Why is every new product a decline in quality

why is every new product a decline in quality

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Because we complain that doing the same thing is bad, but we also complain new stuff is bad.

Nothing lasts forever user.

imagine playing games made by blizzard entertainment in the current year

Classic blizzard: Making games they thought were cool and fun, polishing them to show their pride in their work, lead developers so excited about their IPs they create their own characters and voice them

Modern blizzard: Does what activision tells them to, dont care about anything other than paycheck, a bunch of nobody corporate slaves

All the talented and honest people left the company 20 years ago.

They became big and popular enough to become a business instead of a game developer. This means more money into marketing and focus on profit maximization. Their games are based on marketing research and test groups instead of artistic vision.
Now they have "products" instead of games and the shots get called by a room full of investors who have 0 interest in games and hate risks - thus blizzard will never take risks in their games. This happens to every game developer that becomes big and successful.

starcraft is still the same it has always been.

I feel like you're not wrong, but this doesn't apply to blizzard at all. They do new things that are just fucking retarded.

Blizz became shit right after WoW vanilla, it has nothing to do with activision

Didn't they get a raise in stock? I'm actually shocked that after bullshit like Reforged their stock rose somehow.

How about the people who worked on old games with passion are replaced with retards who want a paycheck?

Because their fans are some of the biggest retards in the industry and will buy whatever they throw at them. Just look at the next expansion for world of warcraft.
>races are cosmetic reskins only
>no new class
>no new profession
>no new battleground
>no new arena
>no new talents
>only ONE new ability and it's tied to your covenant
>only five zones
>only eight dungeons
>most anticipated features are old abilities, revamped leveling from old expansions, and a dungeon crawler

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Cod success also WoW players are big whales and will never quit

Modern Blizzard is basically just a zombie at this point. They're a hollowed out dead husk of their former self that Activision regularly does their best impression of "Weekend at Bernies" with.

I'm ashamed that I've ever played WoW. On both pirate and later official servers. At least I dropped it after WoTLK.

Remember when they fired an ass ton of employees but swore up and down it wasn't anyone important like devs, testes, or artists but only PR people?

And then they were bug testing N'zoth live during the race to world first.

Blizzard is a small indie company, you cant expect them to be able to throw big money around on playtesters for bug fixes. Stop being so entitiled

then, I agree. I was just talking about the Industry in general, Blizzard has objectively fucked themselves.

Blizzard South have never made a good game.
The only talent the company ever had they laid off when they shut down Blizzard North.

Have you seen the new staff? Yeah. Actual competent people replaced by quotas for “woke” insects.

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People come and go user, focus more on the people that made your favorite games and on less the Blizzard branding. It's like modern Bioware.

trying to grow and create a market
vs extracting as much as possible from a mature market

If you believe that, blame the PC market. Development back in the day was exciting because they were learning technology and balancing artistry, in an emerging market. Having Gabe Newell call the PS3 a lousy system that was wasting everyones time made the console manufacturers adapt to PC standards. Something they never intended to do. Idk, I feel condensing the industry was pushed by the PC market, and everything fucked up after that.

Blizzdrones and consoomers still buy them. Why better quality when the product is cost efficient? They can afford 20 more blitzchung controversies, their brand loyalty is still too big to fail.

>Activision Blizzard Exceeds Q1 Outlooks, Reports $505M Net Income

>Activision Blizzard reported a $505M USD profit for the first quarter of 2019, which marks an increase of 13% compared to $447M in the same period of 2019.

>The company generated $1.79B in revenues for the quarter, of which $519M and $452M were contributed by Activision Publishing and Blizzard Entertainment, respectively.

>The game Call of Duty: Warzone, which was launched on March 10, already surpassed 60M players to date.

>Yesterday, video game holding company Activision Blizzard published its financial earnings for the first quarter of 2020. The company generated net revenues of $1.79B, which represents a decrease of 2% compared to $1.83B for the first quarter of 2019.

>In total, the company recorded a net income of $505M or $0.65 earnings per share (EPS), up 13% compared to $447M in the same period of 2019. Activision Blizzard’s Chief Financial Officer Dennis Durkin analyzed that “our first-quarter revenue and earnings were well ahead of our prior outlook, primarily driven by our investment in creative and commercial initiatives for Call of Duty delivering better-than-expected results throughout the quarter. In addition, World of Warcraft continued to over-deliver, and other key franchises and catalog sales also exceeded our outlook benefiting from stronger demand toward the end of the quarter as consumers sheltered at home in many of our key regions.”

Ain't no grave...can hold my body down...

It's a big problem even with minor things like adding new pets and mounts. Why add something cool to the game for the players when you can slap it into the store and charge them 10$

I feel like Blizzard is just going to turn into a mobile game company.

For sure, as far as the industry as a whole goes, you're right. Social media has given everyone this soapbox to bitch about literally everything and anything, I would hate to be a creator of anything. You're either doing the most sterile, community focused shit ever, or if you follow your heart, you're a fucking idiot and a bigot if anything you do is opposed to what I think you should've done. There's no winning anymore.

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they're a western developer. they never had quality.

wow, an user with a brain? Bless you.

Holy shit, why did I laugh at this.

Their structure was shuffled around and now the higher ups at Activision are calling the shots.

Blizzard needs to fall. They're a disgrace to their former selves.

HotS is pretty based for their designs in the current year, too bad they got the axe.

Blizzard is not an indie company you fucking retard. Do you even know what Indie means?

>can't see a sarcastic statement
boy, are you retarded? Get help.

Idk shadowlands looks a lot better than bfa and ow2 looks better than ow. These will also be their first releases since so maybe it was a good thing

He might be autistic. His kind struggles with sarcasm.

Because consistently that talent they had when they were bought out leaves and more activision people make decisions when they know what the minimum they can get away with is.
Blizzard isn't blizzard anymore, and hasn't been for a good while now. It's like trying to convince yourself studios that EA buy out aren't actually EA and are still those studios; that's never the case.