Niggers are being shilled in Japanese games now

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Are they serious with this shit?
What race even is this thing?

How did the Japs react to this ugly fucking mutt?

mario has been a thing for decades

better change hobby then, faggot.

Looks med af

Is this board retarded or what

nah I don't want niggers in japanese media, sorry.
Nobody likes you

burger hours

and nobody gives a shit about what you think. you can't do shit about this. no one will miss you.

Except your mom


africans are genetically dumb and violent.
Literally nobody likes or feels comfortable having to share living soace with you.
The first darkie in the neighbourhood drops real estate prices.

>mutts don't know Okinawa

unironically based

Isn't he Okinawan?

How about you go fuck yourself, I like niggerhating user

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What is nigger about that? The hair?

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fuck niggers and nigger apologists

This is why Zig Forums has a bad reputation.


Have you ever seen an actual black person before

>this character has slightly darker skin than everyone else
>surely that must mean they're black

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It's okay to hate black characters.

Lol I’ve all but abandoned gaming over the past few years. Only games I would buy now are Fromsoft games and maybe the occasional RPG

On the contrary my friend. I’ve swapped out gaming for climbing the corporate ladder. I’ll be sure to use more of my income to fund White Racial Awakening groups like Atomwaffen.

All I wanted was to not have any fucking negroids and tranny freaks in my games but it had to come to this so oh well.

>Niggers are being shilled in Japanese games now
The fuck does that even mean

Ok but I'm not seeing a black character in this topic, just an Okinawa asian.

you are mentally retarded beyond salvation

It's okay to hate black characters if you have a reason beyond "they're black". Imagine how stupid it would be if people hated Mario because he's Italian.

By the way guys, don't expose your skin to the sun for too long, lest you become a nigger too.

that they want to racemix. They want the bbc gene.

What's wrong with hating a certain race when race determines what traits you're genetically predisposed to? I don't like violent people, so I don't like blacks either.

Thats not a nigger you fucking retard

Japanese people have more than one distinctive phenotype dude

Ainu, Yayoi, Okinawan, etc

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The guy doesn't even look black
What the fuck is OP smoking, cock?

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You have never seen a native Japanese man have you. Hes pureblooded.

Probably a Brazilian jap mutt. They have quite a few of those.

Why americans are so obssesed with black people. Literally living rent free in your head

Reminder that Kiryu is a Turk.

why it's always americans

Because that's retarded.

Slippery slope is real faggots. No one should have a tan

Bitches don’t know about my Ryukyu

black people are violent and prone to crime.
It's called noticing patterns.

Americans should be banned, and everyone who posts on the shittiest board (Zig Forums) too.

>living rent free in your head
And in their country too

It's cute you think your pittance actually matters. Good luck trying to match Soros ;)

hes black

>/vpol/: You don't understand, we need to bitch each and everyday about all non whites!!!

He's pureblood Jomon.

you know what else should be banned?

>he doesn't hate mario
My god...

The fuc are you talking about OP? that's a whiskey drinking American soldier killing okinawan

>americans americans americans americans
libel and slander

t.Zig Forums

>he doesn't love Shantae

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the bigger the challenge the greater the reward

>unironically being proud of some jew billionaire destroying your country via groid boatloads


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Buying the game day 1

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>his girlfriend left him for the BBC

Why does the west need blacks? They're a net negative impact on literally every facet of life.
I would gladly give my taxes to have them shipped back to Bumfuck Africa


Based Okinawan BVLLS are going to cream inside all the Yamato women and there's nothing you can do about it little whiteboy :^)

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He’s not black he’s Japanese you idiot.

>bad reputation
who cares faggot

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hes right you know...

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japanese aren't black though

>africans are genetically dumb and violent.
doesn’t that means they have high T?

cope negroid

Nips don't suffer dindus living in their ethnostate, for them niggers are just this weird subhuman that occasionally pull the thug, stoner. sarcastic wise cracking comedic relief role in movies

who wouldn't want a dindu acquaintance if they all behaved as pedowood often depicts them?

>bootlicking workforce kills themselves after 300492 hour work week
holy based nippon!!! So uncucked
>games are all terribly written, embarrassing and juvenline, no actual literature of any merit besides meme shit like that secret fag who killed himself has come out of the country
lmao westerners CALL THIS good writing hahaha check out the deep story of final fantasy 8!! And anime like death note and naruto!
>yakuza child rape gangs covered up by government, literal children being raped and denied a happy childhood not taken seriously at all and even celebrated in their braindead media
hahahah FUCK feminazis Ahahahha based japan

I missing anything?

>giving free (You)s

Do okinawans really grow afros?

Ok alexander the pedophile. Why dont you go back to where you statistically crawled out of

Is ok to hate black people. They’re annoying and always bring their race in everything. I don’t mind black fictional character as long as they’re good

There is no challenge, you lost at birth. Soros is alright as far as billionaires go, but I guess fox news told you he's an evil jew who drinks baby blood so it must be true.

Yeah and neither is he because he’s Japanese.

>See niggers everywhere.
This is your brain on burgers.

>niggers in america are criminals
>niggers in europe are criminals
>niggers in asia are criminals
>niggers in africa are criminals
what does this mean for niggers

literally every rich and famous person fucks kids and drinks their blood

Do you hate Snoop Dogg and Mr. T?

>black fictional character
This is the West.

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I don't, but I'm not cool

Mr. T is fine le weed nigger is cringe


where'd that come from?
Imagine being a nigger AND a pedophile, lol dude you're dead come your inevitable incarceration.

You remember nasubi?