If I never played a Souls game should I play Demon's Souls?

if I never played a Souls game should I play Demon's Souls?

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Absolutely. Its a great game, and in some ways still the best Souls game imo.

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Nah, go right to Dark Souls 1 or just bloodborne.

I would recommend playing ds1 first but you can't go wrong with demons too

It is perfect for a first souls game, if you go into it after you have already gotten used to souls combat the game is piss easy

sure, if you like early access betas

it was the last game I played, the second boss of the fire area and the swamp area still kicked my ass

just pick one and play it, you dont have to play the others after because they are all the same

Play DeS, ignore DS1, play DS2, pkay Bloodborne, ignore DS3, then play Sekiro. DS1 is nu-DeS and DS3 is nu-Bloodborne so there’s no point in playing these games unless you really like Souls

ds1 is the only one that does the world map right tough
going back to having a base you can teleport whenever you want was a mistake

DeS is a fine place to start. Playing them in order will let you appreciate how the game design evolved. It's the most obtuse game in the series. Brutal on a first playthrough but fun as hell. Unfortunately you wont be able to use any of the multiplayer features.

No because it's shit.


My personal favorite of the souls-series. Would recommend


You can skip it. It's pretty bad compared to something like Dark Souls 3.

Play them in the reverse order. Artorias is the false hero but he was worthy of praise for what he did.

Don’t listen to this 3tranny. Demons Souls is the most SOULFUL entry in the franchise while Dark Souls 3 is a 5/10 game with no soul and the most empty gameplay loop in the whole series (run through swamp to fight le epic samey knight)

Be aware that its successors are derivatives so they might take a while to be as enjoyable.

demons souls is the only game worth your time

It’s probably the least welcoming of the souls games. It’s good, played it after the ds trilogy and still enjoyed it. Sequels made some really nice quality of life improvements, this one is rougher.

My only regret is online went down about halfway in my playthrough. There are specific systems that affect single player like world tendency which is only in this game, and is borderline impossible to manipulate without online play available. You can beat the game no problem, world tendency just affects little things, but the loss of online still hurts this souls game more than it will the others (besides ds2).

Every bit as tough as the rest of the series, ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.

You’ll want to read up on what stats do and how weapon building works and affects your character, both are super important and the game doesnt explain a thing. Read through the booklet or look this up online. Really. You dont need to follow a guide but you need to know how these character/stat systems work.

And yeah, DeS is a fine place to start the series.

Yes, it's fantastic in its own way, and probably the best intro to the series since it focuses more on how you approach the encounters rather than "are you good enough to roll through enough of the bosses attacks to kill it before you run out of estus"

yes. it's the only one worth playing

I love Demon's Souls and started with it myself. Definitely start with it, I find it harder to play the older games once you've gotten "spoiled" on the quality of life upgrades that later games add. You also miss some of the references if you play out of order. You'll know very quickly if the Souls series is for you or not.

It is the first one so go for it.

>There are specific systems that affect single player like world tendency which is only in this game, and is borderline impossible to manipulate without online play available.

This is actually not true. Even with online up, it was extremely rare to get summons. The REAL way to manipulate World Tendency is to do everything in Soul Form. Once you beat all the stages in a World, you'll be at Pure White Tendency for that World automatically just from killing the bosses. You can do all the Pure White flags that way, then afterwards, just go into body form and kill yourself several times to get to Pure Black and you'll be able to do all those flags. It's actually quite simple.

I don't think this is the case with souls games though, the only thing that bothered me in demons was having to buy herbs instead of recharging estus on bonfires but even this is just a problem until you get to that area with the enemy that summons a bunch of ghosts where it's very easy to get a lot of souls fast

I’d just wait since the remake is gonna be a ps5 launch title

It's ok but nothing that big if you skip it.
How is it most SOULFUL. It is fun to play but you can see and feel it's old as fuck.

suck my shit and fuck you zoomer

>you can see and feel it's old as fuck
That has NOTHING to do with soul. Bloodborne looks good and has lots of soul while DS3 has good graphics yet none of the soul

>Demon Souls has no messages anymore
Sad, and I feel bad for anyone trying to play it now because they'd miss a lot of hidden items. The Messages system is a vital part of Souls. Summoning is fun, but not necessary in my opinion.

Invasions should fuck off though. There are certain areas of DkS3 that I just don't bother embering up because you have to fight some shitlord every two seconds. Sometimes it's fun, but when you're just playing some jank and CHINANUMBA1 invades you 3 times with his smurf build it's enough already.

Kino and Soul: The Game

I am not sure guy who never played any of the games would find Demon Souls that much enjoyable.

You only get invaded repeatedly if you're resetting your invasion timer by summoning people

>play souls game
>99% of playtime involves dying and running back to the same area over and over
"Git gud!"
>practice while dying and running to the same area over and over

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