Zoomer here, should i play this in a Psx emulator or in PC with mods?

Zoomer here, should i play this in a Psx emulator or in PC with mods?

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>with mods
Why do you faggots love kids stupid scribbles all over your video games? Do ANYTHING but mod the game OP. Jesus christ.

PC, with the Remako mod ONLY.

PC if you want the best experience, PS1 if you want the classic experience that everyone got (the difference is not that big)

If i want my Tifa to have a horse dick, you sure as fuck ain't gonna stop me faggot.

With mods, obviously.
Retranslation is a must, and then the difficulty and backgrounds mods are great. New models that respect the chibi style are pretty good too.
Sadly I'm not sure if all of them are finished.

Do your homework zoomer

You can't stop anyone from being a faggot irl user, that much is true yes.

it's his first fucking playthrough

You're acting like just because its an official release there was no problems porting it over to a different platform. Mods fix a lot of shit the devs didn't have time to.

Except every FFVII mod discussion has been about those awful aesthetic changes. Either trying to import the battle models into the main game or those revolting chibi textures. OP should just play the fucking game, if anything, emulate PS1.

The answer is always play the fucking original version.

The PC version is a broken mess and can NOT be fixed with mods. The engine itself is broken. Pic related. If you play the PC version you're stuck with those big solid circle shadows and those badly filtered backgrounds no matter how many mods you use. And that's just one example.

Attached: ff7port.jpg (1020x571, 51.61K)

>what is remako?

The left looks like a vomit of pixel though.

Pirate it for Switch. Nothin beats free FFVII on the shitter!

>Wasting more than one playthrough in a motherfucking linear JRPG
Stop trying to fit in as pretentious moron who play games in their """pure""" (broken) form, and go get basic criteria and standards in what you spend your only lifetime, retard.

Isn't PC version bugged to shit? Just emulate imo.

Based triggered retard

>asks if he should get pc version just as sale ended

Play the original, and then play New Threat.



user, you are literally mad for other people modding their games. Are you seriously going to say
>n-no, you

What the fuck? IM the pretentious one? Just play the fucking game you dumb cunt.

Emulate. The pc version still has weird bugs to the day, and they took out the jaggies.

Emulated. PCSX-R.

This is terrible bait. An opinion this shit couldn't be anything else.

Play it on the iPhone so it'll hold your zoomer attention span.

You are recommending to play a game in an objectively much worse way only to fit in, so yes, you are a pretentious fool.
>Just play the fucking game you dumb cunt
Eh? Already did, obviously. How retarded are you?

Only play FF7 if your ONLY interested in the story and cinematics.
The game is piss easy and there is very little difficulty.
Also, if you can, stay the hell away from the Steam release. The models and textures are botched because they lost the source code while working on FF8 and had to outsource the port to Eidos.
Find an iso copy of the PS1 game, get an emulator like Retroarch and play the game however you like. It takes a bit of fiddling to get working but its worth the payoff. Only go for the aesthetic filter on a second playthrough. Its Lego aesthetic is deliberate and due to the technology it was stuck with. Admire it as a technical marvel and you might be able to enjoy it.

If none of that interests you, just play FFX on a PS2. Also a good title to get into if your new to the series.

>I have no argument so I must meme
Like clockworck.

It doesn't really matter. Graphicsfags are the worst. I will say that playing the PC version I got stuck at an elevator (known glitch) in the sinra building. So if the emulator is less buggy, play that.


Steam edition
Remako mod
New threat mod

there you go, best game ever

Your argument is user is pretentious for not wanting someone new to the game to experience it with mods. ya, ok retard

PC version with mods. No contest. Idiots saying otherwise think all mods are like Skyrim.

>beacause you are a tool
Anti-modders will defend this.


Why not try both? If base game pleases, try with mods

The only people here who advise a new player to play the first time with mods are people who have already played the vanilla game themselves. I don't consider a bug fix a "mod".

Hey, 3rd world spic. Reply to me you smelly faggot.

Any mods that replace every texture with this?

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