Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau at your service. I want to have fuck with you

>Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau at your service. I want to have fuck with you.
what do?

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there's no need to lie about who you are, Harry
but you have to move on

That game got way too faggy liberal for my tastes

>what do?
I uninstall this trash.

Join the 42%.

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>BTW thank you Marx, Engels, and Stalin. You inspired me to make this game.

Don't you mean f**** liberal, officer?

Sorry, you're right. That was r******* of me.

these people creep me out

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Let's get this out of the way: The four main political ideas in the game are pushed to the extreme for the sake of commentary, critique, and comedy.

if you're a "woke" liberal or socialist the game will push you into being an asshole communist that just likes to argue and doesn't realize how corrupt the union is-- and then shits on you for it
if you're a libertarian that believes in the free market, the game will push you into being an ultra-free trade liberal who only cares about profit and promotes child labor-- and then shits on you for it
if you're a conservative that believes in tradition and national pride, the game will push you into being an ultra-far right fascist who hates other races and women-- and then shits on you for it
most hilariously, if you choose to be "above it all" and believe in moderation, or "incremental change"... or try to be anything but a radical the game pushes you into being a pussy-ass boring moralist/centrist that has no backbone-- and shits on you for it.

Everyone gets dumped on equally, because you (i.e. the main character) are a complete failure of a person: an amnesiac, addicted mess.

Anyone who actually played the game would understand that any and all the political thoughts/ideas the main character espouses are just projections from a sad, lonely. probably mentally-ill drunk drug addict who can't get over his ex-fiancee who aborted his child without telling him. Every retarded political thought he has is twisted by his fucked up personal life. Accepting the politics of this game at face value means you're a retard without reading comprehension or critical thinking skills.

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Tick-tock Zig Forumscuck, the day of your forcible feminization is drawing ever closer

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lol they didn't unlock the ability to hear faggot in game uncensored baka

Mr du Bois, I don’t have time for games like these when I’m managing a strike. Any word from the Wild Palms representative on our demands?

>The number on her collar
Based AF

>Accepting the politics of this game at face value means you're a retard without reading comprehension or critical thinking skills

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So is this game good?

just don't leave your children unattended nearby to them and there's nothing to worry about

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yeah the design, story, writing and characters are all superb. really great world-building and inventive uses of how you use and interact with your skills compared to normal games

The same people who praise this game for being politically aware and progressive are utilizing the exact same method of rationalization you use here: projection.


what would happen if i left my child unattended near one?

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No, locusts.

It's what you make of it. Don't care about politics? You'll enjoy it. Get triggered at every little thing? You'll lose your shit within 5 minutes.

Indoctrination. You ever tried to get a good night of sleep while your kid can't stop shouting about US-backed interventions in South American countries?
just kidding. it's diddling

is it fucked up that i'd rather my kid get diddled than indoctrinated?

Yes, because the latter can be reversed

yes, you weirdo

fuck off commie

So you're saying it's quite good