This is embarrassing

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Are niggers going to cry even more? Geez get gassed soon enough you subhumans

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>holds record for most consoles sold within a year
nothin personell kid

Yeah emberrassing that Sony or Microsoft cant break the world record of console sales per quarter while Nintendo just broke them.

Ahead of PS4 launch-aligned by two millions now.

Embarrassing that Nintendo is beating Sony and Microsoft with literally one fucking game released this year, yeah.

What's the appeal? Is mobile gaming really that in demand?

>this is embarrassing

It sure is.

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>What's the appeal?

You'll understand when you're an adult and you stop spending all day festering in your bedroom jerking of to Hentai.

None of the thing he said are wrong though

Normies cares more about the brand than the actual quality of the console or it's games

>None of the thing he said are wrong though

1st one:
>Battery life issue

My PS4 pad is dead after a couple of hours play. I guess I thats shit too. I guess every console is shit lol

Who gives a fuck about trivial shit like resolution and processors when you can play some of the best games of all time like BotW, Odyssey and XC2

Almost all of his points are fucking wrong though, stop being a sand nigger

This shit is fucking sad aswell, snoys really seem to be desperate to paint Astral Chain as a flop, they cant even read numbers correctly

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if a brand is associated with exclusives i want to play why wouldn't i care about brand?

It's really not hard to beat two consoles on the end of their life. Wii U is Nintendo's worse selling console in history and it's first 2 years beat out the end of PS3 and 360 too only to be destroyed by PS4.

>It's really not hard to beat two consoles on the end of their life.

Do you really think the PS5 and Xbox are going to outsell the Switch this Christmas?

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That's about 5 million more than ps4 had sold in the same timeframe, so it must be extra embarrassing for sony.

turn the light bar to dim or off and your controller will last hours. way longer than a switch
t. own both

The pro controller still lasts for 30+ hours, which should be the standard for any controller nowadays

>Comparing the power consumption of a controller to a fucking handheld console

he was the one who drew the comparison first, I just said you can extend the battery life.

and who cares? you people talking like you work for sony or some shit

>he doesn't

ps4 sold 100m who cares

The point is the Switch doesn't have a battery issue. Its battery is the same expectancy of ALL modern tech.

None of that morons "issues" are real issues. He just WANTS them to be issues because he can't cope with his irrational infantile jealousy of a video game company.

I wonder if sonyfriends will still talk about sales when the Switch is 65million units ahead of the PS5 when it launches?

>handheld outsells home console

Yeah no shit, how new are you?

And just 2 or 3 games, It's basically another PS4

I mean, the one game is Animal Crossing. That's like saying Jurassic Park was just one movie in 1993.

>Why does this get me hard

Wonder if he sudoku'd.

It's not a fair comparison, sales have been boosted by lockdown. I'm pretty sure Nintendo were working with China to unleash this virus across the world in order to boost sales.

Either that or he is shitting his pants in this thread this very second

This Christmas, no, because supplies of new consoles are always slow. By next summer? They're be blowing the Switch out of the water.

What's embarrassing is people who claimed the Switch would fail. I'd love to see their faces now.

Nigger, the Switch had shortages, it only decreased the sales if anything

>By next summer? They're be blowing the Switch out of the water.

Yeah bro! That Switch will finally flop in the 5th Year of its lifecycle!


If he's anything like your average Snoyboi, he's probably buttmad that he can't play the other brand's games on his own preferred brand

Some of them are still fuming that Nintendo didn't do a Sega after the GameCube. Big part of what led to the Wii being known as the "great betrayer", you see, 15 years ago they thought it was finally time to get Nintendo games on PlayStation and they're STILL waiting

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I guess PS can be cocky but why are Phil Spencer fangirls talking shit? XB1 got outsold by Switch in less time and outside of the US and UK, Xbox won't make a dent anywhere. And that's if those two shitholes even recover from the virus.

I don't think Xbox fans are even concerned about winning the race anymore, they're satisfied with just staying in the game and taunting Sony fans about not being able to make Xbox drop out

LOL. I'm waiting to play Twisted Metal on my Switch. I look forward to playing Sony games on Nintendo

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I wanted to buy a switch but the supply all dried up and now I have to deal with scalping niggers wanting $500+ for one.

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Why does it bother you so much, OP?

Isn't it weird how if you make fun of Xbox or PlayStation nothing happens but you get banned for mocking drones or their shitty kids games?

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I don't think we'll be seeing Sony drop out any time soon, sadly. Especially since they're the ones who the rest of the industry would probably benefit most from going third-party, considering their hardware never brings anything new to the table (besides "most powerful" and only in the PS3/4 eras, and now PS5 is back to the PS1/2 days where they can't even claim to have that)

But for as much as that user was ranting about normies keeping Nintendo afloat, all I ever see is basic bitches on Twitter stanning PlayStation loyalty like they're the fucking crips or something, ever since the PS4 took off. PlayStation is far more the "hordes of sheeple" brand than Nintendo is at this point

No. because nintendo isnt on regular console generations anymore. WiiU + Switch vs PS4 then whatever for nintendos new console vs PS5

Every single thing people say about people buying the Switch just because it's Nintendo can be refuted by pointing at the Wii U. And don't give me that "marketing" bullshit. That might have been true for the first year of its life, but after that people knew what the fucking thing was. Not even Smash 4 and Mario Maker could save it.

Nintendo just held their quarterly investor meeting and they just said how they feel Switch is only just now reaching the middle of its life

Considering it's still selling gangbusters, I believe that they're not as anxious to get their next system out as they were going from Wii U to Switch, I imagine we won't be seeing whatever the Switch's successor is for several years, most of SeX/PS5 will be still against Switch until third-party devs start complaining that it's too weak to keep up anymore