Any game that lets me be a wizard with a sword and still be effective? And I don't mean a magic knight...

any game that lets me be a wizard with a sword and still be effective? And I don't mean a magic knight, I mean pure wizard with robes and all.

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Kensai/Mage in BG

LOTR War in the North

Gothic and TES games also come to mind

Magicka, you even have your choice of swords with different effects. You can even enchant them with magic if you wish.


Moded Minecraft
NWN as elf(for certain definitions of efective)
Spellforce but you are seriously better off specializing in magic rather than weapons and magic
Jack-O-Nine-Tails (you can't even do magic during combat there)
Warband mods with magic in them

This always seemed so fucking stupid silly to me. You are capable of using magic and shit, why would you as an old wise man, ever waste your time carrying a simple man's sword. It's pointless. Stay back and blast them with powers. Such wasted potential.

Magic is simply very exhausting and Gandalf just wasn't designed to blast shit up.


Don't' really want to fireball someone if you are in flammable distance.

Its why moltov stuff always backfires in DnD, eventually someone rolls a 1 and dumps on themselves and the party.

Also in Lord of the Rings magic is more a subtle thing, think status affects and enchantments more so than Blizzards and summoning fire dragons etc.



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Dark Souls 2

Wrong. Gandalf is one of the strongest beings in MiddleEarth and he could lay waste to a small army if he wanted too, however he's not a Wizard but basically an angel in the lore and he is forbidden from using his power to its maximum potential. The maia (angels) send down were suppose to guide MiddeEarth with words only, rallying armies to fight back the darkness but not intervening themselves. Gandalf kinda pushes the boundries of that tho. Just slightly.

Gandalf killed "Durin's Bane" a Balrog (Fallen Angel) of Morgoth (the big evil god that Sauron used to serve) that single-handedly destroyed the kingdom of Moria and killed thousands of Dwarves.... and Gandalf only had a small fraction of his actual powers.

Every dark souls game, for that matter.

Ok, don't gonna question the statement, cause I am not that well informed of the lore, just some basic stuff from before Hobbit and LotR I read in bestiary. But if this is true, what's the dealt with Saruman then? He WAS stronger than Gandalf and some point, and he went full mad crazy. Why he play a more active part in the war then?

Also, I may as well ask. Gandalf fearing the Witch-King is movie stuff, or is in the books?

Honestly, last I remember from that bestiary is that to some extend, Sauron, Saruman, Gandalf and even the Barlogs belong to same specie, but in different classes...

Gosh, I am half asleep, and I just realize what a mess of post this is. Many things to apology for, but in the sake of getting my question clear: Saruman while still being mad, was still stronger than Gandalf for a time. Why he DIDN'T* have a more active role in the war then?

Ultima Online was all about naked wizards with halberds back in the day.


Oh my god I loved that game. Beat the game with all three characters. That one level where you have to defend the enterance to some dwarf city was hard as fuck.

I would call it a tie. They both died, Gandalf just ran back to his body.

Fire Emblem

There is no clear ranking of the Maia, however Tolkien stated Gandalf was the wisest of them. (I'm sure if he includes Sauron in that statement) Gandalf was actually supposed to have Saruman's job but he turned it down because he did not believe he was worthy, something that high elves thought was a mistake. This made Saruman more than a little bit bitter, and probably pushed him into seeking greater powers. As the White, Saruman has greater access to his maia powers than 'grey' Gandalf. However, when both are given access to their abilities. Gandalf quickly comes out on top. (Although this might not be fair because by that point Saruman was pushing a lot of his power into making his own ring)

As for Gandalf the white fearing the Witch-King is movie only. In the books, Gandald stops him from entering the city gate in the siege of Mina Tirith and there is nothing the Witch-King can do. Gandalf is not just 'more powerful' than the Witch-king of Angmar, he is VASTLY more powerful. Tolkien once said (and he usually dislikes making these statements) that if they didn't find the ring, Gandalf the White was the only being in Middle-Earth who had a change in single combat against Sauron himself. ...He also stated that if Ganalf took the from Frodo, then he would have become a Dark Lord more terrible than Sauron ever was. Compared to that, Gandalf in the movies is a gimp.

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Gandalf was fighting with one hand tied behind his back. He didn't have full access to his maia powers, Durin's bane did and he had whatever dark powers Morgoth blessed him with.

Honestly, my reply is just as bad. I did my best to explain but its a little bit shaky. lol I also forgot to mention that in the fight between Gandalf and Saruman in the books isn't as straight foward as the movies. Saruman tricks Gandalf and imprisons him in Orthanc and Orthanc further limits Gandalfs powers. However, Saruman at that point would still likely win due to his status as White and his willingness to use his powers. Gandalf has been willing to die multiple times, rather than break his oath and use his divine abilities to their full potential. Something that I suppose isn't too big a deal since he's an actual angel and he'll just return to heaven.

If you're talking about the war in the third age, Saruman was planning to betray Sauron. He upgraded his Orcs by breeding them with Men, creating Uruk-Hai (which are orcs that could move in the sunlight) and he was trying to create a master ring in secret that could control the one-ring and the rest. So he was doing shit, just not frontline shit.

Ok, thanks for the answers. I don't blame the movies for Downgrading Gandalf DESU, as enjoyable as the story is in book form, I get movies need this kind of compromises compromises for drama sake. Gandalf, already comes across as stronger than everyone else in movie format, if people can't get over the Eagles to this day, I can just imagine the complains with Gandalf at "half" power not ending the war.

And yeah, Saruman expending his resources on his own agenda, and draining his own power makes sense. Again, thanks for the answers.

Dark souls

Why would you need a sword if you're a wizard idiot?

Gothic series

Not him, but I assume Role Play. Role Play to look and feel cool.

Also, OP, in all honestly. KOTOR and Fallen Order. Jedi are just space wizards.

Just started getting into cRPGs but I wanna ask if its worth the plunge?