Deal with it

Deal with it.

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Imagine still buying Western trash in 2020.

I’ll deal with it by not playing your schizo fantasies Cuckman.


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How many likes?

Man's not good at actually practicing his personal politics given how abusive he is to employees. Then again I think all the political crap is just a front to mask his torture fetish.

what personal politic inspired the ending of tlou?

>Hate fun and make great efforts to expunge it from the game
>Your game leaking results in most fun Zig Forums had in years
Pretty ironic aint it

26K last I checked.

I used to side with him in this argument, but after seeing what happens in TLoU2 I think I misinterpreted him.
I thought he meant that one life isn't worth sacrificing, even if the ends justify the means, but it seems like he's thinking
>white men are so evil they can't see the big picture white men REEEEEEE we ran out of time i wanted to kill joel so BAD

To be fair though, what does "Keep your personal politics out of your writing" even mean? Has that person ever read anything written by...anyone?

I actually loved TLOU, Joel and Ellie.

TLOU2 isn’t canon anyway.

>Then again I think all the political crap is just a front to mask his torture fetish.
All signs point to yes.

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Haven't thought about it that way.

Thank you based Neil.

The word politics is loaded, and it's clear they're interpreting it differently.
If he meant that Neil shouldn't bring his own interpretation of the world into his writing he's retarded, but if he meant don't have a thinly-veiled Trump figure or shoehorn in some hot-button political issue that has no place in a post apocalypse he's based.

How is it not canon?

Please don’t post images like that of my wife again.


while I think he's a filthy leftist kike with disgusting world view I see nothing wrong with putting your politics in the game. Just don't expect everyone to like it

Personal politics being reflected in the makers work isn't something that should be shunned or discouraged. Try telling authors, musicians, and artists of any kind that they can't put their political opinions in their story and see how well that goes over. If you are against that statement you are against centuries of art, period. No ifs, ands, or buts.
But just like he has the ability to put it in his game, I have the ability to see his personal politics and call bullshit on him and not buy his shitty game because of them.

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Soiny shills will unironically come in here and defend the Tranny of us 2. They're incapable of shame at this point.

That's a fine take, though. If you consume media and literature that doesn't have some kind of politics in it, you're either reading literal baby books or you're just fucking stupid because every piece of media (even children's books) have politics in them.

i deal with it every day by not paying

It’s Cuckman’s torture porn fanfiction with his self-insert spitting on the white male protagonist of the first game.

TLOU2 will go down as American Psycho 2, a terrible sequel so unanimously agreed to be dogshit it simply stops existing in the public’s mind.

The problem there is you're not saying "No politics", you're saying "No hamfisted allegories and no bad writing", which really should go without saying.

Ironically, by confusing "bad writing" and "politics", that person is bringing *their own* politics into *their* writing, because they wouldn't bring it up if they didn't notice it, and they're much more likely to notice it if it's a political position they disagree with.

>and then everyone chops off their penises and dies for Israel
>the end
Another amazing tale spun by the wonderous nose.

>being influenced by certain ideas while creating the game
That's expected
>creating an ultra-preachy narrative that only serves to propel your limited modern views
>mocking any opposing views and discarding them as "bigots"
No, you may fuck off

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fireflies are a alternate version of themselves that somehow weren't the most incompetent bumblefucks in the world

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>writers work off of their views of the world

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>people who are enthusiastic about murdering pregnant women are "morally gray"
great worldview

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If you use the word politics like that it becomes useless because it's too broad. It's the same thing that happend to "art."

That's 2 men, right?

Politics are the lowest hanging fruit.

Prove me wrong.

That's not politics though, that's just bad writing.

Any good story has, by definition, its own opinions that it portrays as strongly. The difference is, they don't preach to the viewer.

Only bad writers can't separate their personal politics from their work.

The bluepill that Utilitarianism is wrong

This is some fundamental misunderstanding of what writers are even supposed to do. I mean, he seems proud of his stupidity.

>If you are against that statement you are against centuries of art, period
Modern day politics are fucking fake and gay. Unless nukes start to fly like the 1950s, leave politics out of your art unless you want to create bland art. We live in the most boring time of history that it should be a crime for history books to even reference this era.

how is the ending political?

"Politics" is just your personal opinion of how people as a collective should behave in a society. The world "Politics" comes from the Greek "Polis" which means "City"

Any story with a moral is going to seek to persuade the reader in some way, which makes that story inherently political.

You think you're hunting down Abby the while time, but it's revealed you're actually hunting down Putin who released the fungal infection on the world.

Talking politics/religion is rude in mixed company. It's one thing to go out of your way to be rude (as an artist)
Storytellers generally shouldn't be rude to the listener.

Both are western women.

What exactly are the requirements?

>let me interpret this term in the broadest possible sense to the point where it applies to everything and is therefore meaningless, that way I don't have to address your point
Typical fucking kike pilpul, t. kike

>calling himself a writer

"oh, so then they go to this place and kill people, and then a guy with a mushroom head jumps out and they kill him. then they go down the road and kill more people"

jeez it's so hard to write a 3ps game!

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Druckmann will be dealing flipping burgers after the third game sells 300 copies.

TLOU is VERY pro-skub.

They are not. Politics are tied with the view and interpretation of the world, and how the world should be.
In addition, they also scale with how intense the subject material is. Various massacres, wars, and oppression are obviously going to have more going for them than ORANGEMAN. Can something be said about Trump in an artistic work? You can try, but it's going to be very hard to do in any significant way and odds are you'll fail.

In his view of the world, there can only be one tranny? Scumbag

There's writing a "genuine" story, and then there's writing what is effectively propaganda. With a "genuine" story a writer asks a question and explores it over the course of the work, eventually coming to a conclusion by the end of it. This is a naturalistic process in which the writer draws from their own opinions and experiences, but isn't bound to or completely adherent to them. Propaganda, on the other hand, is when a writer wants to make a statement and uses the elements of a work, for better or worse, to reinforce that statement.

One of the key fundamental differences between the two is that propaganda is in no way adherent to reality. It sabotages and reflection of reality a work may provide in order to make the writer's statement or opinion look as pristine and flawless as possible. Like said, the statement is nebulous, but I belive this is what people are talking about when they say "keep your politics out of your writing". No one wants to read, watch, play, or listen to some asshole moralize and jerk off themselves off for hours on end.

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Nah, it's totally redpilled on skub. It just wasn't on-the-nose about it.