Petition Demands Sony Not Erase Jill Valentine’s Asian-American Identity

>The desire for inclusion is a big subject right now in Hollywood and should be addressed, but there’s just one issue: Jill Valentine is already a minority! Canonically she is a French-Japanese American character, created by Shinji Mikami and Isao Ohishi over twenty years ago!

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ok now we are sjws bros

Fucking hollywood tards dont even acknowledge asians are minorities kek.

engage in intercourse

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>Asian-American Identity

Isn't she a canon spic or something
I've never heard anything about her being Japanese

Jill's white

If you had asked me if I cared before I'd say I didn't. Who gives a shit about what race a protagonist from RE is?

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It was a trend in jap games to have characters be part-jap back on ps1. Just as a way to appeal to their home market when making a product that seems to appeals to westerners primarily. It's kinda like how Vulcan Raven in MGS1 offhandedly states "ahhh snake, the blood of the east runs through your veins." because his surrogate just happened to be jap.

>morons are petitioning sony over a character from a capcom multiplat
sony derangement syndrome is strong.



It's about movies, and Sony has Resident Evil movie rights.

>demands Sony
>Jill Valentine

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Who gives a flying FUCK about it's movies user? There is more wrong and inaccurate with those movies than Jill's heritage.

>They also note that if John-Kamen does not lock down the role, the studio is focusing their casting on “an African-American actor with mixed heritage for the role.”

I don't understand. RE already HAS a black character for a casting role for fucks sake.

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The movies aren't Canon. Jill is canonically whatever Julia Voth is.

Hollywood must always subvert.

Jill is canonically cute

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>Jill Valentine is already a minority! Canonically she is a French-Japanese American character,
source? the PSX instruction manual?

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Did not know Jill was a French-Nip, wow.

I think a strategy guide or something.


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They're talking about how they cast a black actress as Jill in the Resident Evil movie reboot.



she's part jap?

They will keep Jill French-Japanese, they just make her Asian mother BLACKED by Afro-Frenchman.

What??? She’s part Asiaaaaaan????? I was 6 when the first game came out and she looked full white played by a white actress.

What a stupid petition. Why not demand to bring Julia Voth back instead? She IS Jill. Forever and ever. Amen. Also Alyson Court as Claire.

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Isn't she talking to Rebecca here?

What the actual fuck? Next thing we know Jill is going to be a nigger transbian in the next games and Chris will be a Blacknamese cum eating faggot.

Eww somebody nuke the set with the whole cast, director and whatever in it.



Bruh moment


Yes. Rebecca's calling her a big titted freak.

whatever, Kaya Jill gets my dick hard

If they make an Outbreak remake and Jim is white, I'm executing the hostages.

I always thought she was Latina for some reason. She still is in my head

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why did I say Jill when I meant Claire? Am I a retard?

Nah more like more than half the cast will be replaced by niggers, mutts and faggots.

>check the link
>they want to cast a black woman as Jill
Why do they keep doing this every fucking time?

>Asians trying to get more Asian women into western media while deliberately ignoring a certain elephant in the room

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>I always thought she was Latina for some reason
What in the flying fuck???

>Should John-Kamen decline the offer, Screen Gems is said to be leaving the casting open to all ethnicities, but will be "focusing on casting an African-American with mixed heritage for the role."
really makes you think

Holly is niggerfying everything. Worst offender is little mermaid is being played by a fucking nigger. Why is that even ok? White washing is a crime but you black wash or yellow wash it’s ok? Fuck this direction humanity is taking