Streets of Rage thread

i want a tiny galsia holding a knife running back and forth on my desk

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Why are all Cherry players massive faggots online?

>autistic 40 year old brother that never plays games is breezing through this
>autistic me (significantly younger) struggling to beat stage 5
i consider myself good at games and usually git gud quite fast. what am i doing wrong? I am dying by being chipped away. I take a sucker punch here and there and by the boss I have half hp with 1 life left.

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Looks like Mrs Y is starting to get some fanart love.

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>galsia a meme in 2020

These are truly the end times. It has come full circle.

and i love every second of it

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Beat em ups are strange games, the more you go with the flow the better you do at them. Overthinking gets you hit.


Is beat em up kino back on the menu? Is this the Renaissance?

Have you been giving into other best em ups since SoR4 reignited your passion? Would you let Blaze peg you?

Now we just need the porn artists to catch up

Maybe but I am always pessimist about it. Many games from fps, crpgs, other revivals always feel more like eulogies to me.

Still they are niche and are the best place to be either in pc or console gaming. In a time of Valiumrants or whatever the fuck.

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>Seeing a player get around 250 hits, while me content with 80\100

Sure it depends on the character, but fuck the tension.

Cherry should have been Shiva, max should have been floyd.
Recruit enemies along the way to fight a greater evil.


Cherry seems to have an edge for good players, the knee strike the running to the next encounters etc. Keeps up the combo.

I certainly hope so. I really really REALLY want a dnd mystara style beatemup for the current age.

Why not just all of them?

I would let her lambada my very soul.

It's funny cause it's a joke that is getting me fucking flashbacks to talking about virtua fighter and SOR in school. Lambada almost means licking in my language so it's like a forgotten joke is coming home to greet me.

reminder that the dev tools allow them to play as every character, it's just not in the game because of the movepool and hitbox philosophy not being the same for a player and an enemy (imagine playing with all those armor moves)


Check out pixiv, son.

>Boss Rush Mode
>Estel second fight
>beat the commissioner first
>get a turkey
>defeat Estel next
>a second turkey

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thats awful art desu

This looks like someone scanned the print of a rubber stamp or wood block and colored it in.

I legit believe the devs just exhausted themselves working with Axel and refuse to touch him for balancing because the jacket and cardigan were too much to animate. Lead animator bit off way more than he could chew, which is why half the cast can't run and no one can roll. Cherry and Adam can dash/run and do a bunch of aerial moves and move around a lot but Axels clothes are literally too taxing and keep him grounded.

Just remove them then.

How is the game animated? It's not some 3D trick?

you're overthinking it.

Axel isn't Floyd tier but he's not horrible. He takes a bit more effort than Blaze and Floyd but his damage is really good.

I fucking hate Diva.

I like Axel the most because he's who I always mained. I tried Adam but he's too fast for me, with Axel I can get much further in arcade mode.

This game is a low-key 3D game.
You have to constantly pay attention to your depth or galsia stabs you.

I bet it would even get easier if you used a 3D screen like the 3DS one.

me too

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Axel problem is not the damage it's the dead time before and after most of his moves, that makes all defeat feel like you just couldn't do shit against it.

stop mashing full strings and just jab and throw people unless they're either alone or grouped up

i have replayed the 3ds version of sor2 a lot, it's one of the best 3d effects on the system if not the best outright

It still takes a bit of practice/awareness because his throws don’t come out fast enough to always be able to throw your way out of getting hit

It does get easier to dodge galsia/flying fuck on it?

that's patently false, throws are invincible on frame one for every character

Judging by the fact that shitposting is kept to a minimum in these threads, I’m guessing the game is pretty good.


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Ahh yes when i think back on my fond memories of beat em ups as a kid, my favorite elements were:
>slow movement speed
>limited or nonexistent dodging
>side-scrolling locking you out from the left as you proceed rightward
>automatically snapping the screen onto a miniboss before the player has a chance to collect healing items in the area
as a kid i was constantly thinking "THESE are the reasons I love these games". So glad they kept these dated mechanics in despite being universally reviled

Axel jab has an horrible delay that means many galsia and kevins will just hit you before your animation starts

Wait... would this work for the stage 7 fight to cheese it?


Her bro has better fanart for now

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I think he's good in some situations and I always loved his moves. But he is clearly mediocre.

Looking back the onyl ones I really enjoyed replaying were SOR 1 and 2, and some capcom games. Especially 1 was very comfy with friends even family that didnt like games. Game is charming.
My mother laughed herself off paying Blaze. Good times.

I also have undying love for Knights of the round and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.

xbros. Check out double dragon neon on gamepass. didn't deserve the shit reviews. I had a ton of fun with it.

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