Kino Horror Games

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the evil within

Currently playing Alien Isolation

is it good?

Forbidden Siren 1 & 2.

Ur moms bengina lol

But if we’re being serious, the original Dead Space deserves it’s place in the horror hall of fame

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Yeah i like it thus far.

This. EW2 was a downgrade for me.

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you forgot one

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undertale is horror?

Darkwood is so cool, the atmosphere, sound design, and art direction are all god tier but I'll be damned if the top-down pixel style doesn't completely and totally ruin it for me. If these devs ever try a kickstarter or something for a full 3D ambitious project I'd unironically donate a large sum.

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Lost in Vivo is great

Rule of Rose and Haunting ground

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Isn't that the The Thing game?

Not really fully horror but this is great. Legitimately one of the few games you spend stuck in an underground facility and finding a way out is this huge, laborious task that gets more and more complicated. Seeing daylight again when you finally escape felt amazing.

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You mean ludo. "Kino" has no meaning outside Zig Forums.

>Haunting Ground
I always wanted to get around to that game at some point. Is it any good tho?

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Condemned: Criminal Origins

>girl gets trapped in a mansion
>has a dog companion
>gets chased all the time across the very boring and dreary mansion interior by a butt-ugly dumbass giant
it's hugely overrated

>tfw you're back in the Himuro mansion in FF3


is this The Thing?

Does it do anything particularly interesting, like Siren does with its sightjacking mechanics?

well i consider it a horror as it would be a nightmare for me to play it

>survival horror kino
>fixed camera
>tank controls
nobody posting Alone in the Dark
for shame!

Yes, but if you're thinking of playing it expecting a psychological atmospheric horror game, it turns into "empty your entire mag into the army of monsters running at you" after the first hour

>fatal frame is dead and buried and no one wants to bring it back

Mah nigga.

RE was not and never will be horror.
It's b movie slasher trash.

manhunt 1 and 2

No. It is everything OP's pic isn't, western garbage and uninteresting. Absolute waste of the license, and the biggest disappoint I've had in relation to horror games, because I'd KILL for a good Alien survival horror game with an atmosphere inspired by the first movie. Fuck this game, and fuck anybody who says it's good.

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This. Just look at this amazing aesthetic. And cutscenes are soo kino. This game really had the soul of a PS2 game, especially with that convoluted story.

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Nigger what do you want? I feel like you'd have to be trying to be a nitpicky faggot to not even somewhat enjoy it if you specifically want an Alien game. I agree it has some big problems but what exactly were you looking for?

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The lighting of id Tech 5 engine was perfect for this game

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user you are a fucking idiot.

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TEW is one of the kinoest games ever made.

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RE > Evil Within > Dead Space > Dino Crisis > Silent Hill > Fatal Frame > Clock Tower

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>I'd KILL for a good Alien survival horror game
Dead Space doesn't have aliens, but it's really good survival horror set in space.
I haven't played Alien Isolation, so I can't comment on that game nor your critique of it. Though from what i've heard of it and from it's general reviews, I'd wager you are very wrong.

Remember playing this as a kid with the window open. Was absolutely chilling.
