Dude lets just make Saber but make her a samurai and also lets get the foot fetish crowd

>Dude lets just make Saber but make her a samurai and also lets get the foot fetish crowd

Brave Type-Moon you went from making thrilling heart breaking stories to foot fetish pandering.

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Hmm yes thats super disgraceful but im not fully sold OP do you have any more evidence to show why this saber copy is so bad?

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keep it in /vg/, retard

All the VNs have some porn in it...

Imagine sucking each of her toes one by one, tasting the slight salt from the sweat and smelling the fragrant scent of her foot musk, swirling your tongue in between her toes and up and down her soles. Mmm I’m getting hard


Every Japanese franchise needs a Youmu clone.

My wife!

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>artist draws nothing but god-tier feet

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die painfully, footfaggots. die and roast in hell.

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Look at this I am sicked type moon would make such a disgrace to Artoria.

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not trying to sound edgy or anything right now but footfags are such irredeemable degenerates that each and every one of you should be dragged into the street and shot. i would unironically wholeheartedly support death squads that hunted you absolute fucking reprobates down and mercilessly executed you and your families. i would fucking smile as i watch you get a bullet between the eyes and i would fucking sleep like a baby knowing the world is a better place without you. just my opinion tho

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Stirrup legwear is a miracle of the universe


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Did ninjas actually wear these?

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What if she has athlete's foot?

Damn user, that's a nice image of yourself got there

Jerking off to feet threads on Zig Forums.

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Imagine the smell

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im not sure but my dick doesnt care

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>want to take a break from fapping
>end up getting horny and jacking off anyway thanks to Zig Forums

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Really why did they turn saberface into a foot slut seriously what disgrace!

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bare feet are disgusting

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>tfw addicted to feet
>tfw cant stop fapping to them and always looking for new art with nice feet

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Real niggas like feet no matter if they're bare or not

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Has he made anything new? I feel like I see the same stuff.

Are you me?
>trying to ease up on the fapping
>go for a good few days
>most basic coomer bait doesn't affect me like generic hot chicks or anime tiddies
>the foot thread finally comes
>gonna coom myself to death

>been a footchad since young
>slowly and gradually it's become more popular
I'm sure we're past the peak but the remaining art/videos both 2D and 3D have been amazing

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This is unironically my favorite Saber!

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Only this one, he posted it on his twitter.

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How do I clean my mind of foot fetish? Smelly girl feets are on my mind 24/7 since I was a teenager and I honest to god can't remember the last time I fapped to tits or ass.

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It has always been popular but people found it weird and didn't talk bout it. You can thank the Internet for that revealing it.

if you're into giantess shit and femdom it's too late for you, normal footfags will get all the feet they want but you're the type to lick another man's cum off your wife's feet

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Nero- boob Saber
Mordred- tummy Saber
Jeanne- thigh/ass Saber
Okita- feet Saber

I would let another man creampie my wife but if he so much as even glanced at her sacred feet I would torture him to death.

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Why is she the best saberface?

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how tf you guys have no shame at all

>lets just make Saber but make her a samurai
Except Okita was based more on Kohaku where even her original source is called "KOHA ACE". The whole "Sakura Saber" came about from Takeuchi drawing her with pale hair as a parody of vanilla Saber and it just stuck on as an inside joke but beyond that, she's nothing like Saber at all.

Of course, the average Fatefag wouldn't know about this.

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good thread

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>Sex sells
Yeah, and?

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Why be ashamed of cute feet?

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That's the spice

Okay bro we get it you like Tsukihime

>went to private school
>girl's uniforms were pantyhose and tartan skirts

Formative experiences

No I like Okita's amrpits and I just want more people to know where they came from originally.

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Who else likes both pits and feet here

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Poison damage!

God I hate fate so much. i cant believe how much money its making off dumb weebs

I don't understand why people like OP get upset about the fapbait in fate.
I hate what type-moon has become too. I loathe that gachashit garbage and the nu-anime that entirely misses the point. I hate the tsukihime "remake" with it's god awful character design, but what do you expect. It prints money and dipshit whales will spend thousands for their jpegs and virtual casino dreck. It doesn't matter, the older VNs are still there. Just ignore the garbage and reminisce about the good times without being a faggot about it. At least we get oodles of high quality fetish doujins out of the new shit

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can the other sabers compete though?
post pics to check

I like girls, and girls tend to have both feet and pits, yes?

If the goal of this series was to make me sad, then they succeeded. Unironically gets really sad at times

>I don't understand why people like OP get upset about the fapbait in fate.
You think OP made this thread because he was upset?

dude same


>Type-Moon went from fetishizing King Arthur and swordtism to popularising ever more niche mythological characters and returning to plot points last established in Notes., over twenty years ago

Pretty based, honestly.

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But are you turned on by both of them?

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>tfw footfag but also get turned on by heels

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