When is street fighter 6 coming out?

When is street fighter 6 coming out?

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As late as possible if it means a rich experience from day one, I don't want to wait 4 years since launch for it to be a good game.

since evo is online this year and e3 was cancelled they're either bundling their announcement with whatever ms/sony does for their conference replacements, or they'll just say fuck it and go for dropping a trailer 'during' evo.

>enter thread with anime girl ass
>save picture
>leave thread

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Why isn't there a fighting game that's just girls slamming their asses together to see who has the strongest ass

I wanna fuck a big butt

Do people actually think something is worksafe if the nudity doesn't show assholes, genitals, or nipples?

It exists but its mostly fart fetish shit

There was an 8 year break between 4 and 5, and 5 only came out 4 years ago.

Capcom wasn't very financially healthy in the break between 4 and 5, they partnered with Sony to make SF5 for a reason.

It's safe enough for a blue board, backseat janny.

is fighting looks like daaamnnn???

>enter thread with anime girl ass
>post picture
>leave thread

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>Do people actually think something is worksafe if the nudity doesn't show assholes, genitals, or nipples?

That IS the definition of worksafe here, sweetie.


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Sorry. Wrong number.

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Hopefully never


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Muscles too defined
Fuck off homosexual

My boss came up to me while I was admiring that image and told me to keep up the good work. I think I'm in the clear.

>Reverse search
>Found twitter
>90% of his art is FUTA

google and iqdb give me nothing


Seriously, what would it take for you to not buy another Street Fighter game? How low can Capcom go?

Isn't it great when that happens?

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@LewdCactus64 on Twitter

Search harder next time
It's Lewd Cactus

Hopefully never.

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Don't open

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You wasted your time making this

To this day
I would give anything to be put into a headlock with Chun-Li's thighs

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Thank you frriends.

Why are big butts so gross bros?

Good that this picture is from the back cause his faces are wack

>this one isn´t in panda

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>illuminati confirmed

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imagine cumming into these asses in prone bone

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I want her to sit on my face

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>had a swimmer girlfriend with an ass like this and I did exactly that every single day for months

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OP made me think if two people could touch assholes.

Imagine being gay enough to like this level of muscle
Really, if you think about it, liking fighting game girls in general makes you gay becuase many of them range from toned (appealing to closer homosexuals) to buff (appealing to open homosexuals).

Best fucking position
>hottest view
>feels the best
>can put all of your weight against her
Diamonds every time

This. I want a Keijo game.

Doesn't matter since SF is good for nothing but incredibly off-model porn these days.

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Can we all just agree to go back to playing sf4 because capcom will inevitably fuck up the next game just like 5

This guy gets it.

I wish, Capcom refuses to bring back Rival Schools, even Itsuno wants to do it, but Capcom just puts them in the back of a SF stage and calls a day


Thank god this genre has no future and corona will put it in the coffin for good.

that makes it even better

>When is street fighter 6 coming out?
Earliest case scenario? Next year
But i won't be surprised if they bring a new one just in 2022 or even 2023

based anons right there

Holy based. Gonna do the same.

I wish I could bash butts with a girl.

I do this too

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How are they supposed to fund the complete game if you don't buy the broken one when it releases then??

I really hope they do a smash ultimate and just make every character playable again
Where's Oro and Eagle you fucking cunts

>doesn't like fitgirls
Enjoy the lazy, effortless sex as she pancakes on the bed lol

Seriously, do any of you have a link?? I searched everywhere but couldn´t find it...

leg lift against a wall is better

>hating based futa

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I like girls

We all do user, but sadly...

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