ITT: post H-game perfection

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>mobile-tier gameplay with generic sex scenes
how is this any better than one of those 100000 hentai card battlers

because it's actually fun

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Absolutely brainless. Sengoku has actually good strategy/grand conquest gameplay. If you stripped the porn, it would easily be ranked among the best for the genres.

if the game is brainless, how is it a good strategy game? are you retarded?

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MGQ and Black Souls are kino.

>The only gameplay VNs ever posted are either Rance or Monster Girl Quest
Did Japan stop producing this stuff or do people just not bother translating?

most porn game devs don't focus on making good gameplay because their selling point is the porn, not the game.

100% kino

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isn't she from muv-luv? eroge aren't exactly h-games unless they're nukige

There's only a few companies making these kind of games, AliceSoft being the main one, and most of them don't get translated.
There's also a shitload of rpgmaker shovelware with "gameplay" which is what most EOPs spend their time playing.

you forgot Kamadori Alchemy Meister

Assuming this isn't just a stealth Rance thread, Forest of Blue Skin is probably the best-designed H-game I've ever played.

It shows its budget/freeware status readily but in terms of the core concept I've never played anything like it. To the point that I would probably enjoy it quite a lot even if it wasn't an H-game.

he forgot tons of games

Black Souls is depressing, but good

Will MGQ Paradox Part 3 come out and get translated before all of FFVII remake is done is the question now

>it will never EVER get translated
i-it's not fair bros...

FE but the gameplay and story is actually good
Arvy best girl

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As far as actual games goes, soreyuke burunyanman is perfection

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>he hasn’t learnt Japanese

Explain to me the appeal of porn games with real gameplay. Porn games, no matter how good, are always going to be inferior to real games because so much time is wasted on the porn aspect. For every "good porn RPG" there's 1000 better real RPGs. For that, I'd rather they just make the game have no gameplay and focus entirely upon the porn.

That makes no sense.

Nukige are the least talked about porn games for a reason and that is all sex gets boring and leaves no lasting impression

I really like spreadsheet games and simulators/tycoon games so I have a lot of fun playing games like Whoremaster and Free Cities and era games that focus on stuff like that. I honestly don't even jerk off when playing lewd games, for the most part, unless it's Sims or someshit.

Do you still have a copy of this shooter? I can't find it anywhere.

Are you retarded? The appeal is to make the porn a reward.

why 2 hours for fapping and 2 hours for gaming when you can do both for 4 hours at the same time
Also name a game better than Kichikuou Rance

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>name a game better than Kichikuou Rance
sengoku. Name 1 think KR has over it

Explain to me the appeal of VR games with real gameplay. VR games, no matter how good, are always going to be inferior to real games because so much time is wasted on the immersion aspect. For every "good VR RPG" there's 1000 better real RPGs. For that, I'd rather they just make the game have no gameplay and focus entirely upon the immersion.

Porn is a far more tangible and satisfying reward than any virtual achievement whose only purpose is digital dick measuring
Additionally, since porn games are all indie games with a niche target audience, they don't need to appeal to the lowest common denominator. So while Dragon Quest XI has to focus on beautiful cutscenes to tell a story you already seen a million times and being an easy entry point to JRPGs with lower difficulty, MGQ Paradox for example can take more risks with a more complex story, 300+ recruitable party members with an crazy in-depth job system and literal hundreds of hours in an insane postgame dungeon filled with superbosses.

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Eushlly makes some really fucking good games. If their older ones were translated people on Zig Forums would be praising dungeon miester as kino

dogshit opinion

Story and World
More interesting and impactful choices like choosing to ally with Patton or take the Helman general's daughter hostage or choosing between Nagi or Shizuka
can choice who to fuck
Cooler art
more interesting places to explore
Dungeon aren't a drag
More threatening demon invasion
The strategy gameplay is the only thing I can think that is better

Best H game ever

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