Treason? for fighting for your own people?

>treason? for fighting for your own people?

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More imoortantly, what are some must have skyrim mods?

how many times are we gonna have this thread?

>skyrim was 10 years ago

Elves literally will never succeed to accomplishing their pipe dream since they've have to destroy the adamantine tower which will never happen. You have no reason not to sign up for the stormcloaks.

Was there any part of Skyim's story not shit?

>implying any regular person knows about the thalmor sekkrit master plan

Any excuse is good to kill elves

The dragonborn and alduin both being a split personality of Akatosh

>You have no reason not to sign up for the stormcloaks.
Well Ulfric is a dumb racist retard so

ate the dumner
ate the imperiuls
ate the elvs

luv talos
luv me kinfolk
luv skairim

simple as

Killing parthunax so the blades could talk to me and I could turn in the main quest finale

>See the worst of each side of the war when you go to their home city
>Windhelm is some drunk guys yelling at an elf
>Solitude is a guy getting his head chopped off for opening a gate by the same group that was prepared to execute you for a crime you didn't commit
Besides, Ralof and Galmar are cool and the Empire doesn't have them

Solitude's gatekeeper was executed by the town's guards if I remember correctly, and he fucked up his only job (by letting letting the person that killed the king escape), even if his intentions were noble.

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>You have no reason not to sign up for the stormcloaks.
Helping the stormcunts means helping the Dominion.

Ulfric left after he won, he didnt really flee. The gate guard let him out assuming he was the next high king
Too bad imp cucks prefer women and elves ruling instead

Interesting NPCs. If you can literally only get 1 mod make it this one.

I dont like this mod because it doesnt blend in to thr world at all. You KNOW when you run in to one if the nee NPCs they stand out so much with their dialogue. Even the quest names stand out.

Yeah I know, that's why I love it, I basically just consider those the real quests and ignore everything Bethesda related.

Royal Armory, even if you don't plan on collecting everything it offers it's just nice to see people like Ulfric and Tulluis use something besides a level 5 Steel weapon

Was that supposed leaker's revelation true that Redfall is supposed to be released in 2024?

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Probably not judging by how we haven't even seen Starfield gameplay yet. Starfield has to release then 1 or 2 years of DLC and then another 2 or 3 years at least before Elder Scrolls 6. It's far enough away that any planned release date is subject to change.

He hated her cause she broke him owned him since his interrogation.
Weak man.

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>it doesn't blend in to the world at all
Most mods don't even bother doing that, like the so popular Legacy of the Dragonborn and its terrible generic NPCs, or custom dungeons like Skyrim Underground (and anything with custom enemies in general) where one of your possible first encounters is a naked spider girl.

Most mods arent as bad. Yeah. But heavy posh accents talking about the tower and heavy handed lore stuff really sticks out compared to arrow in the knee

Ulfric is like senator Armstrong desu

Imagine getting broken in by a cute Thalmor justiciar hahaha

iirc the bulk of the imperial army is defending the southern boarders of Cyrodil in the likely event of great war 2. Which we will hear the outcome of in the next game or possibly hints of it reaching a boiling point

I really hope that nigga talos actually does something, cunt gave Neravar a coin, his only act as a god

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People mod Skyrim?
For what purpose?

ey milk drinkers, if im a racist then yea

then how comes i gots me a darkie elf wifey from morrowind??

-Big Sven

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Considering the dragon born will fuck off like the last two heros, our best hope might be the second numidium from morrow wind with a mantled heart, but were going to black not moors, which are independent from the empire so we might not see/hear much of what happens next

I want a cute Dunmer girlfriend!

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until we collectively decide which side was right in the civil war.

of course the empire was right. stormfags should just admit they are wrong.