no other game from a AAA has even come close to what this game is. Price was amazing for content. Prove me wrong.

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It's in my top 10 for sure.

>Price was amazing for content
I don't understand grading a game by that metric since i'm a piratechad.
Do you eat shit if it was given to you for free?

You're right, It's hard to judge something on its normal merits when you bypass systems of value by being a thief.


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It's pretty good

bloodstained is better than bug souls

It was good. Definitely isn't the best game released in the last 5 years, but if you want 'content vs dollars', maybe? That definitely moves it up the list. If you really liked Hollow Knight and want something a little less cakewalk/more challenging, might i advise you look at Rabi Ribi.
It's less normie-friendly but holy god is it good; sure, it's retarded autismo at first glance, but no, no... buried beneath the autistic pedo vibes is a genuinely excellent hybrid metroid/shmup with an absolutely killer OST and boatloads of content.
Rabi ribi is the better game/dollar value, but cannot survive in the competition of normie-appeal.

boring and uninspired

*blocks your path*

platforming is so bad i dropped also you walk too much

I am literally re-starting a new game now after over 60 hours.

It rivals Super Metroid as the best Metroidvania. The only problem is that sometimes it gets way too hard ( like most indie projects) and some secrets are way too hiden.

Still, a freaking masterpiece.

Didn't play it because the art style is ugly and cringy as fuck.

Incorrect, Rabi-Ribi was released in 2016 so your statement is false. A shame, you are off by 1 year

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Kind of a sad state of affair then.

literal bugman game

Completely unironic. The only reason I played Metroid and Castlevania as a kid is because they looked cool. Hollow Knight looks gay as fuck. Like your typical "cutesy" Indie shit. Same reason I haven't touched Ori.

>need to buy the ability to have a map system
>have to "re-buy" the map for every section
>no hand-holding whatsoever so from the start you're gonna waste your money on items that are useless (I bought an egg and it didnt do shit)
>never know where to and have to do boring backtracking
>tedious, boring combat (enemy X does a sound and then charges at you, jump above him when he charges and hit him once with your sword. Rince and repeat 10 times to kill him)

Thats pretty much all I can think of, I tried it and stopped after 5 hours or so because it was boring. Good music/sound and art design though

Ori WOTW is better than HK in every single aspect.

I could, but you wouldn't understand.

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i started ori with 0 expectations and liked it because when you play it's you realise is fun and cool

Damn if you told people back then that newgrounds flash games are the best gaming will have to offer in the future everyone would laugh

the artstyle is fucking incredible are you on crack?? completely hand drawn and full of life i have no clue how it doesn't look 'col'

It's a good game. Extremely polished and well-made, with hours of content. But nothing it did stood out to me or surprised me as somebody who's played most of the Castlevania, Metroid, and Dark Souls games and I don't really agree that it's the best metroidvania and/or indie game ever purely based on it being competent. There's too much walking around between locations and too few upgrades to find compared to a 'Vania or Metroid, where poking around nearly always yields SOMETHING even if it's just a missile tank or whatever on top of the big upgrades. Hollow Knight only has big important upgrades which is fine, but just means there's a fuckton of downtime where you're walking around not getting anything out of it.

If there's one thing I'd give it extra credit for, it's that the explicit choice to make the movement, wall climbing, and dashing mimic Megaman X feels pretty sweet.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it the best game of the last five years, but it's quite good

Yeah, nah. Bloodstained has its perks but was still a big dissapointment. Whereas HK is the best 'vania in years.

Agree. This might be my best game I've ever played. Godhome dlc is awfully hard, but the rest of the game is perfect

Rain World was truly something else.

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>Quarantine is driving zoomers up the wall

I'd say that hollow knight's main competitor is ori and the blind forest and ori and the will of the wisp, also, both of them beats hollow knight in terms of art and graphics

Many of the enemies look poor and could be better distinguished from the background.
The zones themselves look good.

ther is no best game
everyone has different tastes
for me this is completely shit

jesus, I get that everyone has their own opinion, but how tasteless can you get

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Could we ever have a thread about HK without it being bait or shitposting? Like, how's your progress in Godhome if you ever had the patience to grind it out? Did you manage to beat Absolute Radiance yet? Got any bindings down? Or are you still just playing through the game normally, getting stuck on Watcher Knights?