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Who did Pete hines rape/ which kid did he molest?

Wow it's like they learned nothing from last time.


>so sensitive the phrase "fuck nazis" triggers a reaction in you

Punching down

Can never get enough poetic justice. Might be richer than me, but I sleep with a sound mind at night.

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Fucking SJWs, they're calling everyone a nazi now. Ofcourse I'm not a fucking nazi.
>fuck nazis

Not about being sensitive, hes trying to point out what a fucking cringe tweet it is.

Hmmm what did they mean by this? Probably the same thing I mean when I say #FuckCommies

Because he wants attention and you fags are giving exactly what he wants

Holy shit this game was good. New Colloseus.. Not so much

what the fuck is a nazi?

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yeah we dont like nazis or you commie faggots. this is america we beat both ideologies and have reigned supreme for decades now unopposed

>How can I shill this 5 year old game that nobody cares about since it's the bargain bin medicore spinoff

You are acting willfully ignorant of the context here.

Nazi's btfo'd.

>so desperate for attention you have to put #FuckNazis in your tweet because the only thing you can do to stay relevant with your marketing is play off American identity politics
Fixed that for you

their marketing campaign for wolfenstein 2 was all about (not so) secretely calling trump supporters "nazis"
Yes, they do call people who are not nazis "nazis", because it's the cool thing to do nowadays, and gets attention + social virtue points

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hating nationalists = hating your country
hating socialists = hating your people
hating true democracy = hating justice
i don't see what is so trendy about hating le ebil nazis

Except now we are collapsing due to mass immigration and jew degeneracy

Isn't the old blood more about zombies and monsters and not even really focused on the nazi part

>Nazi meaning before: Group of National Socialists of extreme fascism during WWII
>Nazi meaning now: anyone that doesn't agree with me
No wonder nobody bought the new Wolfenstein games

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>so sensitive the phrase "fuck nazis" triggers a reaction in you


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daily reminder

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>ignoring the danger hairs link

Holy heck! He's swearing! How heckin' based!

>Uh actually you can't say kill nazis because us totally non-nazis feel offended when you say that.

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It's a dogwhistle, "Nazi" doesn't mean NSDAP party members, it means anyone right of center.

Why didn't you show the original tweet he's replying to?

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the same people who claim to hate nazis would have no idea what to do without them, they are the parasite of an abstract symbiotic relationship they will never understand

bunch of morons with no identity. Same thing with people calling themselves "communists" on twitter, it's so fucking pathetic. Like what do you even do that makes you a "communist", or a "nazi"? People calling out "nazis" are idiots too. They are just looking for a common imgainary scapegoat, so they can get likes on twitter.

>so sensitive the phrase "fuck anyone right of center" triggers a reaction in you

>it means anyone right of center.
It means anybody right of left

Why is he causing more division with sjw politics and ugly women?

where are these Nazis?

Zenimax is run by a Jew named Altman

No one who says "fuck nazis" means "fuck the german national socialist party which died in 1945"

They mean trump supporters, they mean conservatives, they mean anyone who challenges the liberal status quo

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What a fucking weird callback. You don't see anyone wishing happy birthday to gat out of hell.

>toxic types harassing marginalized voices
that's some projection

>suck my dick faggot

The left always show everyone the shit they're hiding deep inside whenever they virtue signal.

>getting bent out of shape because someone said fuck you to you


It's perfectly fine to kill nazis in video games
No one complained when The New Order came out. Or when all the games that came before it came out.
I know you're terminally retarded, but please try to understand the context. "Nazis" does not mean bad guys from WW2 anymore, it means "anyone I don't agree with". It doesn't even make sense to tweet something like "fuck nazis", since all the people from that time are dead or close to the grave. When you tweet something like that, you're directing it to contemporaries you don't agree with, calling them nazis.

Based. The funny thing is, this isn't Zig Forums that's seething in this thread.

Altman was such a thieving scumbag he was banned from working in the banking industry. A white person without intelligence agency connections would've gone straight to jail. So now he works in vidya because it's the second best place to be a non white scumbag.

>butthurt someone on twitter said "fuck you" to a vague identity that you might belong to

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Old Blood was great. Too bad that what came after was pure dogshit.

>paying two fucking real life dollars for a thirty minute power-up because the grindy game spawned two bulletsponges in a tight corridor.

If all of their games since Old Blood were like Old Blood, I don't think anyone would have any ground to stand on to complain about the story sucking.

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the ball swings both ways fucktard
imagine saying "fuck you" to the fans who bought your game

>le Zig Forums boogeyman
Keep drinking that onions

man not even the people tha actualy fought nazis hate nazis as people today

i wounder if the people that fought napoleon and that mongolian rapist whose name i forgot now acted this way

When your fellow Jews ban you from banking you know you fucked up


>not getting bent out of shape when you're being crushed under a heel by people treating you as the villains

Old Blood would be better if it wasn't part of New Order series

No they didnt, because the gaslighting shit that Pete hines is spewing didn't get invented til the late 40s.

Try to redpill that into the brains of millions of Americans and something big might start.
As of right now, unfortunately, most Americans are simply loyal dogs to Israel. And it's going to continue until complete destruction.

There's no outrage to be found there, and most of Zig Forums wouldn't have the patience to play through the dos version of Wolf3d.

>create fuck nazis game
>in which you have to have to defeat obviously superior nazis who have conquered the entire world by using their own technology against them because you're a scion of a defeated culture that was unable to compete with th enazis by any means except poorly written deus ex machina
This is your brain on Bethesda

Got I fucking hate where internet is heading. If you're on a "popular" website like Zig Forums, it's nazis and tankies screaming at each other. If you go to an esoteric website, there's either nazis or tankies. There is no escapism anymore. What they tell people like you or me is to pick a side. I'm not joining your cult. You feel like fakes, not revolutionaries.

the french saw napoleon as based, it was the elite who hated him

Then dont buy the game? Or do? Who cares? Play it if you have fun. Dont play it if you dont want to support the twitter? Whats your point? Bands say "fuck off anyone who doesnt agree with me politically" all the time. only fagtards take that bait

But it isn't 1940. Nazis don't exist.
I read this in crashes voice lol

You know else mocked people for being sensitive? The Nazis.

... I didn't say Zig Forums. I was actually referring to redditors, user.

>crushed under the heel
>he tweeted fuck you in my general direction


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Holy fuck this. If it was it's own thing, it would be instantly raised in quality.

I hear the women of Paris fucked a lot of nazis

I'm not a nazi but would join them if they still existed.

Okay. Fuck you bro
Don't @ me

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This lmao. Do they even know the difference between national socialism and fascism?

Reminder that 90% of Americans said they'd rather lose the war than end segregation.

>b-but killing nazis is an american tradition!!!


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I have no problem with shitting on people waving swastikas around, although I simultaneously acknowledge they have the right. This game came out pre Trump and no one gave a shit, but now with everyone and their mother going "Trump is totally hitler!" it's intellectually dishonest to pretend like you're only referring to Zig Forums larpers.

Holy shit this is an attack. This is war. This is the crime of the century. This is the death of a people! You think Im over reacting? THINK AGAIN! Try to imagine someone saying FUCK YOU bro to you on an image board! UGhhhhh

>true democracy
Are we just gonna pretend Hitler didn't make himself ruller permanently

>redpill that into the brains of millions of Americans
lmao you literally sound like you want to brainwash people you nazicucks are so stupid.

Can we at least agree that Pete Hines is the worst PR manager for a company?

Don't tell me who to fuck.

>Liberal Status Quo
Eyes shut for the last 4 years

Why are they such hypocrites? These are the same people who will champion tolerance for all races and creeds, the same people who claim they're living under an oppressive regime when people they disagree with are put into power, but turn around and say "Fuck Nazis" with zero self-awareness?

Mention that Epstein was a Jew and had politicians in his pocket

Daily reminder

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Blaming immigration for your problems is actually falling for Jewish tricks, if we are focused on hating other races we cannot properly focus on stopping the Jews.

Fully agreed. The fact hyper-sensative snowflakes are upset that someone said "fuck you" to them is mind blowing

>man not even the people tha actualy fought nazis hate nazis as people today
And you know this how?