Let's talk about Automata

Let's talk about Automata.

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I got the game on my birthday and I loved it. The plot is very interesting.


Whoops, my caps lock was on. I'm not retyping that shit. Hit "post".

nice porn

>that anatomy


I pirated this game after watching the first 20 minutes or so because I liked the music. I also have a soft spot for tear-jerkers. Without too many spoilers, what can I expect out of this game?

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if you are a softy it will probably get to you a few times.

play it on hard otherwise is too easy.

I'm a huge softy. I cried at Aerith's death in FF7 and the final scene in Crisis Core. Off the top of my head: Bioshock 2 neutral sacrifice myself ending, TWD season 1 ending, Lisa RPG, The Witch's House true ending.

2B dies

Then it's going to destroy you a few times, even with its side characters.

Let's not and post 2Butt instead

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damn then you will probably like this game since i seen a bit of people on Zig Forums say it made them cry at this one particular point. only one point really got to me and it hit me hard but you have to really play the game for those moments.

Based. 2B hates trans rights.

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c[A]me for the thighs
stayed for the cri[E]s

Thanks, I'll give it a go. I just wish I had a better controller though.

what a thrill

not him but i cried everytime the credit song played. That song is just too good.

I hate how all the discussion is just coomershit because its definitely one of the best games of this generation, especially if you have a legit love for vidya. So much Ikaruga and Treasure in this game.

Tried it on Game Pass. Thought it would just be a boring weeb game but it's actually pretty neat. The gameplay is incredibly fun and unique. I loved the perspective changes and how she would slap the camera away whenever you looked up her skirt. I have a genuine question... Why is a robot so sexualized though? Is it supposed to be some sort of tactical advantage to distract people or were the greasy Japanese businessmen trying to bait neckbeards into buying it?

something about embracing the beauty of mankind i think. could be wrong though

The creator is just really horny my dude. He's asked on twitter for people to stop sending him individual images and instead make zip files full of 2b porn and send it to him all at once instead.

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Fag detected

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They delivered?

Credits and ending Y almost always get me

Was the disposal of you know what ultimately plotted by the machines or some kind of android command?

its good, 2b is an exterminator android designed to kill 9s

how is she going to do that? sit on his face? haha

You can blame all the secondaries who have never even played the game. More coomers than people that have actually played the game.

Boy i certainly would't want that to happen to me no sir haha

I love 2b I just wish she didn't wear the silly blindfolds.

Of course. My man really likes legs.

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A surprisingly deep meta-narrative about what it means to be alive. The aliens who created the machine life forms are long dead. Humanity is also extinct.

2B's ass 10/10

Nier Automata: 1/10

How does it feel that Automata's sequel is in a MMO crossover raid series?

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the new song fucking SLAPS though

it's on sale on xbox

I played for a few hours and the combat felt like a Platinum Games title trying to ape an ARPG. Does it get better or do people only like this game for the plot?

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they had a whole extra megabyte to work with, but they chose to make that compressed garbage instead

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Based Yoko Taro

Cringe simp Druckman

>boss literally one shots you
Literally worse than nioh, except here you can spam evade without consequences.
