I've never played an AC game

I've never played an AC game

So uhhhh which ones are actually worth playing? Or is the entire series just shit?

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Black Flag is the only good one.

Its subjective really. Play the ones with settings/time periods that interest you.

AC 2 is free on uplay at the moment. You can skip AC 1 but it still worth playing

Black Flag and Odyssey

The settings of Origin and Odyssey interest me the most, but ive seen people talk a lot of shit about those ones on here

First if you want the gist of the story but gameplay gets repetitve
Second and expansion if you want improvement of everything the first one did.
Black flag for boats.
I've played the french and limey one, they're repetitive and story is wacko, i'm fairly sure the egyptian and greek one sucks as well.

>skipped 1
>played 2 and 100% it, time of my life
>played brotherhood and couldnt finish it
>never touched revelations
>played 3 and only got a little bit after getting connor
>played 4 and only got to Havana
>never played any of the others
Is it worth finishing the ones I haven't
Is it worth playing Unity or Syndicate or the others

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Its not. Its still the same boring follow/trail quest bullshit.

I've only played odyssey and its serviceable at worst.
The tedious grinding and mostly barren open world hurt it, but the combat isn't any worse than similar games, and the gameplay loop is decent.

Origins is good, if a bit bloated.
Odyssey is dog shit, tho.

2 and Brotherhood for the general feel of the franchise, it's also the titles which most people started with. Black Flag if you like naval battles and pirates. Syndicate is pretty cool but Zig Forums hates it.
Anything else is subpar, avoid Unity because it's a mess.

Play the Ezio trilogy(AC2, brotherhood, revelations) but ONLY the main storyline, don't bother doing any optional stuff or you might get burned out fast.

Next play black flag. The pirate aspect sets it apart from the rest.

Then switch over to the "NU" creed games origins and odysee, the RPG elements make exploring and doing optional stuff more meaningful and the world design and graphics are phenomenal. I prefer origins a bit over odysee but that cause i'm a sucker for ancient egypt

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This. One of the best parts of this series was the history sim parts.

The good ones are quite old and outdated and the new ones are shit.

first game

AC1 unironically has the most soul out of all those.

>Is it worth finishing the ones I haven't

Try origins or odysee, the rpg elements make it quite a different experience. Also the movement is completely overhauled and feels much better and the combat is a bit more like dark souls like games

1 -2 - 4 - Unity.
4 is really good but not so much as an AC game just a fun pirate game.
There are two spinoffs of two if you want more of the exact same thing.
2 is free from uplay atm.

I thought Odyssey was basically a better version of Origins but in greece?

Play the first game or Unity for "classic" Assassin's Creed with focus on stealth
Play Black Flag or Rogue if you want an open world sailing action/adventure
Play Origins if you want massive open world RPG

Or just play whichever game has the historical setting which interests you the most

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These fucks need to do a remake with less repetitive gameplay. Atmosphere in the game was perfect

they are VERY different. You can't really compare them with 1-Unity.

brotherhood was so forgettable, i legitimately forgot i played it



Brotherhood is very underrated. It's not the most memorable but its enjoyable to play. If u like AC2 its literally AC2.5

II is -the- quintessential one for the series. It's like the OoT of assassins creed

Between Brotherhood and III, one of them sucks and the other is basically a true expansion and sequel to II. Can't remember which lol

Black Flag is a horse of a different color but surprisingly fun. 8/10 at least

Odyssey is really mediocre. The open world is damn impressive but doing anything outside of the main quest is exhausting and repetitive which makes the world feel empty. 5-6/10

They'll never do it. And if they did, they would absolutely butcher the shit out of it. AC1 is clearly the one the Desilets influence shows the most and Ubisoft despises him.

>Between Brotherhood and III, one of them sucks and the other is basically a true expansion and sequel to II. Can't remember which lol
I meant to say Brotherhood vs Revelations. Brotherhood is basically II, revelations sux

yes i wish we could have seen his vision. not new game every year not leading to anything

They're the most different from other games in the series but they are probably most representative of the new one coming up if that's what you're interested in.

Personally my favorites are the Ezio games (2, Brotherhood and Revelations) and Black Flag but I would recommend Origins if you wanted to play the 'new' style of Asscreed over the old.

I am playing origins right now and I like it.

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black flag is $8 should i get it?

still mad. Fuck Ubisoft.

Odyssey is fun don't listen to him, if you like Origins you will like Odyssey

Shit series with bland gameplay and a completely ridiculous nonsensical plot.

1 and 3.
2 iand its expansions are meh.
Black flag is not an AC game.
Rogue is the same as black flag except it has the worst writing in the series.
The rest is trash.

I hate the RPG system in Odyssey desu. the combat is still shit but you're forced into either from enemies not dying from critical assasinations or walking into one of the forced combat sections. Level system makes the game on-rails in an open world since you'll do piss for damage against enemies 2 levels or more higher than you and enemies 2 levels or lower die to a stiff breeze.

I get they still printing money with these games but how damn how is Ubisoft so stupid enough to let him go? He created The sands of Time and launched one of their biggest franchises. Why the fuck would they not give him more creative access.

only played the 2nd one but it was enough for me to realize that this franchise is aids and I won't bother with it ever again.

Start at the first one and keep going until you are no longer having fun.

From AC1 to Syndicate are all great. Unity and 3 are my personal favourites. Revelations is a bit mediocre but not as bad as people say. Syndicate has excellent missions and characters but there's much less parkour thanks to roads and the rope launcher which is a minus for me. Origins and Odyssey are AC in name only, changing from action to RPG focused. Personally I don't like them but whatever
The modern day story was good up to 4 but after that it loses purpose and goes nowhere

I think he had a clear vision with a beginning middle and end.
Ubisoft saw a formula they could cut and paste into infinite time periods and make endless spinoffs of. My guess is he wasn't cool with the Ubisoft approach and dragged his feet/ killed the vibe for others who were onboard.

Play 2, 4, Unity and Origins. Those are probably the best games mechanically, and showcase the breadth of the series without too many of the downsides.

AC2 onwards. The original is a tech demo for what a good creed game would be. Don't let faggots tell you that origins and oddessy aren't "real" creed games, they are smoothbrains who didn't bother trying stealth.