New thread. Zoomers are seething, boomers are laughing

New thread. Zoomers are seething, boomers are laughing.

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False arguments:
>Its just digital so it doesn't matter
>Its just a game so it doesn't matter
>No regard for the time spent on the task

If I burnt down some's castle they made of toothpicks that they autistically spent weeks/months making, anyone (not trolling) would call me an asshole for saying "Chill bro its just toothpicks."

He taught his son a valuable lesson, that you should never trust anyone as they will always destroy the things you love, even the ones supposed to protect you like your parents

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user thats too doomer. Its better to love and lose than to not love.

I've got nothing against punishing your children. Go ahead and belt the little hellions, but this sends the message "I don't care about the things you care about"

No, the best thing to do is build up an aloof shell to insulate yourself from being hurt, never showing interest or passion in anything again, otherwise people will use it to cause pain every chance they get
If you keep everyone at arms legnth then no one can stab you in the back

Wouldn’t the removal of the privileges be enough?

Its just a stupid video game of pixels who cares

The father is clearly a wagie taking out his frustrations with his boss by picking on someone weaker and smaller than him to feel some semblance of power

Lol look at this faggot

His kid will probably resent him for years to come for this. Probably not like actual hate for his dad but he won't ever forget this shit

This is how you estrange your children.

alright drama queen

I don't think anyone should delete anyone's save data for any game, boomer, or zoomer.

This, he should stab the dad in his sleep. Teach him a lesson too.

iirc the parent warned the child of the consequences, deleting the world, if the child didnt start listening. the child did not listen so the parent punished the child in the manner warned. Based parent


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can confirm that this strategy works

Too much, it shows he doesnt give a shit about his son individuality.
That kid will grow to resent him.
What good even comes from destruction of creativity? should have just removed computer privileges for a while and tried to introduce him to new hobbies in meantime.

keep a hard shell for the masses, keep a soft shell for the ones close to you to mold your disposition to others and to feel love, never let them into your core though, always keep a mindset that nothing lasts forever, you can only truly depend on yourself for major life achievements, and even the best plans have failed miserably

when you spend a fucking year building shit in minecraft, and it gets deleted, it doesn't matter if its pixels.

God damn that's an extremely harsh punishment. The kid will get over it eventually but never truly forget the time spent in that world. The dad pretty much deleted the son's memories.

I'm sorry you were hurt user.

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>people actually defending this
I mean I know they're bored but still

The son could get the parent in trouble for computer misuse.

You take away the PC.

Why the fuck would you ALSO delete the data? Holy shit.

user no :(




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The kid's a disobedient autist, he deserved it.

Honestly he should have just killed his son for being disobedient. Where I am from, only the strong are worthy, children without disclipine are worse than human.

I haven't played Minecraft since the fucking beta. Are there really no cloud saves for these kinds of things?

>source: reddit

lol i sad that when some people broke into some guys house and broke all his lego shit he built on youtube. it's just lego calm the fuck down

Keeping a soft shell and pride in your achievements is how you get a years worth of work deleted by the person who thought you could trust the most

I really hope you're shitposting user. I really hope you don't sincerely condone deleting a fucking world someone built for a year. He probably had so many secrets and references and memories and notes.

Please stop that

>He taught his son a valuable lesson
Always do backup...

I lost my minecraft world of a few years a along time ago, big fucking deal.

Sometimes we must purge things from this world, because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone you love.

Ain't that the truth. Headline should instead read "Dad unknowingly makes son into the next Hitler."

You can't actually discuss this shit on Zig Forums. Too many retarded edgy loners who act like badass outcasts despite needing constant human attention on Zig Forums.

quite a poetic way to put it, but still failed to sell me on abortion

Only redditards would crucify a dad for disciplining his irresponsible son and deleting a minecraft world kek. This should also teach the son to always make a back up of something important.

The files for this kid's minecraft world can always be recovered as well through other means


Please do this godforsaken hellhole of a planet a favor and never breed.

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My dad deleted my crummy pale of water

The original post didn't even mention if the kid was sleeping in because he was staying up late and using the computer.

What is there to discuss? Outrage over some kid's minecraft world?

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It's actually pretty difficult to recover deleted files if there's no recovery.

>yfw dad backed the world up before deleting it

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I think Zig Forums is the only video game forum in the world that would actively campaign for the destruction and prohibition of all video games.

The dad, like many parents, thinks the videogame was the problem, without realising that the game and his son's behaviour were consequences of a problem.

This actually also points to a bigger problem: this isn't going to change much. Negative punishment generally only makes it so that a child will hide their mischief from the parent, rather than change to exhibit the desired behaviour.
Besides, punishment as part of raising a kid needs to happen more than once, consistently. So unless they plan to delete a minecraft world/take something away from the kid every time he doesn't listen, not much is going to be retained at all.

Depends entirely on how consequent the parents were prior to this. If they've raised him with dumb ultimatums like "do X or go to bed early" and never following through on that.
That being said, if your kid isn't listening to you at age 9 you've already failed to an extent. Nothing catastrophic but they're not doing great.

If he deleted that shit, there would have to be a good reason.
Please dont have kids, youd just spoiled them into a obsessed consoomer.

Only if the OP took the opposing standpoint

>Haha son only joking, I just wanted deceive you and cause you uneeded loss to teach you a lesson
Wow that's so much better

Yeah because it would make all the gamers "seethe"

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Pretty harsh, but if they warn them then it is on the child. They didn't care enough about the world because if they did then they would have listened.

>Some dad deleted one Minecraft world which probably was crap anyways.
>Zig Forums must want to destroy all video games!
Nice logic.

It's pretty bad but the kid just has to get over it.

I've lost a lot of Minecraft worlds all the time from uninstalling, servers going down... I mean, I would be livid and I'd be really unhappy as a child but he's going to be fine. I've spent months building villages and towns and castles on online servers with groups and lost all contact with all those people in those groups I was in building with... On multiple servers.

You get over it.

The right idea, but the wrong execution. The creative process should be embraced and a thing to strive for on it's own, even if the result isn't permanent. The problem is that the dad probably wasn't smart enough to teach his kid that and probably just bred resentment.

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wrong. become senile then you can do what you want and not care what happens

It is because it teaches the kid that dad is merciful and he can easily say "there won't be a next time" to enforce discipline

>losing something to an accident is the same thing as having it destroyed by your parent

I lost my longtime Minecraft Beta world with a cool ass terrain algorithm, and I still miss it. But you have to move on and make a back up save next time.

He didn't backup his save? Every large minecraft world I work on I back up every other day.

It doesn't matter if its pixels in a video game, paint on a canvas, or laser burns on a photo, the point is that the effort involved still has artistic merit, even if its just a minecraft world.

Was Homer wrong to not let Bart see the Itchy and Scratchy movie?

>break into the museum and destroy all the bones and artifacts

If the parent wanted to discipline their child they could've just taken away their gaming privileges for a couple days. Taking the extra step to delete their world is just unnecessarily cruel

Dad is a poor communicator. You have to clearly explain your rules and expectations with children. "Wake up at 7am starting tomorrow or I will take away your computer" is all he had to say. Not "there will be consequences" and randomly deleting the kid's hundred hour save file.

If the dad had spun it into "go to bed early for X amount of time and you get the world back" it would have been a much better lesson. At least then the kid associates something good with the desired behaviour.

Don't forget to fill your computer with pictures captioned with phrases like "its the kind of tired that sleep won't fix"

Based Deadly Premonition poster.

Yes unlike said accident, the kid brought it on himself if it was a punishment,

Still a video game. Nothing actual permanent lost besides time and you had fun during the time anyway.

Why do boomers hate sleeping in? My parents would go into full rages screeching and yelling at me just because I wanted to sleep back when I lived with them.

You guys dont even know the whole story and werent even there. Dont be quick to assume what happened.
Historical artifacts =/= some kids minecraft world

>kid gets school off

>starts sleeping in until 11 am, probably playing minecraft all night

>dad gives final warning


I am trying to teach my son to wake up early, but he keeps sleeping through lessons

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Sure but the punishment needs to fit the crime. Destroying someone's work they had been doing for over a year for sleeping in on days off just because you said so? Doesn't seem equivalent.


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Productivity is a moral obligation for wageslaves

how to guarantee that your kids will shove you into an elder's home and sell your house when you get old

In this post, when OP's boyfriend refused to make dinner after realizing they were missing an ingredient, she got angry and took a shower to calm down. When she got out of the shower, he was playing Animal Crossing. He told her to come look at what he did, and that's when she realized he had destroyed her entire island.

"Stuff that I had spent literally hours working on during quarantine gone in minutes," she writes. "I know this sounds really embarrassing and child-like but I lost my job recently, I'm housebound, and it's just something I was proud of. I couldn't stop crying."

>rebbit zoomzooms on vee always acting tough
>break down into a blubbering rage because toy got taken

Yikes not a very good look for you zoomers

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What the fuck did the little autist do to deserve this rather than just a belting?

That boy's trust in his father was lost forever.

Yeah. By all means if a kid is misbehaving with their toy you take the toy away from them to teach the lesson of "people who misbehave don't deserve nice things". But the key second part to that lesson is that you eventually give them the toy back so that they can learn the ongoing point of "people who behave DO get to have nice things".