Bros why is Microsoft's comment section not loading?

Bros why is Microsoft's comment section not loading?

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>positive like:dislike ratio

Microsoft paid Google for likes

The ratio was about 50/50 earlier (because all the videos were cinematic shit and not gameplay) and then microsoft deleted a bunch of critical comments and 10,000 dislikes, and then the ENTIRE comment section was just people seething about microsoft trying to censor criticism and saying shit like "did you think we wouldn't notice deleting 10k dislikes?"

Oh the Likes are now 10k higher than last time I looked while the dislikes are only 3k higher, I really doubt they're legit with the shitstorm. But the comments are still loading for me.

dislikes get automatically deleted if you click without watching a portion of the video

This is the first time I see this tho. The comment section is either turned off or on but not in an infinite loop. Google allowed Microsoft to DDoS it's own channel comment section? It is weird

That would happen instantly to the individual dislike in question. And people disliked this BECAUSE THEY WATCHED and did not see gameplay. The dislikes were at 36,000 earlier, for a significant time, and abruptly went down to 26,000 and everyone noticed.

Who cares? Quit shit posting in your fanboy war and go play games you fucking manchild

>did not see gameplay
So, nothing out of the regular?

Show us

Attached: simplescreenrecorder-2020-05-07_18.15.44.webm (646x504, 1.13M)

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Its your platform shithead, get a real computer.

Because you touch yourself at night!

based retard

That's a shop. Do a video

All comment sections on all videos work fine. It's just Micrososhits that's not working

The comment section was overwhelmed by all the gameplay

Microsoft is playing with us.... see what i did there ?

Based Micro

What form is this

Attached: 1243242342134.png (627x353, 200.98K)

Phil Spencer has been playing with me for years


Attached: 234123412421.png (627x353, 267.04K)

This same kind of stuff happened with Diablo Immortal's trailer. Disikes disappeared in mass numbers and the comment section 'glitched out' like this too
Seems like it's just something Youtube admins can do

>That's a shop. Do a video
Not him. Its loading fine for me. Fix your internet.

Comments load fine on mobile—not looking pretty.

Attached: Screenshot_20200507-175153.png (720x1512, 266.27K)

Microsoft video is the only one that comments are in an infinite loop. Post a video

>That's a shop. Do a video

>cant show a video
>calls others retards


Can't shop a video eh retard?

Attached: simplescreenrecorder-2020-05-07_19.04.23.webm (646x504, 2.81M)
