameplay. I recognize the game is flawed, but The Subspace Emissary was kino, and the soundtrack was great. It's good in a different way from Melee.

Meleefags are an absolute cancer and I'm glad the community is eating itself from the inside-out.

That said, 4 is still the absolute worst one even with god tier reps of Pacman and Megaman.

Good taste OP
Why did OP’s pic/opinion upset you so much?

>series golden age
Nice bait.

Melee is the wojak of video games.

Tired, long past its prime, clung to by autists who can't adapt to change.

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See my post here for my rationale: It was definitely flawed, but it was soulful as fuck, just like Melee. Soul is important.

100% agree on the rankings.

Meleechads enjoy melee because it's a good game. Ultimate is more of the same shit that Brawl introduced and what remaining steam it still has will die out when it stops getting underwhelming DLC. The general on /vg/ is even deader than tr4sh's was.

"it had soul" is just another way of saying "I like it subjectively but can't say why".
Brawl is measurably worse than any other Smash simply because of the inclusion of tripping.

Soul is a certain quality inherent to a specific work or thing, that elicits an emotion deep inside. Soul is what makes you tear up when you hear a beautiful piece of music. Soul is that feeling of raw emotion you get when you watch a movie you love. Most things before 2005 have soul of varying degrees.
Soullessness started in 2005 when you got stuff like Johnny Test and the Tim Burton Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.

Oh shit dude, I guess I don’t like it anymore now that you’ve said that, thanks for curing me.

>Brawl is measurably worse than any other Smash simply because of the inclusion of tripping.
Nah, 4 still managed to be worse.

Subspace is shit and I wish people would stop jerking it off.

Oh yeah, for sure definitely a great looking game. I think smash is one of the few nintendo franchises that has always had soul. They have always wanted it be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone and have pretty much succeeded. Also yeah I forgot how cool subspace emissary was haha!

I respectfully disagree. I think this chart is pretty accurate.

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Take a shower


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I do, every day.

Season 4 had some good episodes like The Lost Mattress and Krusty Towers, but it also had some of the worst episodes in the show's history, like Good Neighbors and the one where Squidward gets trapped in cement.
What really takes away from Season 4 is ironically how much it feels like the previous seasons. It ends up feeling like a pale imitation of the older episodes, but it feels noticeably different, and in a worse way. At least Season 5 felt like it was trying to be something else.

Wii U > Brawl

You need to understand that wojak is the peak form of reaction image. Its never going away

the closest game I could say was soulless was wii u/3ds, but Ultimate has soul for sure imo, Sakurai worked so hard on it, literally through ill health for us. Maybe a lot of devs do that but like, watch the opening, its a damn art piece. really the only thing I can criticize is that the story mode is not too hot, but I've never been into smash for the story personally.

brawl doesnt have soul

I can't really say I have a favorite one but, if I had to pick one. Brawl was definitely the one that impacted me the most.
Starting from Smash 64 and looking back when playing ultimate you could see how humble the game was. Before getting into how Melee accidentally managed to be extremely competitive, think back to as a kid when first booting up Melee. The adventure mode, characters, stages, events, EVERYTHING was a huge improvement over the last. It really strived to make a sequel feel greater.
Then Brawl come along. Holy fucking shit. This game was just plastered with content. Characters, story mode, online mode, fucking Snake and Sonic the hedgehog got in the game. Was it the best adventure mode? Far from it, but everything about Brawl was just more and more content put in. It felt so amazing to play something of this caliber. It's no fucking wonder that so many people nodded brawl. It felt like truly the peak.
Even now with Ultimate being back everyone and having an """adventure mode""" it just pales in comparison to how much Brawl just impacted every fucking thing.

Tl;dr Brawl was the fucking best. And fuck Smash Ultimate online. Garage fire of a fucking mess.

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Ultimate is fine. Could have been the greatest Smash game ever, but adding Banjoke over anyone else ruined it.

How does Brawl not have soul?
You're lying if you don't think this screams soul.


Never played WiiU

Switch brawl and melee and you'd be right
