What did kojima mean by this?

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Only good game kojima made

you mean the least shit game

>Been playing Bayonetta lately.

>kojima made

it makes me mad when people call mgr edgy when it's clearly meant to be campy

MGR has actual gameplay so you can tell Kojima definitely had no hand in making it.

>come fuck this senator!

>Subscribe to my OnlyFans Jack!

>I could break the president's cock in two


That cutscenes made me cringe, they almost ruined the moment trying to be funny.


I think it's hilarious

Hey guys, what if they ripped opmd fto n thhe middle? Wouldn't that be funny?

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Homage to bayo.

>>Subscribe to my OnlyFans Jack!


I literally just played this part last night. It's amazing that I started playing this game, and a couple hours in someone on Zig Forums decided to vigorously Shit-post this game.

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Power Bottom master race

Isn't it just a reference to him playing football?


Did anyone else think him and the samurai guy were hard as fuck to beat or am I just retarded? Seemed like I was getting murdered without hurting them almost at all until I finally figured them out.

i cant beat him right now, i am about to just stop and play some other day.

More like slave race. Like it should be

>not "do fuck with this senator"
one job, dude

How am I supposed to say no!?


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i thought it was kind of like a sumo thing

Senator Abby strong OOGA BOOGA


I get the feeling Kojima only wanted credit for this game after people were raving about it's gameplay and Armstrong. He probably would have treated it like Portable Ops had the game not been as well received.

Who's the boy?

just a gay joke

How does it feel to have no taste whatsoever and yet trying to make your opinion sound relevant with buzzwords like "cringe"?

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Learn how to use the invincibility frames from Offensive Defense.

Or maybe it was Defensive Offense. I can't remember the name.

Japs aren't funny, end of story

>best Metal Gear game is a spinoff that had little input from Kojima

I'll give him that he made the right choice in getting Platinum to make the gameplay while his team focused on the story, otherwise It'd have been canned.

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lmao are Platinum too scared to model a man's buttcheeks?

Also remember that Kojima expected the game to be a huge blunder, because the egomaniac fuck wasn't as involved with the project as he was other MGS games. If you watch interviews with him prior to release he keeps saying shit like "oh don't worry Ground Zeroes will be out soon after" as if that's the superior game. What a gay retard

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Cant get a sensual senator voice out of my head now

You have no sense of humor, are you autistic by any chance?

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