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Of all the things to complain about this is just autistic nitpicking

I disagree. If you want people to take you seriously, you need to be presentable.

>webcamera that has to chroma-key in real time by a program and also get compressed to shit in streaming isn't as accurate as the greenscreen shot on a $79,000 Red 4K thats chroma-key'd out meticulously by a team of visual effects artist over many weeks before being put onto a film reel

stop the presses!

They are Microsoft, announcing their games for the next big console release. They sure as shit should have better equipment and better presentation. Fuck the virus bullshit, this webcam celebrity tv bullshit isnt fooling anyone

He's not even using a good webcam for God's sake. Geoff Keighley had an aftershow and his setup was better than anything I saw in this official Xbox presentation. Also the things you listed aren't as demanding as you think they are.

The dude is just in his house man, who the fuck cares

user, without standards you are nothing but a faggot who eats shit. Are you a shit eater, user? I sure hope not.

>who the fuck cares
This is why Xbox is a dead brand.

Its called professionalism. I know you have no idea what that is, knowing you and your long distance girlfriend probably Skype all day and night without showering in the past week.

You're conflating nitpicking with valid criticism
Yeah, this guy who's had to try and setup a greenscreen in his house due to a global pandemic is the reason Xbox has been failing in recent years
Such a specific example makes it sound like there's some projection going on here

This behavior is indicative of a larger blasé attitude in the grand scheme of things regarding the Xbox brand. In short, they don't care, so why should I?

i made a thread about this before
look at this dude
this is the first thing you show?

Attached: WTFBOX.jpg (1879x999, 204.56K)

>You're conflating nitpicking with valid criticism
holy shit user, I didn't think you were this fucking dumb.

Right, the actual content of this presentation clashing with the pitch wasn't the issue here, it was the greenscreen of an at home setup

how you are one of the, if not THE, leader of the IT industry and start with this dude, badly framed, blurry and with a photoshopped background

the era of greenscreening on webcams is over, they all have focal depth and use software solutions to remove the background


This explains everything. You're a shit eating faggot.

They were advertising for Microsoft Teams, which is meant to be used by regular people with regular (read: shit) laptop webcams. They weren't try to showcase studio-quality greenscreening.

MS small indie studio, very stressful under Chorono Virus. Please understanding.

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They are making do with what they have at home. I don't know if you've heard but there's a pandemic going on, sweaty.

You're doing a rather poor job of convincing me to give this dead brand a chance.

>They were advertising for Microsoft Teams
but why?
to whom? all adults were working during this show

The presentation was shit but the greenscreen wasn't the reason why you pedantic faggot
When was I defending the brand retard? I said it was a retarded nitpick, which it was. How does that relate to my stance on the brand?

How do you know he's not just translucent?

>It's ok to not be professional and have shit visuals

>The presentation was shit but the greenscreen wasn't the reason why you pedantic faggot
You keep missing the point and you don't understand. That's OK. I know you can do better. Keep shilling.

When you chose to defend this third world webcam setup. Why do you care if I spend money on Microsoft's bullshit or not? Is your life support going to be unplugged if I don't buy the Xbox Series X?

>Keep shilling

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You still missed that point.

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You think any of that was real time?

>Why do you care if I spend money on Microsoft's bullshit or not?
I don't. You came up with this headcanon during your schizophrenic rants about a fucking greenscreen from a guy trapped at home during quarantine. This presentation was shit, I have absolutely no interest in getting a Series X within the near future, but the greenscreen nigga doesn't even have the slightest factor in these stances

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It’s not a greenscreen retard, it’s a Teams custom background
t. person who’s been dealing with people using fucking Office and Simpsons custom backgrounds for the past 6 weeks

Then why do you keep responding? What difference does it make?

I knew it was gonna be a shitshow the second they showed this fat fuck.