The name Resident Evil is fucking awful

For me. It's Biohazard.
And I hope whoever doesn't call it Biohazard and actually likes the name Resident Evil gets cancer and dies.

The games are LITERALLY about fighting bioterrorism. It's always about a virus that either rises the undead or makes mutant mutants or weird dogs or giant tyrants and stuff. ALL ABOUT BIOHAZARDS.

Not about a place where evil is a resident. Fuck that. "OHH OHH BUT THE FIRST GAME WAS IN A MANSION WITH ZOMBIES" Wooow that's soooo evil ZOmbies are like super sooo evil so evil mevil almost 2D evil almost like Maleficent or other Disney Villains.

You fucking daft cunts.

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Based and Redpilled. Whoever changed the name was a fucking retard.

It worked for the first game, not so much for the rest

You're not wrong, it is awful. But I like it

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I guess they didn't wanted to "spoiler" that a virus was behind the monsters

Fucking this. I hate that I have to say "Resident Evil" just to talk about it with people. All western influence on the series has been fucking cancer, and the name should be changed back.

It was because they couldn't get the Biohazard trademark in the states, some band had it or something.

I think they got lucky with 'Resident Evil', it does roll off the tongue.

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This. It wasn't a name change for no reason. A band had the name Biohazard so they had to change it. They didn't expect it to become a series.

The Evil Within is the most kino name. It's weird that they didn't use that back then, since there's evil inside the mansion

Who the fuck cares man, you think people who make music care about the names of their songs? What the fuck does Metal Gear Solid mean? Yeah I know ‘Solid’ is supposed to mean solid like a 3D shape but no one cares or thinks twice about it.

I feel like they came up with both of those names specifically just to riff on Bio/RE

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>Gets mad over the most trivial of things
How embarrassing.

Capcom did. There was a band back in the day called Biohazard and they refused to release the copyright for the game. Capcom had to pick a new title for the west and the staff had a contest. The winner of all the names submitted was Resident Evil and even though Shinji Mikami hated it he agreed.

The name of that game was Psycho Break in Japan but Bethesda wanted to take advantage of the fact that they got Shinji Mikami fo they milked it for what all its worth.

For me it's Bioha7ard: Resident Evil

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>Game is corny horror
>Got a corny horror movie name in the west
I am absolute okay with that and take it over biohazard every day, since that sounds generic as shit and always makes me think about that one terrible n64 fighting game.

You only prefer RE because it's the one are used to, it's first encounter bias.

The whole thing about corny horror is just post facto rationalization. You are like a woman.

Than I like to fucking keep my first encounter bias.
>The whole thing about corny horror is just post facto rationalization.
Ma'am people laughed back in '96 about the fmv and the voice acting, there isn't anything post facto about it.
Additionally the Biohazard after pressing start always sounds like an asthmatic fat women complaining to the manager instead of a manly but nonsensical resident evil that oozes testosterone.

Resident Evil rolls off the tongue and is cool to say. Biohazard is boooooring

You're a retard. The game is not scary at all and is about zombies, and no matter how much people try to deny it, from the very first game it was all about actions and going around rescuing women and shooting zombies. So no, Biohazard is the actual name. DEAL WITH IT SWEATY.

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Exactly and Resident Evil sounds like a cool 80s zombie movie and Biohazard sounds like 2000s made for tv movie - despite it being the original name.

You gotta be extremely retarded to associate "Resident Evil" with zombies. Resident Evil sounds like ghosts, or I dunno, some crazy psychopath, a true evil entity that resides in a place.

Going guns blazing into mansions, police stations, cities, etc to kill zombies, mutants, dogs, lickers, giants, etc is not an evil or a resident thing. It's literally about the virus doing all that shit and having to survive it all.

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>Resident Evil doesn't sound like zombies
Just take a look how idiotic most of the old zombie movies were named and more often renamed... so Resident Evil being the rename just makes it even more perfect and fitting. Almost a slight nod to great classics like: "Sardu, the master of the screaming virgins" that got renamed to "the incredible torture show" and later "bloodsucking freaks".
You see, there is a plethora of undeniable facts why Resident Evil is clearly the superior name. From the beginning and in hindsight.

Yeah that sounds about right but at the end of the day Biohazard is gay and sounds gay to say and Resident Evil feels good to say, the end.

"Dawn of the Dead" "The Walking Dead" "My boyfriend is a zombie" "Zombieland" "Zombiestation" "Little monster" "Exterminated" "Braindead" etc.


Also I love this bit
>Resident Evil is clearly the superior name. From the beginning and in hindsight.

"My dad is better than yours cuz reasons!!!!"

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no one cares, autismazoid

>wishing people cancer because muh video games
uh oh

>Game is so ludo that the title makes sense in both languages

You fight a BIOHAZARD that is the Bakers RESIDENT EVIL

I fucking love RE7 brehs

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Resident Evil 7 is not even a resident evil game. Hell, only RE7 can be called Resident Evil since it's literally about an evil resident, the little ghost girl who mind controls everyone and creates the mold and yadda yadda, that one is full of paranormal shit no matter how hard they try to pull a "Oh no no it's sciecne we made the little girl in a lab!".

All the other ones are about actual viruses and bioweapons.

That's clearly not the quality of movie making I'm referring to. More to the italian made horror b-movies of the 70s and 80s that resemble in quality and direction the FMV of RE1. And even phonetically it would fit right in besides a "revenge in the house of usher" aka "revolt in the house of usher" aka "Zombie 5" aka "Neurosis: The fall of House Usher"
No wonder you like biohazard more if you lack education in shitty 50 year old smut movies.

Why was there no announcer in that one?

>No wonder you like biohazard more if you lack education in shitty 50 year old smut movies.

In your head that sounded like a good insult. Top kek.

The little girl is a Bio Weapon no matter how much you cry about it.its fits.

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>All the other ones are about actual viruses and bioweapons.
so you haven't played 7 or just ignored all the plot behind what's going on other than being trapped in the house?

>50 year old
It obviously wasn't intended as an insult, but a joke. Well I'm out of bullshit to pull out of my ass why Resident Evil is the better name. Thankfully Biohazard will never catch on since Bh is a shitty abbreviation and will never substitute RE when referring to the game.
Just kidding, nobody really gives a fuck how it's called.

Remake Chris is waaay hotter than Roid up dude.

Absolutely not, you have shit taste.

You're a retard but ok. Roid Chris is best Chris and it makes you mad that you'll never look like him and will have to stand either being a twig or a fucking fatty.


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Eww I’m a grill