Reminder that consoles are only a thing because marketing campaigns sell gullible normies into the scam

reminder that consoles are only a thing because marketing campaigns sell gullible normies into the scam

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Sure, and also because PC gamers have streamlined piracy. How many games have you pirated in the last year? Who should game developers be loyal to?

imagine not selling your game anywhere and then complaining that people are pirating it

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Surely it's because people want to play videogames but they don't want to have a PC?

>How many games have you pirated in the last year?

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feels good to not fall for this meme

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reminder that your mom is only a thing because your grandparents FUCKED each other.

tehre are many unknown consoles
and those are also sold by unaware parents

Rent free in Pc niggers heads

>PC: much more expensive, much more of a hassle to play due to multiple factors, uncomfortable to play for too long, huge amounts of piracy, and games are PACKED with DRM
>consoles: put disk and play
Gee user I don't know

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>consoles exist because people are brainlets
that was implied in the OP, user

>oh you want comfort and fun?
>lol probably brainlet I'm so high IQ fun is an unknown entity to my intellect

OP is gay

>sitting in a chair is uncomfortable
are you okay, user?

>I want to play games so I will buy a system with no games


lmao we got 5+ launchers now. What is this, 2012?

Lol no. There isn't a single good game that requires another launcher outside of steam.

Now that's some good cope

>much more expensive
not true at all, especially when you factor games being cheaper on PC plus no paid online

>much more of a hassle to play due to multiple factors
only true for old games, which you wouldn't even have the chance to play on a modern console

>uncomfortable to play for too long
are you retarded?

>huge amounts of piracy
not a bad thing

>games are PACKED with DRM
yeah, on consoles the OS is the DRM

Consoles have a lot of games on them.

forgot to quote

I don't remember PC players being such whiny faggots last console launch. It sounds like they're trying to convince themselves that they didn't waste a bunch of money.

Don't bother. PCfags forgot that their platform never had exclusives in the first place
>b-b-but what ab-
Early access games are not games. They are unfinished tech demos with a price tag

Prove me wrong

Yeah, ports.
Stupid child.

>Waste a bunch of money
Like people who bought a ps4, then a ps4 pro +$8 a month for online just to play ports.

Bloodborne is literally the only good game that can't be emulated or played on a PC this entire gen. You consolefags are pathetic.

What amazing PC games am I missing out on that I can't play with a laptop with no graphics card? Unfinished Bannerlord?

I'm glad your country burned.

Opinions are subjective, pushing yours on others makes you an insufferable douche

Is this bait or is this literally your first day from reddit?

Because I don’t share your opinion I’m from reddit?

I don't even have to use the many PC games, even fucking VR has more exclusives than consoles.
>Half-life Alyx
>Asgards Wrath
>Walking Dead Saints and Sinners
Even a fucking meme gimmick device has more good games than the ps4 or xbone.

>S-Stop being mean to me, I don't have shit taste it's just my opinion!

>exclusives are a good thing
console peasants get the bullet too, holy shit

even if I pretended like you have a point, which you don't:
>consoles: put disk and play
this hasn't been the case since the PS360 released

Try harder to fit in

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>N-No you can't say my opinion is shit because le opinion means you can't insult me!

try harder

Get off of Zig Forums. Your faggotry is why Zig Forums went to shit.
>Hey guise I love COD, don't bully me ok