Fuck bloodborne

Seven hours and forty nine minutes

I've died 77 times

Fuck Father Gascoigne. At some point, it's obvious it's the fucking games fault - it's bullshit. Fuck this game.

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Damn, OP, that's really unfortunate. Maybe give up on the game at that point? Even if people say it's a good game, if you're not enjoying it then why continue?

stop pretending any soulslike game is hard, if you hit a roadblock, go level up a few times, bloodborne is especially a game where each single point into a stat is incredibly noticable.

L2 parry faggot. Also fire. Also serrated weapons.

I can't give up now

how do I parry with the wooden shield? Also can I get a better shield somewhere?

>stop pretending any soulslike game is hard, if you hit a roadblock, go level up a few times
this is even more true for sekiro, holy shit

BB was my first souls game and I probably died 50 times to Gascoigne. He filtered me so hard I didn't play the game again for over a year. My advice is to just look up how to cheese him, none of the other base game bosses are nearly as difficult.

You parry with your gun, shield is a meme in this game

How do I beat the terrible framerate?

I tried levelling but it didn't help.

get the pc version

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You're not supposed to use the shield it's a joke item that does nothing to protect you

I never beat him. I enjoyed exploring not the bosses so I always summoned help.

Did this retard unironically use a shield in Bloodborne? Souls-fags need to die

To beat gascoigne u have to fight like a man not a bitch. that is bloodborne style. attack and sidestep. aggression.

Literally how. Played this game years later nearly blind. And unironically killed him first try. The entire game was probably the easiest Souls game i've played until the DLC.

not easy game. u are master player.

>I can't give up now
Sunk cost fallacy. There's literally nothing wrong with giving up, especially if you're struggling and not enjoying yourself, and I'm sure there's other games you enjoy that you would be better off playing.
I'm certainly not going to care if you keep playing and beat the boss, nor if you decide to quit. Are you having fun?

this a troll thread

>tfw just beat the game today but didn't realise it would auto start in NG+ and now I missed the DLC

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Watch an in depth video on parry timing

u can't play dlc if u start ng+?

Let me give you a tip which makes the game trivially easy:

Dodge forwards into the enemy.

There you go. You'll now beat every boss first try. You're welcome

I can but I need to go through up to amelia again and I heard it's really difficult even without ng+

might just try a new build in ng instead

DS3 is the first one that doesn't auto start NG+

>I've died 77 times
fucking how? I'm shit at vidya and I died less than that throughout the entire game.

to be honest I forgot it even did that in Dark souls and DS2

Wrong, DS2 was the first game in the series to do it.

They give you a gun for a reason

77 times. To fucking Father Gascoigne?
Holy shit some people are absolutely pathetic at video games. If you really need the crutch, get the music box from his daughter. It stuns him.

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BB's NG+ is a joke

ah yes that makes sense. bummer.

I one cc’d it on my first playthrough OP

When is the best point in the game to play the dlc?

Thanks for beta testing Demon Souls by the way :)

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After you kill Micolash