Stop right there, user!

Stop right there, user!

Do you know how fast you were browsing?
Gonna need you to roll down to this checkpoint and open 'er up. Just need to check up on you for a few things between your gaming sessions- a SOUND THREAD idea for your health, no?

Attached: Virtual Checkpoint[].webm (852x480, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you watch this and NOT cringe?

I haven't eaten today but I have paid taxes

How to sounds:
>Have a script extention in your browser: Violetmonkey (recomended), Greasemonkey, Tapermonkey, etc
>Install 4chanX (optional, but recomended)
>Install a sound script of your choice:

>Zig Forums External Sounds
This is the one everyone's been using the past week or so. It makes sounds when you expand images. Forums-external-sounds
Here's a demo:
>Zig Forums Sounds (Playlist)
This is one that was made by an Zig Forumsnon a few days ago- it throws all the sound media in a seperate, floatable media player that doesn't intereact with the thread. Forums-sounds
Here's a demo:
You can use one, the other, or both. They don't interact/affect each other in any way.
I don't know which one you're currently using, so try using the other one.

>Make sure your addblocker/noscript isn't blocking hosting websites such as or pomf

Enjoy sounds on every board!

Attached: F.E.A.R. Is Ridiculous [].webm (640x360, 2.85M)

why not just enable webm's with sound at this point

How to make sounds:
>see video for just attaching sound to a still image

How to sounds for webms/existing videos
>download video using youtube-dl
>convert using webm4restards
>then follow webm instructions

Attached: how to [].webm (1184x664, 2.44M)

Remember everyone, keep it viyda!
And if we go down, or you want to mess around a test something, check out the thread.

That is a very good question, one that will never be answered. Until then, this is the best we've got to the good old days of sound threads on Zig Forums and Zig Forums.
Seen a lot of good OC the past week, hoping more anons getting vision on this will continue that trend.

Attached: [].gif (600x338, 2.61M)

This is the best we got to have webms with sounds on other boards.
Works pretty well too.

webms with sounds are limited to Zig Forums's tiny filesize limit, this has an audio limit far too high for anyone to even come close to reach unless they're being assholes and uploading a whole .flac album or something.

What about that dude who uploaded the first hour and fifty minuets of the halo audiobook?

Attached: Halo Contact Harvest Part 1[].jpg (1647x2475, 296.4K)

Attached: MikonS [].png (243x234, 45.77K)

fuck, user, EVERY thread I click it and it STILL gets me

>not eating and taking care of your own health
We're onto you.

Attached: Somebody is Gonna be Watchin' [].webm (852x480, 2.75M)

my cute license is expired
what do

sorry officer

Attached: 1573357615187.png (393x446, 162.11K)

Fastest way to turn every thread into a hellhole of screamer webms, guaranteed.

Attached: Anon Caught Pirating a McDouble [].webm (1920x1080, 3M)

I don't speak to the lolice.

Honestly it hasn't been that bad this past week. I'd say maybe 3-5 ear rape sounds per thread, and most sound threads get to around ~200 files.

However, if you press E, you get this:

Attached: v mansion at 3am remastered editon [].png (966x644, 1.73M)

meant for

Did he upload the rest?

Attached: thecore [].webm (608x256, 2.76M)

Do you want me to? There's five more parts.

Attached: [].jpg (1024x678, 151.78K)

Attached: [].webm (640x480, 1.58M)

Attached: You got backstabbed in the wrong neighborhood[].webm (852x480, 2.65M)

To filter out newfags and lazy assholes, also anons like get to browse without having to deal with sound

Attached: stone [].jpg (201x167, 9.74K)

Attached: []hello based department.png (410x598, 148.25K)

its better with sound.

how is it filtering newfags when steps to do them are posted in every single thread?

I dunno, try not living through a dozen layers of irony and then either decide to watch things like that or don't.

chinkmoot is a kike and wants to min/max his profits

Attached: [].gif (768x576, 481.27K)

>lazy assholes
>two clicks to download a browser addon
Nah. This will never "filter" anyone and the only people spouting that are childish retards wanting to be elitist about something petty.

Most of them don't go trough it regardless

and you know this how?

>that effort just to have shitty screamer webms

this picture always makes me lose it because the alien looks like he doesn't want to be there
>my feet hurt
>this human chair is uncomfortable
>i wish i was probing cow anuses instead