What games have the burgerpunk aesthetic?

What games have the burgerpunk aesthetic?

Attached: burgerpunk.jpg (736x586, 124.89K)

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is this a real image?

Yeah, it's a truck/rest stop.

Yeah, most of middle america will generally look similar to this. Mostly on highway areas.

old and busted

American here, any town I drive through between major urban centers is basically indistinguishable from this. There's some regional fast-food or gas station chains that are only in some parts of the country but besides that this is not only real but incredibly normal.

Skate 1, 2, and 3

there's a fucking sign for shell gas prices outside of a quizno's. No this is not real you moron.

say what you want though
it is Comfy
there's also an Arab and Euro version of this truck stop floating around but I can't find it

Attached: burgerpunk.png (1502x1199, 2.13M)

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The shell is behind the quiznos, you toilet brain. It's right there.

Oh I don't mean it as an insult. It is very comfortable because when I pass through an area like this it always feels familiar, and usually means I'm on some sort of trip or outing.

that's called economic activity , i don't expect you to undestand that of course you nigger, we probably beat you in some war

Half Life 2

That's not what truck stops look like at all. It's probably a small town adjacent to a highway.


This is basically where I live down to the finest details.

it's a town that most likely exists solely because it's a midway point on an interstate. but you're right that it isn't a truckstop

welcome to allen, texas. and what the fuck is a bahama breeze?

Post more burgerpunk kino

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Burger here. This is what middle America looks like.

and I honestly wouldn't want it any other way

>3 different gas stations all within walking distance of each other
do americans really?

>my town only has one
Then again, it's not 'up and coming' but 'old and decaying'. Only factory in town's been closed since before I was born, and it's usage as a railroad hub has been gone for even longer.

why would i walk anywhere, Eurotrash? that’d be for n’words

I live a few hours away from it, it's a rest stop in the middle of nowhere. It exists solely for the convenience and business of travelers and delivery drivers. The surrounding area is actually pretty beautiful unincorporated nature, and the nearest residential areas are typical small towns.

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I love drive-thru towns, imagining the lives of the people who depend on traffic from the highway in order to stay alive. It's such a precarious existence. I wonder how they're doing right now.

>3 gas stations within walking distance
>they all have the same price for gas
the absolute state

When you're on the interstate every exit leads to something like this, since America is fucking massive and we need burgers, toilets, and coke every 12 miles. Some towns are pretty much only rest stops + a cracker barrel.

this is Pennsylvania though

That’s just generic anglo setting

>nearest Quiznos is damn near an hour away

>every 12 miles.
Obviously you haven't driven through Wisconsin. I envy you

That’s nothing, multiple sets of mcdonalds, burger king and wendy’s in the same street is when shit gets real

Yeah it does look pretty comfy. Hard to explain why, it looks alive, like some kind of down to earth small town version of the cyberpunk "neon signs everywhere" aesthetic. That combined with these stops usually being a place to rest for travelers.

I'll say GTA because that's the only obvious one I can think of, but I'm interested to know if there's anything more fitting.

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It's a fucking truck stop. They need capacity to serve however many vehicles come through.

Does anyone here live in some irrelevant dead end town in America? What's it like?

I don't get this picture. It's half a retail park -- what's the issue exactly? It's clearly trying to make a point about Americans, but there's plenty of locations like this in England. Hell, when I went to France there were loads of places set up like this.

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$950/mo for a studio apartment in a random suburb?

The concept of the truck stop is ancient
Before truck stops there were caravan stops, spaced exactly a day's worth of travel away from each other.

looks comfy

Average american town

Have you honestly never seen a KFC / Quiznos or literally any fast food place built into a gas station? They're at every fucking exit

Sucks. No jobs, spics everywhere
Nice scenery though, relatively few niggers, and some nice places for camping not even an hour out. Police tend to be chiller dudes than in the cities, too

>a hub separated from the rest of the town for merchants to sell goods and services to travelers


Not the guy you're talking to, but I live in Vegas, and love to drive out of the city into the roads of nothingness with those signs of "Last Gas Station for 300 miles".
I used to live in Texas too, but I would fly out of there, my buddy would drive from Ft.Worth to visit his grandparents in Arizona. Fucking madman.


well obviously when we talk about endless truck stops, we AREN'T talking about the Big Empty that is middle USA.

why is no one posting burger kino

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I went on holiday to Florida back in 2006 and we stayed in a house in Kissimmee (I think) that fit this perfectly. Right down to the Walgreeens at the intersection leading into the suburb. Spooky how accurate these generalisation pics can be sometimes.

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Used to drive from Tyler to Idaho once a year to visit family. I'd stop over in Utah. That whole area is really beautiful, one of the comfiest drives in America imo.

it took the photographer 3 days and a hydraulic cherrypicker crane to take it but yeah its a real place

Yep, I'm in Florida so an exit is required every 5 minutes so the old folks don't peepee their pants.

>It's probably a small town adjacent to a highway.

You can see the Interstate at the back of the photo. "Truck stop" probably isn't the most accurate term but it's the same idea, it's an intermediate exit between two major cities (in this case Harrisburg and Philadelphia) that typically concentrate a huge number of hotels, gas stations, and fast food joints/diners immediately surrounding the exit as truckers and travelers use them frequently when crossing a country that's 4000 miles across.

Europeans have trouble understanding this as their countries are often quite small (hell even Montana has roughly the same land area as Germany) so the idea that this is a logical arrangement and not some reflection on
>durr capitalism has failed
>durr Ameridumbs only eat fast food
is generally lost on them.

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I live in rural Missouri near a town that's going nowhere and personally I think it sucks ass. I imagine if I lived in some state out west I could at least do some kind of /out/ shit in the woods. Here it's just ugly farm towns. The upside to irrelevant shitholes is the pretty good cost of living, and the people are tolerable.

Pennsylvanian. PA is basically middle America, just a little more east.

Been here many, many times, if you guys have any questions. It's Breezewood, PA, and looks nothing like this picture (taken at almost the perfect angle to get all the shops stacked on each other)


most of PA feels like the midwest, it's a weird state

don't anymore but I did. it's much better with the internet, used to literally just walk for hours to kill time


it was formed due to some weird laws about highways, and then became the sole economic activity in the county so it's politically impossible to close that loophole. something about always having to have a choice between free roads and the paid turnpike

Who /everything is terrible/ here? Nothing is more burgerpunk than 80-90s VCR

>What's it like?
Hell on earth. My family has no money, and the only jobs here are in the service industry, so unless you're really smart or really lucky, if you're born here you die here.

I miss having scenery and trees in my life, but I really do love vegas, it's an interesting corporate shithole.
It's pretty much pre-cyberpunk. All these big companies who own the town, while everyone scrambles for a job. The only difference is that Unions fight the corps for the rights to fuck over the everyman. And then something like this pandemic comes along and shuts everything down.

What also blows Euro minds are that most of things in OP's pic operate on a 24/hr schedule and see some business at pretty much every hour.

The original Borderlands games and Pandora reminded me of my childhood playing in the woods and streets of the Rust Belt, complete with the mild retardation and rusted out washing machines inexplicably dumped in the middle of the wilderness. Only, there were less blacks in Borderlands.

>wrestling at wal-mart

this is indeed kino

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if I had any I would, please keep posting more

That image is well over a decade old, I think its from 2006 or 2005 and has been used to mock American consumerism ever since.

Xbox 360 Dashboard 3.0

i was in Houston outskirts during transit
your pic is what i saw, everything was just empty, it doesn't feel natural

Eurofag here, are americans allowed to plant trees in their suburb property like that?

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>That entire picture
Just, why.

I don't even live near a rest/truck stop and I can walk to 5 different gas stations within 15 minutes.

Hell no. The HOA owns the land, you're renting it from them. If you want to plant something you need to appeal before the HOA council and hope to god one of your neighbors doesn't hate you and get it denied because it would block their sunlight or something.

god that sounds depressing, I live on a tiny island so I can relate but it must suck to be in a bigger country and still feel stuck unless you just gamble your whole life away on moving to a better part of the country

Depends, if it's piecemeal buying then you can get a house for whatever asking price and generally do what you want with it. But most of those homes are going to be purchased as a group by some realty company and rented/leased out and managed by a Homeowners Association deal, which will likely stipulate something like "We work to ensure the quality of the neighborhood as a whole" which means you don't get to stand out too much and you'll need approval to do things.