Don't mind me, just being the only likeable and sympathetic protagonist in a mainline GTA game

Don't mind me, just being the only likeable and sympathetic protagonist in a mainline GTA game.

Attached: 2763428-Niko-Bellic.jpg (360x450, 28.85K)

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CJ was more likable if less sympathetic. I know Zig Forums is gonna say

CJ's backstory isn't sympathetic, he's just a moron.

i liked that dude in black jacket and green cargo pants
didnt say much, but was hardcore

CJ could have just told his retarded traitor friends to fuck off. Niko did everything he did out of necessity.

Darko Brevic collaborated with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

>Siding with Analbanians and Croroaches

Deserved everything he got. Death to Poolacks. Balthurt Belters and all other subhumans.

Why do Rockstar think they're being smart when they give us characters like Trevor (psychopathic, unpleasant, one-note worthless piece of vermin) and Michael (boring, unsympathetic faggot)?

Niko > All of them, and GTA 4 isn't even necessarily the better game.

Niko was very charismatic and I liked him, but there's only so many times he can give a speech on old country and personal change while en route to some two-bit gangster shit before it wore thin.

Niko isn't a perfectly written character, but I think that in and of itself shows just how bad the other GTA protagonists are when he seems so much more winning by comparison to them, just by virtue of having some sort of relatable backstory whereby you could at least make some _minor_ suspension of disbelief in terms of why he ended up in the underworld. With Trevor it's just like Zig Forums: the character and the with Michael it's just... what even is this guy's personality or backstory?

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I mean I love GTA but none of them are exactly a masterclass in narration or characterization.

Trevor is awful but I could see what they were going for if they toned it way the fuck down, a degenerate meth-head would be a pretty good perspective to explore a parody of America. Obviously they turned him up to 11 and left him there.

Michael I think gets more grief than he deserves. He's a sack of shit and he knows it and has all the complexes that come with that. I don't like him, but I feel for him.

Why would you want this?

My god...

Anagram of
Four letter word same as

Mind blown.

CJ is fine, it's just that he's too cool to really have that much going for him outside of being a cool guy who maybe spreads his attention too thin.
Plus you got Sweet hounding his ass

only likeable character in that game is little jacob and thats just to give you more than 0

Unironically would be cool to have more slavic characters in vidya who aren't just Russian villains in Murkan shooters. Would that constitute diversity?

How would Niko respond to hearing this song?

Probably feel a bit embarassed. Most Serbian-Americans love America. They're just upset (rightfully) that Clinton decided to back Albanian Mudslime narco-terrorists above Serbs.

>Forgetting about discount CJ once again
What was even the point?

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I always hated Sweet and his "muh hood", CJ always tried to get himself out of that shithole and when he finally made it, his own brother went full hood nigga crab in the bucket. Fuck you Sweet, you ungrateful cunt.

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>literally Sweet

>CJ literally inflitrates naval base, steals fighter jet, deals with a dogfight and very likely gets marked by all kind of federal agencies
>Sweet: B-b-b-but CJ, the hood!

Why was Sweet such a fucking idiot?

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>CJ befriends the head of a goddamn Triad and helps establish them in Las Venturas while also ousting the biggest crime family from the East Coast
>He also repairs one of the bigger rap-star's career and apparently some European band as well
>Also runs a successful car import and chop shop up north with Caesar

>B-b-b-but muh ghetto!

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>start of the game
>niko doesn't speak english very well, misses and mixes up words and speaks slowly
>as the game progresses and niko spends more time in america his english improves little by little that he speaks more coherently by the end of the game
>even [attempts to] disguise his accent during the bank robbery
all the drama with his VA i feel like no one ever appreciates this.

GTAIV is still the pinnacle of video game storytelling.

Imagine having such a sad and empty life that you lack any sense of loyalty and connection to your home and kin. Hood 4 life.

>you ain't never been clean carl

And Samuel Jackson was right, he was and has always been scum, all he did in not New York is Car theft

Niko > CJ > Claude

What happened to Niko Belloq after the events of GTA IV?