FF7 graphics: PSX vs PC

I can't be the only one who prefers the jaggy pixels right?

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Oddly I only played it on PS1 but I remember all characters having the PC faces.

Here's your definitive edition, bro!

Attached: 1587263684047.png (1430x1028, 2.57M)

I think those models actually look ok, but
I still vastly prefer the original. The new ones dont match the old backgrounds anyway.

I havent seen people talk about this mod much, just here and there. What does Zig Forums think of it?

yes they do.

Attached: 1588117433002.png (1920x960, 3.32M)

it's fucking perfect.

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Shit, That's pretty good. Got anymore combat screenshots?

Is this mod complete?

What's this mod called?

We're never gonna get an answer, are we?

those models look disgusting as fuck how can people like this shit

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I grew up with the SNES and I still cannot believe how this game is basically THE final fantasy of all time. Jesus fucking christ just look at how bad those polygon models are, wtf where they smoking?

It’s weird how the people who were able to look past these models were the same ones demanding a remake with pretty graphics

Attached: FF7 remaster combat.webm (1440x1080, 2.89M)

Seriously, what mod is this?

They look EXACTLY like how they were meant to look even back in PS1 days.

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The hoops you have to jump through to install Remako when you only have one drive...

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Ninostyle. Specifically the chibi set it comes with. Its on nexusmods.

characters look out of place next to the original enemies


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On an actual CRT which has a sort of natural anti-aliasing through the nature of the tech itself it's ok. Emulated on an LCD it's shit.

oshit, it's PERFECT, might actually get around to buy FF7, just as the golden week sale is over, fml

Awesome, thanks. I know what I'm doing on my next playthrough.

Enemies are being remade too.

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you're just another contrarian retard
there are thousands

My thoughts exactly.

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Nigga, this is a SOUL OVERDOZE!

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What's the mod equivalent of pic related?

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That Tifa is so cute


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that's how they'd look through a CRT

She sure is

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that's pretty slick, the texture work is impressive, it looks exactly like the character art

Nice. You saved my screenshots from 2018

yeah they look exactly like shit, the drawings look good but i dont think they translate well to 3d

well keep your thoughts elsewhere sweety

can someone link me some good crt filters?

nevermind, they are from last year

Attached: ff7_bc_2019_05_23_00_40_16_423.jpg (1920x1080, 300.15K)

Attached: ff7 nino01.png (640x448, 179.21K)

>the drawings look good but i dont think they translate well to 3d
well that's just your gay opinion and its wrong because you're a retard.

I’m on disc 3 of an emulated playthrough, and I’m really thinking of getting the PC version and checking out the New Threat mod afterwards, but does anyone know if it’s possible to have a speedup button on the steam version, like the ps4/xbone/switch have?

I wouldn't say exactly. Nino's gotta do a content pass over this stuff, try to make the faces more Nomura-like. And also remember that shoulders aren't inherently blocks, so we have less GAINSborough.

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why do you sperg out every time someone says they don't like your shit?

I didn't know there was a way to make Sephiroth look more faggy.


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You just absolutely know hat they will add this to the remake when it comes out on pc.