Last of us 2 confirmed goty

Last of us 2 confirmed goty

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this shit is so gay lmao

gotta more like gay almao xD

You just know

A new era of Basedmes is upon us

I always kill harmless dogs in games because it upsets my friends.

How many dogs can a zombie game have lol. Wouldn't it be more impactful if it happens only once?

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>Violence against white men and dogs


>kill the owner adopt the dog

>Dogs are the European man's best friend.
>Incited to kill them in tlou 2
I saw you nose there, Neil. Your goddamn nose and your Talmudic teachings!

rent free


Jews see Dogs a dirty animals so it makes perfect sense

>not liking dogs
Fuck I knew incels were low-test but this is next level

The concept of a alpha male triggers them


>console games are finally catching up to the level Postal 2

All the dogs in Postal 2 were Pitbulls (or niggers as I like to call them), so that game doesn’t really count. Also, No Regerts looks like garbage.

haven't we known about this? This is gameplay from the demo:


I think it looks promising, but I can't get used to Jon St. Jon's performance as Postal Dude. Sounds too much like he's doing a voice, not natural at all.

Dude I’m actually studying Talmud and Dogs have a special place in Judaism.

Which GOTY? IGN's? Gamestop's? Burger King's?

Why there is no Abs in any of the trailer when she takes at least half of the game?

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>trained attack dogs used for hunting game and attacking humans
>having names
>having owners that would cry if they died
lmao. It's been how many years since the world ended? Dogs are tools. Do you cry if your axe breaks? No, you get another axe.

Not really the police use dogs the same way

Because that would be a major spoiler, retard. Like having the flood in the Halo trailers when because they take up half the game.

I bet you like MGSV, retard.

>Ha ha we made the game even more tear jerking now. Gone is just the heat breaking joel death. Now you got dogs dying too.
>Doesn't let us experience it first hand and ruins the mystery behind the first time it ever happening.
Are they really this stupid? Are the really?

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The fireflies just defend their little compound, they probably don't see that much action really. But they still ganked joel lmao

I played half or 2/3 of it before I moved on to another game. I didn't buy it though.