Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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tiny Hitler is innocent


Everyone who kept trying to derail the hypothetical despite knowing what Chris was trying to say.

The clone did nothing wrong.

Chris was wrong at first. Tiny Hitler was made innocent. But then Tiny Hitler crossed the line when he stole Clone Shepiffany. That was his first real crime.

Ding dong and matt were in the wrong

Tiny Hitler Homunculus would still have that evil within him therefore he must be eliminated

Whats so hard to understand that its a perfect clone but tiny? From Tiny hitlers perspective he still thinks he did it all, he isn't innocent.

Torture is fucked up. I would’ve just shot tiny Hitler in the head.

Everyone who watches this unfunny faggot

Yeah but he still didn't do anything, your schizo neighbor could think he did the same thing but that doesn't mean he should be tortured.

>be evil clone of hitler with the same mind and thoughts
>some moron protects you from a life of torture because they don't understand your evil nature
>proceed to cuck them immediately after
pretty based desu

The Gameboy Advance SP Blue Edition

but user it was very funny when he screamed woah and talked about the Doug cartoon and Linkara


He thinks the did those things, but he didn't. Even if he's evil, he has committed no crime. Creating him and making him think that he did all those things just to justify torturing him is really fucked up.

Tiny Hitler did nothing wrong

I think a better question is why would anyone create a clone of hitler just to turture him. Seems pointless since he is not the real hitler, even if he has the same thoughts and memories.


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The better question was, would you be upset if Chris was fucking a clone of your significant Shapifanny.

if someone gets off to torture, it would be more ethical to torture Tiny Hitler than an innocent. Like Dexter, kinda

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Its acting as an extension of Hitlers life ,but in a tiny format, just because you're a clone doesn't mean you're automatically absolved of your previous actions. He's basically still the same person (albeit tiny). It doesn't matter if in a physical sense he didn't do anything he's an extension of the same person with the same thoughts and feelings and could basically end up doing it again for all we know.

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Since he didn't elaborate on the specifics of cloning, I'm gonna assume if you can make a tiny Hitler clone and tiny Shapiffany clone, then you could probably mass produce hundred of tiny clones and sell them like toys. Maybe like put them in capsule toys and sell them for 50 cents each. Because of this, Chris was right since you're not torturing the it for Hitler's crimes, you'd just torture it because it's funny

Yes. You're a cuck if you say no.

But tiny Hitler IS innocent. He hasn't done anything

Is my Shapifanny dead or not?


Whats worse Zig Forums?
>Creating a tiny hitler to torture and kill
>Creating a bunch of tiny historical assholes like Rasputin, Hitler, Stalin, and Ghengis Khan and then having them battle royal each other so one will earn their freedom in exchange for our entertainment?

Its a perfect clone and 6 inches tall!

>just because you're a clone doesn't mean you're automatically absolved of your previous actions
You've had no previous actions in this hypothetical scenario

If it's a complete, perfect replica of Hitler at a specific moment in time, then he absolutely did do all those horrible things, his life only diverged when he became tiny

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This but unironically

think of it like this. Hitler has been cornered and has no way to escape. Before he can be killed though he hops into a machine that perfectly copies him (and his thoughts and memories) but small, then he says "Now my dream of world domination will live on!" and blows his brains out. What would you do in this situation with a Tiny Hitler. Would you just let him walk free so he could regroup with his allies and cause more havoc, or make him pay for Normal-sized Hitler's crimes?

Well, e-celeb threads don't belong on Zig Forums but creating something, sentient and alive especially, just to torture it is totally wrong. If any person did that, I feel that they should be killed. This is a fair punishment.

Yeah, just like said it would be for people who wants to torture something because they are degenerates but don't want to be criticised by other people.

It's a completely different living being. And if his existence as Hitler's clone is a terrible enough crime to justify torturing him, then what about his creator?

>perfect clone
>6 inches tall

My Shapifanny isn't 6 inches tall, so how is that perfect?

but he
>a. thinks he did it
>b. is happy he did it
>c. would do it again
it's the same strain of consciousness, it's essentially just reviving hitler to torture him


I posit that's it's more fucked up to try and justified your fucked up torture fetish by creating a fake person and saying they deserve it when they haven't actually done anything

The original Shapifanny is dead. Only the clone remains.

Second choice seems the most humane, as inhumane as it is. They get a shot at surviving and on top of that, you’re not the only one getting off to that sick shit.


Hitler didn't become tiny, he was cloned
The clone is a seperate entity

You are given the opportunity to kill Doug Walker, Linkara, or Spoony. You can only kill one and you will absolutely get away with the murder. Which one do you kill?

But it's a clone and not the same person. It would be different if it was resurrected Hitler that was made tiny because THAT Hitler did the stuff. The clone did not do anything, doesn't mean you shouldn't keep him out in the public if the tiny clone means harm but punishing tiny Hitler doesn't mean he did anything, he just is forced the memories of who it did.

>Zig Forums - YouTube and Twitter

but did he do it?

But the clone, as a theoretical perfect copy, lived Hitler's life up to the point where he was cloned, so what's the difference