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Attached: 1588884720280.jpg (1406x669, 255.42K)

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would rather die

why'd you click this thread, homo?

Right without a doubt. Who is that though?


yeah imma need a list of names for these characters stat, especially the one in the middle


Middle. Anal only.

Kolin from SF 3 and 5



Lisa, Iroha and Kolin, left to right

Iroha then Kolin. DOA girls don't do it for me.

Was there a new SamSho trailer?

thank you user

Reminder that snifffags can't get out of bronze in sfv

the smell

Attached: doggy sniff.webm (240x240, 844.51K)

who is the one on the left? looks like a western character but I thought they hated big asses?


Lisa Hamilton from Dead or Alive (JP game)

Attached: lisa.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

Based bird tits


Lisa is underrated, I like Kolin too, dunno who's in center.

imagine her trying to fit into old clothes that dont fit anymore because she got a little chubbier ahaha

Whichever has the largest breasts

How come she is the only one in the entire series with an ass? All the other chicks have big tits but flat asses, is that a Japanese thing?

post more if she's so great

Attached: lis.jpg (1920x1080, 950.86K)

ass please

I main Lisa in DoA and don't play the other 2 so Lisa it is, I suppose.

fuck wrong thread

Is that one in the middle the revealed SamSho character? She got a dumper on her AWOOOOOOOO

They completely ruined her face. Before, she had very white facial features with dark skin, a real beauty. Now, she looks like some pig disgusting BR HUEHUE ugly ass bitch. I fucking hate it.

Attached: lisa-flower.jpg (476x608, 47.69K)


Attached: elenawin2.gif (120x139, 82.02K)